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by Cipher
Fri Dec 21, 2007 4:29 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: HR 2604
Replies: 2
Views: 719

HR 2604

This new bill, passed by the House, is a huge slap in the face to any soldier, past and present, that has put on a uniform and committed to laying his life on the line for this country. This country has a long past of treating the people who defend them with disdain and disgrace, and I am ashamed to have politicians representing me who would dare belittle the very people they call on for protection.

HR 2640, with the support of the NRA, creates new gun legislation that can rip the 2nd Amendment rights away from ANY soldier who has seen ANY doctor for ANY mental health problems. The new law will make it illegal for that soldier to buy or posses any firearm, and getting the action reversed will be VERY expensive and almost impossible. There are no court proceedings, no lawyers, and NO due process.

Let's say, for arguments sake, that my family DR is anti-gun. He may ask, at some point during any one of my visits, if I have ever served in the military. As soon as I tell him I have he can begin doing his dirty work and have my background marked in such a way that I will become a criminal since I own firearms. From that day on I will never again be ALLOWED to legally purchase a firearm for my defense, leaving my family, friends and loved ones defenseless.

This bill is know as the "Veterans Disarmament Act of 2007". I am appalled and ashamed that the people of America have turned into such sissies and sheep that they think guns cause violence. In every major genocide that has occurred in the past gun control was passed first so the population would not be able to defend themselves against their government. Read that last sentence again, then reread it. This should scare the crap out of you, it does me. Guns don't kill people! Guns will not go off if you keep your bugger hook off the bang switch!

The core of the bill's problems is section 101(c)(1)(C), which makes you a "prohibited person" on the basis of a "medical finding of disability," so long as a veteran had an "opportunity" for some sort of "hearing" before some "lawful authority" (other than a court). Presumably, this "lawful authority" could even be the psychiatrist himself.

Note that unlike with an accused murderer, the hearing doesn't have to occur. The "lawful authority" doesn't have to be unbiased. The veteran is not necessarily entitled to an attorney -- much less an attorney financed by the government.

And then it "graciously" allows these newly disarmed Americans to spend tens of thousands of dollars for a long-shot chance to regain the gun rights this very bill takes away from them.

More to the point, what minimal gains were granted by the "right hand" are taken away by the "left." Section 105 provides a process for some Americans diagnosed with so-called mental disabilities to get their rights restored in the state where they live. But then, in subsection (a)(2), the bill stipulates that such relief may occur only if "the person will not be likely to act in a manner dangerous to public safety and that the GRANTING OF THE RELIEF WOULD NOT BE CONTRARY TO THE PUBLIC INTEREST." (Emphasis added.)

There's a story floating around somewhere out there in Cyber-Space about Wolves, Sheep and Sheep Dogs. "Wolves" are the bad people, people that prey on sheep. People that will enforce their will on the unwilling through violence and force. The "sheep" are the ones out there walking around with their heads down and eyes closed, they are the ones who think guns are bad, the ones who rely on the Police to protect them, the ones who think nothing bad will ever happen to them, the one who don't see trouble until it's too late. "Sheep dogs" are the ones that watch over the flock, keeping the wolves at bay - the ones who will put themselves in front of a bullet to protect their flock, the ones ready and willing to use violence to combat violence. I am a sheep dog, I take that responsibility seriously, and would gladly give me life for my loved ones. There are also certain "hills" I'm prepared to die on, and taking the very TOOLS I use to defend my family against the wolves is one of those hills - like the old saying goes "They can take my guns from my cold, dead hands".

I will never again give money to the NRA, they have stuck a long, cold blade in my back - they operate under the guise of protecting the 2nd Amendment, yet they helped strip that RIGHT away from the people who have fought, and died, to keep that right safe.

This is the first step. The sheep have seen this and they will like it, they will think this is good. There are many, many more sheep than sheep dogs.

Here's a link to the bill:

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