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by atxgun
Wed Mar 11, 2009 10:12 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Landlord Liability
Replies: 11
Views: 1414

Re: Landlord Liability

will381796 wrote:I would watch out with having any weapons visible or findable. I've read of some landlords inserting a "no weapons" clause into their rental agreements. If they put that clause there and they find some, they may try and evict you. Although I have no idea about the legality of such a clause. I know such a clause has been used as a way to evict a tenant that might have discharged a weapon in their apartment in self-defense.
I was careful to read my lease. It looked to be a pretty standard Texas one. I haven't dug it out for the exact wording here but it says things along the lines that you cannot do anything illegal (in general, not just gun related, some sample points are enumerated), you cannot brandish a firearm and you cannot discharge a firearm on the property. There are no clauses regarding self defense though so I guess if stuff hits the fan at 3am I guess the first thing I need to do after calling 911 is start looking for a new place.

I would still advise keeping any "paraphernalia" away too. You don't want someone to know this is a place they can come back to at a later time to grift some guns.

At the same time, I don't have a case for my lever action or shotgun so they're open carried with actions open to the car. I take a quick peak to make sure there aren't tons of people to stare me down and potentially freak out but it's never been an issue. And frankly the few times I have noticed passer by's they were to busy talking on their phone or doing what ever they didn't even seem to give me a glance let alone see what I was carrying.
by atxgun
Tue Mar 10, 2009 11:01 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Landlord Liability
Replies: 11
Views: 1414

Re: Landlord Liability

This what really stinks about living in apartment. When ever I get a notice like this I'm paranoid all day. Also it seems like we've had quite a few various "fire inspections of random units". I'm pretty sure no one actually came in my unit during those times b/c 1) they have left notices saying someone was in my apt in the past and 2) I setup various "trip wires" on all the doors etc. Something like a hanger on the floor leaning up against a door so it would be fallen over when i got home if disturbed.

I really should get a streaming webcam setup for my place.

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