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by scott_dfw
Wed May 13, 2009 9:04 am
Forum: 2009 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Campus-Carry Bills are dying!!!
Replies: 172
Views: 56238

Re: Campus-Carry Bills are dying!!!

I thought they all were paid a (meager) salary? Sounds like they should work all the long hours they can, until everything is settled. ;-)
by scott_dfw
Wed May 13, 2009 8:57 am
Forum: 2009 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Campus-Carry Bills are dying!!!
Replies: 172
Views: 56238

Re: Campus-Carry Bills are dying!!!

slightly off-topic... but...

I'm hoping someone in the legal profession or knowledgeable about the House can explain...Is there a reason that the reps dont stay and do this longer than they do? I mean, why cant they stay until all of the bills are heard/voted? This would eliminate the problem of people delaying and lollygagging around until they run out of time. And also allow ALL the bills that make it to that point to be heard and voted. Also, if the reps knew they were staying until ALL of the bills were heard, then they might be less inclined to purposely stall bills out of time.
by scott_dfw
Tue May 12, 2009 10:06 pm
Forum: 2009 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Campus-Carry Bills are dying!!!
Replies: 172
Views: 56238

Re: Campus-Carry Bills are dying!!!

by scott_dfw
Tue May 12, 2009 4:21 pm
Forum: 2009 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Campus-Carry Bills are dying!!!
Replies: 172
Views: 56238

Re: Campus-Carry Bills are dying!!!

Douva wrote:This quote from an Austin American-Statesman blog post is worth noting:
Ronald Thomas, a retired UT-Austin police lieutenant, called to say that not all officers agree. Thomas favors allowing concealed handguns on campus because, he said, an armed person could prevent or cut short a tragedy well before campus police arrive at the scene.
It's nice to see someone refuting the assertion that HB 1893 and SB 1164 are universally opposed by campus police officers (most of whom have little or no experience dealing with CHL holders, spend their days dealing with the worst of the college community, and--most significantly--work for regents who vehemently oppose the bills).[/quote]

All VERY true statements. The campus PD at my location are scared shirtless over the concept of armed students/faculty/staff. One reason being that they have very little training involving real active shooter scenarios. The other point they brought up is that they "wouldnt know who the badguy is" when they walked into a hot scene. (of course, LEO in ALL other applications seem to understand that you have to ID your target..not just walk in and blast the guy with the gun) that makes little sense. It would be good of them to recognize that a properly trained, responsible, CHL holder isnt going to just start shooting or even necessarily HELP in the case of an active shooter. I know I am partially nervous to think about the day I have to use my gun in a self-defense scenario...because of the legal tie-ups, possible arrest, and 100 other possibilities that can go wrong. But I still choose to carry, and I know I WOULD be one of the ones running toward the gunfire to try and help those in harms way.

I hope to God this passes into law, without any rediculous, limiting amendments...and let us get on with it...and ONCE AGAIN prove the anti's wrong.


by scott_dfw
Mon May 11, 2009 5:03 pm
Forum: 2009 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Campus-Carry Bills are dying!!!
Replies: 172
Views: 56238

Re: Campus-Carry Bills are dying!!!

Yeah...I cant believe I absorbed an entire day of that. And didnt even get to hear our baby get voted into law (yet).

Hopefully when I get home there will be a better post here! (or at least know we have to wait until tomorrow)

by scott_dfw
Mon May 11, 2009 4:31 pm
Forum: 2009 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Campus-Carry Bills are dying!!!
Replies: 172
Views: 56238

Re: Campus-Carry Bills are dying!!!

I agree...

If that under-educated, white bushy haired old hag with the bifocals gets up there and argues relentlessly about subjects she really doesnt understand...I'm going to pull my hair out. :grumble

Aside from that... I havent seen anything yet pertaining to our bills. They have not been in numerical order.
by scott_dfw
Mon May 11, 2009 2:04 pm
Forum: 2009 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Campus-Carry Bills are dying!!!
Replies: 172
Views: 56238

Re: Campus-Carry Bills are dying!!!

[off topic]
Awesome argument regarding engineering/pricing practices on the live stream.
[/off topic]

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