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by DoubleActionCHL
Mon Feb 23, 2009 10:15 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: ALERT: AMC Theaters have posted 30.06
Replies: 182
Views: 34131

Re: ALERT: AMC Theaters have posted 30.06

SlowDave wrote:
DoubleActionCHL wrote:Well, they do make those clingy plastic stickers that use no adhesive. And rather than carrying signs, why not T-shirts with our message?
I like the clingy plastic stickers, except that they might cost more.

The advantage of the signs over t-shirts is height/visibility: you can see the signs from 100' away and only the closest person to you can see the t-shirt, since they block the view of others. Also, people will generally (I think) read a big sign due to its novelty, whereas most folks have come to ignore whatever is written on t-shirts. I'm open to any and all though.
The only reason I suggested T-Shirts is because it's a lot easier to call a protest a protest when we're carrying big, obvious signs.
by DoubleActionCHL
Mon Feb 23, 2009 12:08 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: ALERT: AMC Theaters have posted 30.06
Replies: 182
Views: 34131

Re: ALERT: AMC Theaters have posted 30.06

Well, they do make those clingy plastic stickers that use no adhesive. And rather than carrying signs, why not T-shirts with our message?
by DoubleActionCHL
Thu Feb 19, 2009 6:24 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: ALERT: AMC Theaters have posted 30.06
Replies: 182
Views: 34131

Re: ALERT: AMC Theaters have posted 30.06

I had considered buying tickets, which would really have an impact on the bottom line, but I suspect they would get wise after a couple of refunds and cut us off. Either way, we've made a point. And it wouldn't be a bad idea to give away the cards with the tickets. Just keep in mind that an awful lot of the non-carrying public are as clueless as the AMC Theater management.
by DoubleActionCHL
Thu Feb 19, 2009 4:08 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: ALERT: AMC Theaters have posted 30.06
Replies: 182
Views: 34131

Re: ALERT: AMC Theaters have posted 30.06

gregthehand wrote:I believe the kid behind the counter will just shrug and then throw the cards away on a busy night.
Maybe. That's why it wouldn't have the desired effect unless we showed up in large numbers and had a noticeable impact on their sales that night.
by DoubleActionCHL
Thu Feb 19, 2009 12:14 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: ALERT: AMC Theaters have posted 30.06
Replies: 182
Views: 34131

Re: ALERT: AMC Theaters have posted 30.06

Purplehood wrote:
DoubleActionCHL wrote:I don't think these letters will have an effect. We have to be creative. What might have an effect is some form of protest. And yes, I know that conservatives don't engage in protests because we have jobs and responsibilities, but hear me out.

Let's say we gather a couple of hundred CHL holders armed with NO GUNS - NO MONEY cards. On a busy, high-dollar night, we line up at the ticket windows, move very slowly, engage in long, tedious conversations with the ticket clerk, then finally ask for 2 to 6 tickets to a predetermined movie. When asked to pay, say, "Uh Oh... you're posted 30.06. As a CHL holder, I refuse to spend my money at businesses that would disarm me." Hand him/her your 'card' and walk away.

This could be a fun night out a couple of times a month! :mrgreen:
I think that after a few minutes of that, you would seriously need to be armed.
I believe all one hundred of us would be armed.
by DoubleActionCHL
Thu Feb 19, 2009 11:44 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: ALERT: AMC Theaters have posted 30.06
Replies: 182
Views: 34131

Re: ALERT: AMC Theaters have posted 30.06

I don't think these letters will have an effect. We have to be creative. What might have an effect is some form of protest. And yes, I know that conservatives don't engage in protests because we have jobs and responsibilities, but hear me out.

Let's say we gather a couple of hundred CHL holders armed with NO GUNS - NO MONEY cards. On a busy, high-dollar night, we line up at the ticket windows, move very slowly, engage in long, tedious conversations with the ticket clerk, then finally ask for 2 to 6 tickets to a predetermined movie. When asked to pay, say, "Uh Oh... you're posted 30.06. As a CHL holder, I refuse to spend my money at businesses that would disarm me." Hand him/her your 'card' and walk away.

This could be a fun night out a couple of times a month! :mrgreen:
by DoubleActionCHL
Fri Feb 22, 2008 8:40 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: ALERT: AMC Theaters have posted 30.06
Replies: 182
Views: 34131

Re: ALERT: AMC Theaters have posted 30.06

02transam wrote:
Velocity wrote:
DoubleActionCHL wrote: Chili's "Bar and Grill" has a bar in it too - doesn't make it a 51% establishment...
the movie theatre is studio movie grill and bar they have a small bar when you walk in on the left but no 51% signs or 30.06 signs last time i was there but this was about 6 months ago so they may have posted up by now.
As you walk up, there is an abandoned ticket window to the right of the front doors. The sign is in behind the glass in the ticket booth.
by DoubleActionCHL
Mon Feb 11, 2008 4:23 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: ALERT: AMC Theaters have posted 30.06
Replies: 182
Views: 34131

Re: ALERT: AMC Theaters have posted 30.06

rm9792 wrote:Is it possible they are intentionally posting non-compliant signs? They know those who know better will ignore it yet the hoplophobes will be happy as well? I dont agree with it as it seems to cave to the grabbers but its better than total compliance.
That's the rumored Taco Cabana position. Seems a bit wussy-fied to me. Take a stand... or not!
by DoubleActionCHL
Wed Feb 06, 2008 11:51 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: ALERT: AMC Theaters have posted 30.06
Replies: 182
Views: 34131

Re: ALERT: AMC Theaters have posted 30.06

Velocity wrote:
DoubleActionCHL wrote: The 51% sign is behind the glass in the old ticket booth on the right as you walk toward the front door. And the place IS a bar. When you walk in the front, there is a HUGE full service bar in the lobby. Can't miss it! :cheers2:
I haven't been to the Movie Tavern on 249 yet, nor have I been to the one on richey rd, but I have been to Alamo Drafthouse and another similar establishement on Highway 6 just south of 290. If Movie Tavern operates similar to the other places, I'd have a hard time believing they derive more than 51% of their profits from alcohol sales - add up the cost of food and tickets, and figure a lot of the times it's families in there not buying ANY alcohol, and the numbers just don't add up...

Chili's "Bar and Grill" has a bar in it too - doesn't make it a 51% establishment...
I didn't say it was a 51% because it has a bar (which it does). I said that because it has a sign. TABC makes the determination as to whether or not a business is a '51%'.

Personally, I don't care if it is or not. I went there once and won't be going back. The place was nasty.
by DoubleActionCHL
Fri Feb 01, 2008 11:55 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: ALERT: AMC Theaters have posted 30.06
Replies: 182
Views: 34131

Re: ALERT: AMC Theaters have posted 30.06

oldboyshooter wrote:I have been to the movie tavern at HWY 249 and did not see a 51% sign.

I have been to the one on Airtex also ( a while back) and remember no sign there either.

No way am I going into the AIRTEX location without my gun, and do not want to go to the HWY 249 without it either.

AMC is out for me also.

Are we sure that the MOVIE TAVERN is a 51% place (it is not a bar, or at least not like any bar I have seen).

Don't they have to post that also? I remember no sign at all.
The 51% sign is behind the glass in the old ticket booth on the right as you walk toward the front door. And the place IS a bar. When you walk in the front, there is a HUGE full service bar in the lobby. Can't miss it! :cheers2:
by DoubleActionCHL
Thu Jan 31, 2008 5:33 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: ALERT: AMC Theaters have posted 30.06
Replies: 182
Views: 34131

Re: ALERT: AMC Theaters have posted 30.06

Wheelman wrote:thats crappy! ive been going there for a long time as its fairly close to me and for a while they had a non compliant (gun buster), then nothing at all last time i checked, but that was a few months ago. Guess they just added. this. Oh well, guess ill be going to movie tavern from now on. :shock:
I believe Movie Tavern is a 51% business. The one on I-45 north at Airtex(?) definitely is.
by DoubleActionCHL
Tue Jan 29, 2008 10:41 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: ALERT: AMC Theaters have posted 30.06
Replies: 182
Views: 34131

Re: ALERT: AMC Theaters have posted 30.06

nitrogen wrote: "Oh, you're one of those gun people. I had someone complain about that the other day. It's corporate policy, there's not much I can do about it. Sorry"
If she said it like I'm reading it, it sounds a bit condescending.

Now, don't anybody go tellin' them they're non-compliant! :rules:
by DoubleActionCHL
Tue Jan 29, 2008 9:38 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: ALERT: AMC Theaters have posted 30.06
Replies: 182
Views: 34131

Re: ALERT: AMC Theaters have posted 30.06

Has anyone gotten a return phonecall or email? I received a voicemail from Reyna Mentor of AMC (apparently Melanie Bell passed the buck). I called back but got her voicemail; left a message. We'll see...
by DoubleActionCHL
Mon Jan 28, 2008 10:03 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: ALERT: AMC Theaters have posted 30.06
Replies: 182
Views: 34131

Re: ALERT: AMC Theaters have posted 30.06

I sent a similar letter as well:

I recently read your statement stating that AMC prohibits those who are licensed to carry a concealed handgun from carrying in your theatre. I hate to say this, but I, my family, and everyone I can persuade, will be choosing another theatre for our movie-going needs until your policy changes.

Assuming that you are only the spokesperson and not the decision maker in this area, I won’t direct my venom at you. However, I will tell you that decisions such as this are made by those ignorant of the reality of the situation. When I visit one of your theatres, I’m literally fearful due to the large number of thuggish young people allowed to roam freely in your establishments. I’ve seen them brandish their guns and have heard stories of these ‘young people’ shooting the screens. As media contact, I’m sure you are aware of the stories of theatre shootings that surface from time to time. I ask you, “Did ANY of these shootings involve individuals licensed to carry a concealed weapon.�

Let me educate you, Melanie. In most states, Texas included, one must meet rigid eligibility requirements, undergo a stringent FBI background check, complete classroom training that covers Non-Violent Dispute Resolution, Use of Force and Deadly Force, State and Federal Weapons and Concealed Carry Laws, and the Safe Handling and Storage of Firearms. In addition, they must pass a proficiency test where they demonstrate their ability to safely handle their firearm and shoot with a certain degree of accuracy.

CHL (Concealed Handgun License) holders are the good guys, Melanie. Despite what you or your colleagues may believe, of the 38 states that have passed “will issue� concealed carry legislation, none has turned into the OK Corral. We do not pull out our guns and shoot someone when an argument erupts. In fact, Texas CHL holders have a conviction rate of only 0.3708 percent of the total felony and weapon-related convictions (DPS, 2005).

I submit that by prohibiting concealed carry, you are depriving your law abiding customers of the right to defend themselves. Do you honestly believe that the criminals will honor your “no guns� policy? Will you take full responsibility for anyone killed or injured in your theatres because they were unable to defend themselves? Will you post armed security in EVERY theatre at every screen, in every hallway, in every restroom? Will you have armed security walk every patron to and from their vehicles to ensure their safety? If not, then I suggest you allow people to take their self-protection into their own hands.

Please don’t let your ignorant prejudice against gun ownership subject your law abiding customers to unwarranted danger.

I look forward to your response.

Tracy L. Campbell
Director of Technical Services
I'm also forwarding this to my students, encouraging them to write their own letters to AMC Corporation. If anyone receives a response, I would be very surprised. I sent similar emails to the parent corporation of Katy Mills Mall with no response.
by DoubleActionCHL
Mon Jan 28, 2008 1:28 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: ALERT: AMC Theaters have posted 30.06
Replies: 182
Views: 34131

Re: ALERT: AMC Theaters have posted 30.06

Contact information:

The following is contact information for Melanie Bell, the lady who made the official anti-ccw statement for AMC Corporation:

AMC Entertainment Inc.
Melanie Bell, 816.480.2560

Feel free to email her directly or give her a call.

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