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by Keith B
Wed Jun 04, 2014 8:32 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Police Academy Adventures
Replies: 529
Views: 81427

Re: Police Academy Adventures

nightmare69 wrote:I will not write a fellow CHL a ticket so none of y'all have anything to worry about.
Cool! Let me know were you are going to be running a speed trap. I have been wanting to see what the top end speed on my car is. :tiphat:

by Keith B
Tue Jun 03, 2014 1:44 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Police Academy Adventures
Replies: 529
Views: 81427

Re: Police Academy Adventures

Congratulations!! All of the studying and hard work has paid off. Now you can REALLY start the learning process!!
by Keith B
Tue Jun 03, 2014 8:37 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Police Academy Adventures
Replies: 529
Views: 81427

Re: Police Academy Adventures

Excaliber wrote:Leather is sharper looking - when it is properly maintained. That takes constant attention. Its advantages stop there.
We didn't have the option of nylon when I was a reserve officer. However, a couple of our reserves were not known for being the best kempt when it came to their uniforms and gear. I always kept my brass, belt and wellington boots with a good shine. Mainly to avoid the wrath of one of the Sargent's whose former life was as a Marine DI. I never liked that DI voice when something wasn't top notch on my uniform. :shock: :lol:

As for today, I would look at what most of the others are using where you are. Going mainstream when you are a newbie can keep the heat off of you for looking like a schmoozer or a slob. :thumbs2:
by Keith B
Thu May 01, 2014 9:15 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Police Academy Adventures
Replies: 529
Views: 81427

Re: Police Academy Adventures

nightmare69 wrote:Started the review for the state TCOLE test this week. Got drugs today and tomorrow. Other news open carry Texas started a chapter in my county.
They give you drugs before you take the test? Wow, sure has changed from the days I took my POST test. LOL

Good luck. I am sure you will do fine with or without drugs!! ;-)
by Keith B
Mon Mar 24, 2014 8:56 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Police Academy Adventures
Replies: 529
Views: 81427

Re: Police Academy Adventures

One tip, don't over-think your answers. Just answer them truthfully and don't read too much into the questions. Stay consistent and answer them honestly and you should do fine.
by Keith B
Wed Mar 12, 2014 3:40 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Police Academy Adventures
Replies: 529
Views: 81427

Re: Police Academy Adventures

nightmare69 wrote: What scares me is if Im fighting with someone and another officer uses his 5 million gel spray and gets both of us. I could not see or hardly breath for a good 10mins so how can you still fight? Guess in a life or death situation you will find a way. Took a shower when I got home and reactivated it on my face and got some more in my eyes, fun day.
OC gel is actually a little better in the fact it doesn't disperse as bad in the wind and will go to its intended target better so not as likely to get a indirect dose.

Before OC we had CS which was a aerosol spray and it would travel like crazy in the wind. We had a call to a small tavern on the east side of town for an unruly patron who was fighting with everyone. Another officer had already made it into the bar and was trying to subdue the subject. I was riding with another officer that day and when we arrived we headed up the sidewalk to the door. I was in front and had just passed the front window that had a window fan in it. The officer inside sprayed a big dose of CS at the subject just as I passed and it got sucked out of the window and right into the face of my partner. By the time I got inside the first officer was cuffing the guy and I could hear my partner coughing and gagging behind me. I didn't realize what had happened and he couldn't talk, but I knew immediately he had taken a big shot from his runny nose, red face and teared up eyes. I took him over behind the bar and grabbed the water dispenser and started flushing his eyes with it. It took a good 10 minutes of flushing before he was able to even see again. Needless to say he finished up the rest of the shift at the station in civvies answering the phone. :lol:
by Keith B
Tue Mar 04, 2014 9:26 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Police Academy Adventures
Replies: 529
Views: 81427

Re: Police Academy Adventures

nightmare69 wrote:Made a 92 on the family violence/CIT test. It was tough with a few truck questions.
What were the truck questions? Which type of truck most wife beaters drive? Do they have big tires on them? Do they have 4x4 posts for bumpers? :biggrinjester:

Seriously, glad you are doing well in the academy. Keep up the good work!! :thumbs2:
by Keith B
Wed Feb 26, 2014 11:07 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Police Academy Adventures
Replies: 529
Views: 81427

Re: Police Academy Adventures

nightmare69 wrote:Had TABC today taught by a local TABC agent, learned some cool stuff like...It is perfectly legal for a parent to order drinks for their minor child in a restaurant and let them drink them. As far as TABC goes, parking lot is included in the premises. Funny how terms can differ when referring to different laws like child, premises, ect.
An legal age person can also order for their under age spouse.
by Keith B
Sun Feb 23, 2014 7:44 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Police Academy Adventures
Replies: 529
Views: 81427

Re: Police Academy Adventures

Jumping Frog wrote:Since the whole grammar issue has now been well and thoroughly beaten, let's get back to the title subject. What are you facing in class this week?
Hopefully not a spelling bee!! :evil2:
by Keith B
Fri Feb 14, 2014 1:55 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Police Academy Adventures
Replies: 529
Views: 81427

Re: Police Academy Adventures

TxLobo wrote:
Hibauchery? .. Never heard of it..
Isn't that one of those Japanese steak restaurants like Benihana? :mrgreen:
by Keith B
Thu Feb 13, 2014 10:34 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Police Academy Adventures
Replies: 529
Views: 81427

Re: Police Academy Adventures

nightmare69 wrote:I'm looking forward to driving and firearms week. We are rolling through penal code and almost to 30.06. May get there today, I'm eager to see if we discuss any of it cause it's well known that SOME LEO don't know the details of CHL.
There, fixed it for you. There are many that do know the laws and rules, and even have CHL's themselves.
by Keith B
Sat Feb 01, 2014 6:14 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Police Academy Adventures
Replies: 529
Views: 81427

Re: Police Academy Adventures

nightmare69 wrote:Need help on a Monday test question that was in the review we went over.

What is the responsibility of police officers to society and citizens?
To serve and protect?

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