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by narcissist
Fri Sep 20, 2019 11:49 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Violate Your Oath And Turn On American Citizens At Your Legal Peril, Gun-Grabbers
Replies: 66
Views: 15130

Re: Violate Your Oath And Turn On American Citizens At Your Legal Peril, Gun-Grabbers

K.Mooneyham wrote: Fri Sep 20, 2019 8:38 pm
The Annoyed Man wrote: Fri Sep 20, 2019 8:27 pm
crazy2medic wrote: Fri Sep 20, 2019 7:24 pm If the manufacturer's would stand as a industry, refuse all sales and repair parts to law enforcement, they could get the State of California to repeal this stupidity! But because for some makers their ox isn't being gored so they go along with this garbage!
But some do. When CA banned .50 BMG rifles, several police department SWAT teams had Barrett .50s out for repairs to the factory. Ronnie Barrett told them that he would not ship the repaired rifles back to their departments of ownership, because the California law didn’t make allowances for shipping .50 cals to PDs. He made the affected departments send a police officer to the factory to retrieve their repaired rifles. There’s a reason why Gen3 Glocks are the only ones left on the roster. Glock has abandoned the market. When those Gen3 guns drop off the roster, Glock's probably not going to try and renew those listings. They’re in the business of making new Gen4 and Gen5 guns. They’re not going to keep manufacturing Gen3s for a state that doesn’t really want them there. Plus, when it’s time for roster renewal, the Gen3 guns won’t qualify because they don’t offer microstamping. Heck, even revolvers have been dropped off the roster. Look at how many S&Ws and Sigs and Tauruses and Springfields and FNs have been dropped.

The state's goal is to eliminate handgun imports as much as possible, and they are succeeding.

Under the current state of the law there, if I were to temporarily travel to CA with my Gen 4 G19, I’d be legal so long as I had it stoked with CA-legal 10-round mags. But if I were to move back there (not bloody likely), I’d have to sell that gun before moving because I couldn’t bring it into the state on a permanent basis. OTH, so long as the Gen3s remain on the roster, I could trade my Gen4 for someone's Gen3 gun, and import long as I only brought in 10-round mags for it. But once the Gen3s fall off the roster, I wouldn’t be able to bring ANY of my Glocks into the state if I was moving back there.

So effectively, California is not only slow-banning the import of virtually all handguns, but they are also discouraging the immigration of handgun owners from other states. For CA, it’s a win win situation. They get to get rid of guns, AND they get to filter out new residents who don’t fit their preferences.
Well, once all handguns can no longer be sold there, it should be a "utopian paradise", right? No more crimes with firearms, ever? All the children will hold hands and sing "The Internationale"!
Your post had me cracking up by the way! (K.Mooneyham) "rlol" . As far as the talk about the California info, I understand it and im sure most everyone on this forun does. The people like (democratic party) that has no clue to what you said or can not Comprehend it at all! They for some reason do not believe in the Constitution at all anymore. Ive heard many of these idiots State "it is out dated". What does that mean in their eyes? Does it mean men who were Truly Smarter then myself and at least died for what they believed in, No Longer Matters??

With all seriousness all the people who do Not believe in every Word of the Constitution and the Bill Of Rights, need to take a trip to somewhere like North Korea for only one day at least. Rather it be longer (maybe forever) but then let them come back and then see what they have to say about FREEDOM and RESPECT.

I know most of you have been out of the country and have seen how bad it can be Example: military/ex-military or even security contractors ect. You all know the point im trying to make, all I can say is Thank God I'm a American and we still have the right as of now to protect ourselves as we see fit.
by narcissist
Fri Sep 20, 2019 6:22 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Violate Your Oath And Turn On American Citizens At Your Legal Peril, Gun-Grabbers
Replies: 66
Views: 15130

Re: Violate Your Oath And Turn On American Citizens At Your Legal Peril, Gun-Grabbers

ScottDLS wrote: Fri Sep 20, 2019 6:06 pm
narcissist wrote: Fri Sep 20, 2019 5:51 pm Wait until they start forcing Manufacturers of every gun made after a certain date to fire one round out of the gun. To have it logged kept with the serial number, buyers info and they will probably force us to use a FFL to transfer the gun. Which would be registration but also a way to track exactly (in their eyes) who used it in a crime. Also I bet they add even if the gun is lost or stolen you are Still responsible for whoever uses it in a crime. I believe with Class lll items you are responsible if its lost or stolen and used in a crime, Im not 100% sure even though I own a few? Paranoid thinking, cant help it :???:
Maryland already did this. It turned out to be completely useless didn’t help solve any crimes and was a colossal waste of time. It’s so easy to alter or swap the barrel. Next up, micro stamping and smart (aka dumb) guns.
Didn't realize it, ive noticed even glock now has multiple "hidden" serial numbers but makes sense what you said about not solving crimes/waste of time. I did hear about the "dumb" guns but gotta check out that micro stamping bull.
by narcissist
Fri Sep 20, 2019 5:51 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Violate Your Oath And Turn On American Citizens At Your Legal Peril, Gun-Grabbers
Replies: 66
Views: 15130

Re: Violate Your Oath And Turn On American Citizens At Your Legal Peril, Gun-Grabbers

Wait until they start forcing Manufacturers of every gun made after a certain date to fire one round out of the gun. To have it logged kept with the serial number, buyers info and they will probably force us to use a FFL to transfer the gun. Which would be registration but also a way to track exactly (in their eyes) who used it in a crime. Also I bet they add even if the gun is lost or stolen you are Still responsible for whoever uses it in a crime. I believe with Class lll items you are responsible if its lost or stolen and used in a crime, Im not 100% sure even though I own a few? Paranoid thinking, cant help it :???:
by narcissist
Thu Sep 19, 2019 6:19 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Violate Your Oath And Turn On American Citizens At Your Legal Peril, Gun-Grabbers
Replies: 66
Views: 15130

Re: Violate Your Oath And Turn On American Citizens At Your Legal Peril, Gun-Grabbers

mayor wrote: Thu Sep 19, 2019 6:11 pm If our government officials are stupid enough to actually attempt to ban guns, then a march on the capitol to deliver them should be organized.
I swear I was telling my wife yesterday the exact same thing, you listening in on me or something? I'm dead serious though almost word for word, see we all on this forum pretty much think alike.
by narcissist
Thu Sep 19, 2019 5:19 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Violate Your Oath And Turn On American Citizens At Your Legal Peril, Gun-Grabbers
Replies: 66
Views: 15130

Re: Violate Your Oath And Turn On American Citizens At Your Legal Peril, Gun-Grabbers

03Lightningrocks wrote: Thu Sep 19, 2019 4:50 pm I am curious though. Where were all the tough guys willing to die when they instituted the assault weapons ban the last time? Yeah, exactly.
I was under age at the time but I see your point. The way they monitor everything nowadays unless you have a couple million followers on social media junk type platforms. That would actruly follow through all at the same time it would be extremely hard to accomplish much. Unless every gun owner had our same thoughts about the situation and every police officer/ex military/military actruly followed through with the Oath they took. It's going to be a challenge!
by narcissist
Thu Sep 19, 2019 4:35 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Violate Your Oath And Turn On American Citizens At Your Legal Peril, Gun-Grabbers
Replies: 66
Views: 15130

Re: Violate Your Oath And Turn On American Citizens At Your Legal Peril, Gun-Grabbers

03Lightningrocks wrote: Thu Sep 19, 2019 1:36 pm I think the real issue is that it would take a major organizational effort to set up such a thing. The government already stops any group that even looks like they may eventually be a threat. It's not likely everyone would just decide to start shooting at the cops when they come to confiscate your guns. Let's just say for fun that they banned all firearms and started going around to get them all, which is not they way I think they would do it anyway. So I decide I am going to shoot back. How many would come running to my place to assist me? I bet none. I would be labeled a gun nut by the media and they would show pictures of the cops hauling me or my dead body out of the house.

The way they will do it is to outlaw them. Then they outlaw the ammo for them, Then they outlaw us transferring them. Then they outlaw us shooting them at the range by forbidding we carry them out of the house. Then they sit back and wait for us all to get old and die off or simply accept the guns are useless to us.
Good point! Call me I'll be there!
by narcissist
Thu Sep 19, 2019 12:28 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Violate Your Oath And Turn On American Citizens At Your Legal Peril, Gun-Grabbers
Replies: 66
Views: 15130

Re: Violate Your Oath And Turn On American Citizens At Your Legal Peril, Gun-Grabbers

03Lightningrocks wrote: Thu Sep 19, 2019 11:03 am
Rob72 wrote: Thu Sep 19, 2019 10:39 am
Liberty wrote: Thu Sep 19, 2019 10:02 am
LucasMcCain wrote: Thu Sep 19, 2019 9:16 am Democrats underestimate the number of Americans that are willing to water the Tree of Liberty when needed.
I believe you are correct, but I believe conservatives overestimate the numbers. and tend to overestimate their own willingness to step up and do any watering.
Agreed. I believe any such conflict would make the Balkans and South/Central Mexico look very tame, by comparison.
I agree. Fellows with wives, kids or other family that need them to survive can talk a big game but if it comes right down to it, they will fold like a cheap suite. It is real easy to talk about dying for your right to keep your guns. It is a whole nuther game actually doing it. :tiphat:
You are probably right in many ways. Why I must ask is it that the Founding Fathers or even during the Civil War they left their family's knowing what they we're fighting for was worth dying for. They did what was right at all costs, why would we not join together and do whats right? I have much to loose and may even be on a list for stating such comments but I truly believe something will need to be done to "Keep And Bear Arms".

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