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by Douva
Fri May 22, 2009 2:55 pm
Forum: 2009 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: TWO URGENT ACTION ITEMS: Parking lots & Campus-Carry
Replies: 61
Views: 33082

Re: TWO URGENT ACTION ITEMS: Parking lots & Campus-Carry

austin-tatious wrote:
Douva wrote:I kept checking on the streaming video from the House and couldn't figure out why they were still on the Local and Consent calendar, which is usually knocked out in the first hour or so of each day.

Then I got a call from a friend who's down at the Capitol doing some lobbying. He told me what's going on. Here is the Associated Press report, for those of you who haven't heard.

Democrats use 'chubbing' stalling strategy
This is good to know, Douva :clapping: HOWEVER, do we really need it posted on 5 different threads? :grumble
Well, it's the factor that is going to kill the bill/bills discussed in all five threads, so I wanted to make sure nobody missed it. Perhaps we should do a little informal thread consolidation. It's tough trying to keep up with one topic being discussed in five different threads.
by Douva
Fri May 22, 2009 2:12 pm
Forum: 2009 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: TWO URGENT ACTION ITEMS: Parking lots & Campus-Carry
Replies: 61
Views: 33082

Re: TWO URGENT ACTION ITEMS: Parking lots & Campus-Carry

I kept checking on the streaming video from the House and couldn't figure out why they were still on the Local and Consent calendar, which is usually knocked out in the first hour or so of each day.

Then I got a call from a friend who's down at the Capitol doing some lobbying. He told me what's going on. Here is the Associated Press report, for those of you who haven't heard.
Democrats use 'chubbing' stalling strategy

By KELLEY SHANNON Associated Press Writer © 2009 The Associated Press

May 22, 2009, 1:11PM

AUSTIN, Texas — Talkative House Democrats used stalling tactics Friday to prevent passage of a voter identification bill they oppose that's scheduled for debate this weekend.

Democrats — who'd warned they would put up a fight to stop the voter ID measure — began talking at length on non-controversial legislation to use up the clock. The Legislature adjourns June 1, and a number of bill passage deadlines are arriving in the next few days.

The Senate already passed a Republican-pushed bill requiring voters to show a photo ID or two non-photo ID alternatives when they cast a ballot. Democrats say that would prevent people without those forms of identification from voting and suppress turnout. If Democrats are going to stop the legislation, it will have to be in the House, where the chamber is almost evenly divided by party.

Veteran Rep. Delwin Jones, R-Lubbock, said Democratic opponents of the voter ID bill were trying to pressure fellow lawmakers to negotiate the legislation, in turn threatening scores of unrelated bills. The delay tactic, using the rules to eat up time, is known as "chubbing."

"In lieu of the filibuster, the House chubs," Jones said. "It keeps a lot of bills from being considered, which puts a lot of pressure on the members who have bills they want to pass."

The House gaveled into session 30 minutes late Friday. Then, after the usual prayer, pledge and welcoming remarks, legislators started in on a long "local and consent" agenda. It's supposed to be a non-controversial agenda of bills that usually breezes along.

But Democrats made it clear they planned to ask lots of questions on those bills and use up all the time permitted — 10 minutes per bill — to slow down the House's work pace.

One Democratic lawmaker during his questioning about a proposed municipal utility district in Waller County brought up a House leadership scandal from the 1970s. Another, questioning a Republican doctor representatives on his legislation, asked about the best remedies for nasal congestion.

Rep. Sid Miller, R-Stephenville, raised a technical point to try to prevent the whole local and consent agenda from being considered so that the House could return to major pending bills, like changes to the top 10 percent college admissions law and, potentially, voter ID, slated for Saturday. He later temporarily withdrew that technical challenge.

"Hopefully we can get back to the people's business and see less chubbing," Miller pleaded, to no avail.

Republicans huddled to talk strategy at the back of the House chamber and in an adjoining conference room, where former Speaker Tom Craddick joined them. The Republicans told news reporters to leave the room.

Rep. Mike "Tuffy" Hamilton, R-Mauriceville, said Republicans were taking a wait-and-see approach, for now.

Speaker Pro Tempore Craig Eiland, a Galveston Democrat, presided over the House early Friday instead of Republican Speaker Joe Straus, as is usually done for a local bill agenda. Eiland reminded lawmakers they had a full three minutes to explain their bills if they wanted to take all the available time.

At one point during the morning stalling, Democratic Rep. Mike Villarreal of San Antonio asked Eiland with a smile: "Mr. Speaker, are we going to break for lunch?"

Lawmakers were told there would be no formal lunch break; there was complimentary shrimp waiting for them in the recently remodeled legislators' lounge.


Associated Press writers Jay Root and Jackie Stone contributed to this report.
by Douva
Fri May 22, 2009 12:32 pm
Forum: 2009 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: TWO URGENT ACTION ITEMS: Parking lots & Campus-Carry
Replies: 61
Views: 33082

Re: TWO URGENT ACTION ITEMS: Parking lots & Campus-Carry

cred wrote:SB1164 ( ... ill=SB1164" onclick=";return false; ) is in the Public Safety Committee and it is up to the chair Representative Tommy Merritt (512) 463-0750 to put it up for discussion. If given a favorable recommendation it goes to "calendar" then "vote".
I emailed everyone on both Public Safety and Calendar committees.
I called the chair and vice chair of both committees.

Public Safety Committee members" onclick=";return false;
Calendars Committee members" onclick=";return false;
We have a lot of friends in the Public Safety Committee, including the chair, the vice chair, and the primary author of HB 1893 (SB 1164's now-dead House counterpart). It's okay to go ahead and let Public Safety know that we're waiting on them to pass SB 1164 to Calendars, but it's MUCH more important to contact the members of the Calendars Committee and let them know that we want them to place SB 1164 on the House MAJOR calendar as soon as they receive the bill from Public Safety.

The Texas House of Representatives typically works through about four or five pages of their overall calendar each day. There are currently three and a half legislative days left until the deadline for Senate bills to receive their first vote in the House. The House currently has 30 pages of unresolved calendar to get through.

Do the math—there is no way that SB 1164 will receive a House vote prior to the deadline (11:59 PM Tuesday, May 26) UNLESS the Calendars Committee places it on the House MAJOR calendar, which would put it on approximately page three of the overall House calendar.

When you call and fax the members of the House Calendars Committee, politely but adamantly push them to place Senate Bill 1164 on the House MAJOR calendar. Also, as soon as you get a chance, please contact the office of House Speaker Joe Straus (V: 512-463-0686 / F: 512-463-0675), and ask him to ask the Calendars Committee to place SB 1164 on the House MAJOR calendar.
by Douva
Fri May 22, 2009 8:01 am
Forum: 2009 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: TWO URGENT ACTION ITEMS: Parking lots & Campus-Carry
Replies: 61
Views: 33082

Re: TWO URGENT ACTION ITEMS: Parking lots & Campus-Carry

MBGuy wrote:In addition to faxes to McCall and Strauss, I wrote to Rep. Kolkhorst as she's on the calendar committee.

Should we also be contacting Lucio since he's Vice-chair?
Yes, contacting Rep. Lucio is a good idea, but keep in mind that he was an author of HB 1893. Calls and Faxes to him should be along the lines of "Thank you for supporting this bill. Is there anything you can do to help push it through the Calendars Committee and get it placed on the House MAJOR calendar?"
by Douva
Thu May 21, 2009 7:49 pm
Forum: 2009 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: TWO URGENT ACTION ITEMS: Parking lots & Campus-Carry
Replies: 61
Views: 33082

Re: TWO URGENT ACTION ITEMS: Parking lots & Campus-Carry

For those of you who are interested, here are the House rules governing the Public Safety Committee's vote on this issue:

Rule 4, Section 11. Posting Notice — (a) No committee or subcommittee,
including a calendars committee, shall assemble for the purpose of a public
hearing during a regular session unless notice of the hearing has been posted
in accordance with the rules at least five calendar days in advance of the
hearing. No committee or subcommittee, including a calendars committee, shall
assemble for the purpose of a public hearing during a special session unless
notice of the hearing has been posted in accordance with the rules at least 24
hours in advance of the hearing. The committee minutes shall reflect the date
of each posting of notice. Notice shall not be required for a public hearing on
a senate bill which is substantially the same as a house bill that has previously
been the subject of a duly posted public hearing by the committee.

(b) No committee or subcommittee, including a calendars committee,
shall assemble for the purpose of a formal meeting or work session during a
regular or special session unless written notice has been posted and transmitted
to each member of the committee two hours in advance of the meeting or an
announcement has been filed with the journal clerk and read by the reading clerk
while the house is in session.
by Douva
Thu May 21, 2009 7:35 pm
Forum: 2009 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: TWO URGENT ACTION ITEMS: Parking lots & Campus-Carry
Replies: 61
Views: 33082

Re: TWO URGENT ACTION ITEMS: Parking lots & Campus-Carry

Douva wrote:
pdubyoo wrote:
TrueFlog wrote:I called Chairman McCall's Austin number and had no trouble getting through. The woman who answered was very pleasant but repeatedly downplayed McCall's role in the matter. She kept stating that "there are 12 other members on the committee." I told her that I'd heard that he had tagged SB730, and that he personally was seeking to delay it. She denied it, and I stressed that his actions speak louder than her words on the matter. I also let her know that I spoke directly with the chairman back in February - he was very supportive back then, and I expect him to make good on it now.

On SB1164, the aide said that bill was not yet in calendars because it has to pass the House committee first. (Can anyone confirm this?) I confessed I was unsure of whether the bill had made it calendars yet, but added that when it gets there, it needs to get put on the major calendar ASAP.

I have yet been unable to get through to Speaker Straus. All I get is a busy signal.
EDIT: I did manage to speak to one of the Speaker's aides. I let her know that I'm unhappy with how the Republican leadership (and the Calendars Committee in particular) has handled the Campus Carry and Parking Lot bills. I asked that the Speaker use his position of leadership to pressure Rep. McCall and the committee to schedule 730 and 1164 on the major calendar post haste. She didn't ask for my address but did promise to pass along my concerns.
According to the state legislature site ( ... ill=SB1164" onclick=";return false;), SB1164 passed out of State Affairs Committee and the Senate voted and approved it yesterday. The House rec'd it yesterday (5/20/09) from the Senate.
My understandings of the situation is that the bill must be read before the House (a formality) and then assigned to a committee (presumably the Public Safety Committee, since that's where HB 1893 went) by the Speaker. Then, the committee votes on whether to report favorably or unfavorably on the bill. If the committee reports favorably, that report is passed along to Calendars. Then it's up to Calendars to schedule the bill for a floor vote in the House.

This all has to happen in approximately the next 50 hours.
SB 1164 was just read and referred to the Committee on Public Safety.
by Douva
Thu May 21, 2009 3:45 pm
Forum: 2009 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: TWO URGENT ACTION ITEMS: Parking lots & Campus-Carry
Replies: 61
Views: 33082

Re: TWO URGENT ACTION ITEMS: Parking lots & Campus-Carry

pdubyoo wrote:
TrueFlog wrote:I called Chairman McCall's Austin number and had no trouble getting through. The woman who answered was very pleasant but repeatedly downplayed McCall's role in the matter. She kept stating that "there are 12 other members on the committee." I told her that I'd heard that he had tagged SB730, and that he personally was seeking to delay it. She denied it, and I stressed that his actions speak louder than her words on the matter. I also let her know that I spoke directly with the chairman back in February - he was very supportive back then, and I expect him to make good on it now.

On SB1164, the aide said that bill was not yet in calendars because it has to pass the House committee first. (Can anyone confirm this?) I confessed I was unsure of whether the bill had made it calendars yet, but added that when it gets there, it needs to get put on the major calendar ASAP.

I have yet been unable to get through to Speaker Straus. All I get is a busy signal.
EDIT: I did manage to speak to one of the Speaker's aides. I let her know that I'm unhappy with how the Republican leadership (and the Calendars Committee in particular) has handled the Campus Carry and Parking Lot bills. I asked that the Speaker use his position of leadership to pressure Rep. McCall and the committee to schedule 730 and 1164 on the major calendar post haste. She didn't ask for my address but did promise to pass along my concerns.
According to the state legislature site ( ... ill=SB1164" onclick=";return false;), SB1164 passed out of State Affairs Committee and the Senate voted and approved it yesterday. The House rec'd it yesterday (5/20/09) from the Senate.
My understandings of the situation is that the bill must be read before the House (a formality) and then assigned to a committee (presumably the Public Safety Committee, since that's where HB 1893 went) by the Speaker. Then, the committee votes on whether to report favorably or unfavorably on the bill. If the committee reports favorably, that report is passed along to Calendars. Then it's up to Calendars to schedule the bill for a floor vote in the House.

This all has to happen in approximately the next 50 hours.

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