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by Nowater1
Wed Mar 29, 2017 5:28 pm
Forum: New to CHL?
Topic: Question about concealed carry disqualifiers
Replies: 7
Views: 28404

Re: Question about concealed carry disqualifiers

When I applied for my TX CHL I self-reported (honestly, as always) that I had in the past been diagnosed with "PTSD" - no other particulars were asked for or provided. Apparently that was a mistake as the only "psychiatric conditions" involved or ever treated were mild depression and anxiety. I have never been diagnosed nor treated for any of the conditions identified in TC Sec 411,172. But the term PTSD must have wigged out the good people at MAB, because they sent me forms to be signed by a physician that I supposed would certify that I suffer from no "lack in judgement". So I took said forms to my VA Primary Care Physician, my VA rheumatologist (whom I see more often than any or practitioner), and a VA Behavioral Health specialist. Not a one of them would touch the forms (I doubt they even read them) I suspect out of fear that they would somehow be held liable should I one day flip out and misuse my right to carry. So here I sit; A combat vet, former military officer/aviator, former cop, someone who has never been arrested, never been committed, is not taking any psychiatric medications, and has legally purchased dozens of firearms over the years...but I can't legally carry one. Short of submitting to months of unnecessary psychological evaluation and treatment at a cost of thousands of my own dollars, I'm going to be deprived of a basic legal right due to the arbitrary and specious rules of the DOJ and the MAB. And as with ALL governmental bureaucracies, you can never get any further explanation from them either by phone or mail. What's the lesson? No good deed ever goes unpunished. I'd love to hear other's thoughts on my experience - and any suggestions or advice would be welcome.

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