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by strogg
Fri Jan 19, 2018 2:45 pm
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: Las Vegas Mandalay Bay Active Shooter
Replies: 444
Views: 135087

Re: Las Vegas Mandalay Bay Active Shooter

anygunanywhere wrote:
Abraham wrote:L.V. wants their income stream to stay stable.

When a repeat of what happened at M.B. occurs, how many are going there....?

The horror will be repeated at L.V. and somewhere else, like where you are...

Arm yourself if haven't already.
The next one will not be as bad since bump stocks will be eliminated from the equation. Nothing to worry about.
That eases my mind. Because nothing is scarier than a gun that works like a shake weight.
by strogg
Tue Nov 07, 2017 7:28 pm
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: Las Vegas Mandalay Bay Active Shooter
Replies: 444
Views: 135087

Re: Las Vegas Mandalay Bay Active Shooter

anygunanywhere wrote:
bblhd672 wrote:
strogg wrote:Preaching to the choir here. As others have said, the Vegas shooting is a bit more difficult to unravel than the church shooting. But still. It's been well over a month. The investigation must have yielded much information already. So why the hush hush? I tend not to be a conspiracy nut, as I believe in elegant, practical, and simple solutions. But the longer Clark County and the FBI drag this on, the more I think there really is a conspiracy going on here. All we have is basically equivalent to 1 day's worth of investigation. So... where's the rest?
I have theories: (hey, some nights I don't sleep so well) :mrgreen:
1. Whatever agency was running this Op let it get badly out of control with unintended consequences. Releasing too much info will unravel the conspiracy. The info that has been released is so screwed up that they can't fix it, so going silent is the only choice.
2. There was no lone gunman, and they are still pursuing those responsible for planning, funding and execution of the event.
3. Or they know exactly who/what/when/why and need to ensure the citizens don't find out to prevent retaliation against the types of people who did it.
sadly it sounds about right. The most plausible explanation in my head (the man's a wealthy, deranged lunatic who isn't quite together in the head had some Timothy McVeigh thoughts and went on a killing spree) would explain practically everything if the investigators didn't keep tripping over themselves and shutting up for so long. The longer they wait to explain anything about what happened, the more likely it's a cover-up like how the JFK thing turned out to be.
by strogg
Tue Nov 07, 2017 11:18 am
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: Las Vegas Mandalay Bay Active Shooter
Replies: 444
Views: 135087

Re: Las Vegas Mandalay Bay Active Shooter

philip964 wrote:On TV this morning the Sherrif of the county where the Church mass murder occurred had a press conference.
It was outdoors. He spoke then gave each other law inforcement agency who was working on the case equal time to speak as well.

They listed each weapon that the murderer owned by brand name and caliber. They said which one was used and where.

If there was an area they had not fully investigated, they said that. It was very upfront.

Very professional.

I then thought back to the Vegas case. We don't even know whether the rifle used was automatic or not.

It's like night and day.

Why is it so different?

Why do we still know nothing?
Preaching to the choir here. As others have said, the Vegas shooting is a bit more difficult to unravel than the church shooting. But still. It's been well over a month. The investigation must have yielded much information already. So why the hush hush? I tend not to be a conspiracy nut, as I believe in elegant, practical, and simple solutions. But the longer Clark County and the FBI drag this on, the more I think there really is a conspiracy going on here. All we have is basically equivalent to 1 day's worth of investigation. So... where's the rest?
by strogg
Fri Oct 13, 2017 4:33 pm
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: Las Vegas Mandalay Bay Active Shooter
Replies: 444
Views: 135087

Re: Las Vegas Mandalay Bay Active Shooter

ELB wrote:
BBYC wrote:Bump fire is not conducive to long range accuracy.
It wouldn't have to be if you are shooting at a mass targart, like a bunch of people herded together for a concert.
TreyHouston wrote:So I read that the security guard was shot BEFORE the shooting and then I read he was shot AFTER the shooting started.
I read the time from the first shot to SWAT taking the room was 12 and I have read 90 minutes.
Perp was there for 3 days and now 5 days.

WHY DOES THE TIMELINE KEEP CHANGING? If this was an interrogation, the suspect (government) would be really screwed on their credibility!!!!!
Because different reporters have talked to different people who may or may not have been actual witnesses to what happened. Take a car accident with two drivers and three witness. Ask them all for statements. You will get six different stories, if you're lucky they will have some points in common. Really, if all the early reports came out with the same, non-conflicting info, that would be much more indicative of something funny going on.

People's recollection of hard numerical data, like passage of time and numbers of anything are really not very good, especially under stress. It will take watching lots of video tape, recorded radio and 911 calls, and the like to pin down a reliable time line.
10000% correct. To be honest, for an event like this, it transpired as expected. LEOs don't exactly training for this sort of stuff every day. Security guards don't exactly expect a heavily armed perp. When a problem arises for the masses, I expected a lot of injuries and chaos to ensue. At this point, the LEOs are still piecing things together. It'll be a tough job, since there were minimal eye witnesses, next to no video, etc. At least they have a perp, albeit deceased. A good investigation takes time. It doesn't help us that everyone and their mothers want their 15 minutes of fame with the media talking about things they barely remember or barely know anything about. Thus even the conflicting information on things that have actually been measured.

Here's something y'all may find interesting. A psychological study was done decades ago where a bunch of real scientists (not the hacks we have today on Yahoo news) tested memory recall of people. Memory recall of big events were not any more accurate than memory recall of smaller, less significant events. If anything, it may be worse. It may seem more accurate and vivid to the subject, but it's only because those larger events get more frequent airtime in their brains, so whatever memories (false or true) are easier to access.

With that in mind, I take any media stories over the Vegas deal with a grain of salt until an official police report comes out. That may take a lot of time. There's no point in speculating until then.
by strogg
Wed Oct 04, 2017 11:33 am
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: Las Vegas Mandalay Bay Active Shooter
Replies: 444
Views: 135087

Re: Las Vegas Mandalay Bay Active Shooter

ScottDLS wrote:
Lynyrd wrote:
philip964 wrote:There is a photo on line of a receipt that a waiter has saved from the Mandalay Bay that shows the shooters room number and name.

Who did he eat with at the Mandalay Bay on the night of the 27th. The receipt says Guests 2.
Who indeed? And this article says the receipt was for room service. You can see the date better in their picture. ... -2-people/
Since he was staying in a suite it's common to bring settings for more than one, even if only one person is registered. Usually they ask, but not always. I wouldn't read too much into it until more info comes out.
My thoughts too. Easier to get food for two if you want to have an extra meal handy later for when you don't want to be disturbed. If there really was a second person in there, forensics will show that when the LEOs comb through the room. Time will tell.

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