The argument is, "their house, their rules". I conducted a poll on this forum recently and a fair majority sees no difference between a privately owned business that is open to the general public and privately owned property such as a home, ranch, etc. The argument goes on to say that one just needs to move on to a place that is not posted.BenGoodLuck wrote:There are many states where 'no-gun' signs have no force of law and they also don't have a 30.06 type regulation. My idea is to repeal the signs and allow law-abiding, permit holding citizens to freely carry anywhere. Why should a private entity have any right to tell me I can't carry on their premises. If they want me to leave, they have the right to ask me, and I have to comply or face a trespassing charge. But if I'm concealed carrying, how would they ever know?
I see two problems with that view. One is when a business is posted but has NO entrance control procedures, the only ones fairly certain NOT to be armed are the CHL holders. The second is if the posted location has something you need and there is no alternative practical, your alternatives are to go without or disarm and proceed into the target rich environment. FWIW I go a long way to avoid posted locations, Sprouts is one such location and I will travel to Southlake, Arlington and points beyond to collect the items I need.
To your last point, concealed is concealed but if you chose to ignore a 30.06 posted business you are magically transformed into a criminal once you cross into the sheep pen. If discovered the cops don't have to arrive and ask you to leave, they can arrest you on the spot and chaos ensues including the loss of your CHL.
No legislator is going to sponsor a repeal of 30.06 especially in light of our OCT friends' antics. The best you can hope for is a reduction in assigned class like going from a Class A to a Class C misdemeanor or something similar. There have been rumblings to the effect that a bill to expand places a CHL can carry by statute but beyond rumors on the wind I don't know much more. Again, our OCT people may have scuttled that possibility as well.