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by The Annoyed Man
Mon Oct 05, 2015 10:34 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Costco Gun Policy
Replies: 65
Views: 14234

Re: Costco Gun Policy

baldeagle wrote:
WinoVeritas wrote:I'm liberal and I always CC in Costco. I no more care where they send their money than I do where Hobby Lobby sends theirs. My wallet does my purchasing and I have no intentions of cutting off my nose to spite my face. I wouldn't have many places to shop in Texas if I allowed politics to rule my purchases.
Every person has to make that decision for themselves. For me personally, I refuse to do business with companies who would deny me my rights, and I refuse to patronize people who would do so. Therefore I do not watch certain movies, because the actors in them are openly hostile to my beliefs. For example, I will not watch anything that Alec Baldwin is a part of.

My life, my choice.
My own position falls somewhere between these two. There ARE places I do boycott.....the Grapevine Mills Mall for instance, which is posted 30.06. OTH, I agree with WinoVeritas that I can't cut off my nose to spite my face. I honestly have NO idea how most of the owners/managers/employees feel about my RKBA in most of the businesses I enter, and part of being a discreet CHL is not making a big deal of asking how they feel about guns when I enter the store. If I don't see a sign that has any legal effect on me ("gun-buster" signs don't count), then I enter. If they are posted with a 30.06 compliant sign, then I do not enter. Simple. As for entertainment, well, it kind of depends on the subject of the movie. Matt Damon is no friend to American gun owners, but I WILL be going to see "The Martian" because it is (according to gun owning pro-carry friends of mine who've seen it) an excellent movie on a topic that interests me. I have friends at my church - which is overall a pretty conservative church where most members are 2nd Amendment supporters - who are not very pro-2nd Amendment. What am I going to do? Never speak to them again? My Jesus is bigger than that. They are wrong on that issue, but I still love them. My own mother hates guns and thinks they should be gotten rid of the way Great Britain did. I still love her. If I made an issue everywhere I went out of guns and my right to carry them, I would pretty soon run out of places to do business with. So I only deal with it in those instances where a given business has directly affected me.
by The Annoyed Man
Mon Oct 05, 2015 9:23 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Costco Gun Policy
Replies: 65
Views: 14234

Re: Costco Gun Policy

Glockster wrote:I believe that it is a corporate one based on the memo posted at:
Yes, I realize that have that little poison pill in their membership agreement. I've never seen it, and I avoid going to look for it, so I have not received notice yet. But I'm saying there is no corporate policy to post 30.06 signs, or they'd be up at all their stores, and they just aren't.
by The Annoyed Man
Mon Oct 05, 2015 7:34 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Costco Gun Policy
Replies: 65
Views: 14234

Re: Costco Gun Policy

I've been a Costco member since about 1996 and shop at the Southlake store. I haven't seen a 30.06 sign there yet, and I do look for one each time I go. It must have been a local manager decision rather than a corporate one.
by The Annoyed Man
Wed Jun 10, 2015 5:36 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Costco Gun Policy
Replies: 65
Views: 14234

Re: Costco Gun Policy

I just got back from there. I'm tired, but I did carry a full-sized Glock 9mm, and nobody seemed to notice or care.
by The Annoyed Man
Wed Jun 10, 2015 5:35 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Costco Gun Policy
Replies: 65
Views: 14234

Re: Costco Gun Policy

John Galt wrote:Another thought: Say a Costco member and CHL holder leaves his pistol in the car because of Costco policy and in returning to the car is robbed and or worse, do they have any responsibility?
Morally? Yes. Legally? No.
by The Annoyed Man
Mon Mar 30, 2015 11:11 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Costco Gun Policy
Replies: 65
Views: 14234

Re: Costco Gun Policy

Oldgringo wrote:Similar to this conundrum is the official stance of the United Methodist Church: "Therefore, every United Methodist church is officially declared a weapon-free zone."

Did I carry in the Rusk FUMC this morning? Yes, just like I carried in the Costco in The Woodlands where we went for hearing 'stuff' last week. Absent a 30.06 sign or negative statement from the Rev or Store Manager, licensed CC carry is permitted in Texas in these two structures. That said, remember that concealed is concealed.
I carried my firearm in the Polk Street United Methodist Church in Amarillo last Friday, when I was there to celebrate the life of a dear friend of mine who was called home on Monday last week. There was no sign on the door (compliant or not), and I am not a UMC member, so I have no idea what their rules are. In addition to my firearm, I was also carrying a largish folding knife which is a potential weapon too. As far as I am concerned, it is/was a non-issue.

I am also a Costco member, and I carry in my Costco store. I completely understand that they can throw me out, and terminate my membership, if they are so inclined, and IF they ever discover that I am carrying. That said, and considering where I live, I suspect that any number of people in my local Costco are carrying on any given day. I know my wife certainly is.

In the Las Vegas incident, it was as much a problem with LVPD, the local Sheriff's office, and democrat-controlled Las Vegas itself that was at issue - creating a gun-hostile environment - than anything else. This is Texas, and I have far fewer such concerns than I would have in Vegas.

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