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by The Annoyed Man
Wed Oct 26, 2016 10:56 am
Forum: Federal
Topic: I voted!
Replies: 125
Views: 30397

Re: I voted!

My wife and I voted this morning. I voted Trump/Pence for POTUS/VPOTUS, and a mixture of republican and libertarian on the down-ballot.

And, I voted FOR Grapevine Prop 1, to allow liquor stores in town. Personally, I didn't need to do that.....I live 1 block from Colleyville, which passed a similar ordnance a few years ago, and there's a liquor store about 10 blocks or so from my house. Now, I don't drink much, so for me it's really a non issue, but it hasn't seemed to hurt Colleyville any, and I'm a free market capitalist. If a given liquor store does turn out to be a problem, there are mechanisms in place for getting rid of it, which are applicable to any business. I just figured that voting against was kind of like convicting someone of a crime without evidence. All I know is that the liquor store 10 blocks from my house hasn't presented any more of a problem than it was when they just sold sammiches and gasoline.
by The Annoyed Man
Tue Oct 25, 2016 11:31 am
Forum: Federal
Topic: I voted!
Replies: 125
Views: 30397

Re: I voted!

John Galt wrote:
infoman wrote:Everyone will say I'm a troll, but I'm voting democrat. I've been a proud member of this forum since 2009 & hope to continue a long time to come. I have an LTC & have a good friend that works for DPS, also my stepdad was an instructor until recently. I don't particularly care for either candidate & I think there were much better candidates in the primaries. But, I do lean left & I do think we're better off with her vs Trump. I support strict gun laws, but I also know (100% know) that Texas will continue to have an LTC & nothing will change that. The 2nd amendment will never be "done away with", No president is history has or ever will do away with the 2nd amendment. that's my 2 cents. Bash away at me.
In my early voting life I voted Democrat, and was very involved in the party. I changed my affiliation to Republican as soon as I realized that the Democrat party was becoming the American Communist Party, and I have never looked back.
I might add that at one time there were conservative Democrats in Texas.
Ditto. I was a registered democrat from 1970 to 1994, and a registered republican from 1994 to 2012. I'm an independent today. And just to make myself sound like infoman, "I probably know more about everything than most members of this forum. Because I said so, and that's all you need to know." :lol:
by The Annoyed Man
Tue Oct 25, 2016 4:13 am
Forum: Federal
Topic: I voted!
Replies: 125
Views: 30397

Re: I voted!

infoman wrote:Everyone will say I'm a troll, but I'm voting democrat. I've been a proud member of this forum since 2009 & hope to continue a long time to come. I have an LTC & have a good friend that works for DPS, also my stepdad was an instructor until recently. I don't particularly care for either candidate & I think there were much better candidates in the primaries. But, I do lean left & I do think we're better off with her vs Trump. I support strict gun laws, but I also know (100% know) that Texas will continue to have an LTC & nothing will change that. The 2nd amendment will never be "done away with", No president is history has or ever will do away with the 2nd amendment. that's my 2 cents. Bash away at me.
No, they don't "do away with" the 2nd Amendment, they chip away at it until it has no more meaning than the 4th or 5th Amendments have anymore. Do you seriously think, as of today, that the 4th Amendment actually protects your right to be secure in your person, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, in a world in which civil asset forfeiture exists, in which your right to privacy is nonexistent, in which your personal medical records are now controlled by an overarching fedgov't (a democrat idea, by the way) instead of by just you and your doctor, etc., etc., etc.?

THAT is how leftist (and some RINO) politicians "do away with" the 2nd Amendment. They chip away at it until it is no longer really respected in the breach as an individual right. YOUR candidate has already promised to do exactly that, but you're OK with it? Frankly, that's bovine manure, and you are deceived about the security of your rights under Hillary Clinton. She has publicly declared that she thinks the Court got it wrong in Heller when it declared the 2nd Amendment to be an individual right. She has publicly promised to appoint SCOTUS justices who will vote to reverse Heller (and McDonald) if they can get a case before them..........and don't you believe for ONE MINUTE that Hillary Clinton won't make it a point to assign her "Justice" Dept to find a case to get before the court so that she can get Heller slapped down. Why? Because she has already promised to do just that!!!

On the day that she appoints SCOTUS justices who are guaranteed to overturn Heller and McDonald, I flat DARE you to come back here and defend your vote. I'm not going to call you stupid, or a traitor, or any of that kind of bloviating, but I AM going to say that you are badly deceived, having placed your faith in a fundamentally evil person, and say that your vote for Clinton indicates a deliberate unwillingness to consider the facts of both her record and her spoken word, as well as the history of democrat abuses of the Constitution throughout the entire 20th and 21st centuries to date. You have scales over your eyes.

Personally, if I were in your shoes, I would be ashamed to come back here say within a year of a Clinton victory and try to defend your vote, because in terms of the 2nd Amendment, it will prove to have been indefensible. However, it is your right to be wrong as hades. I hope you enjoy every bitter drop of the results if she wins.

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