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by Keith B
Wed Feb 25, 2009 9:13 am
Forum: 2009 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Is Open-Carry Dead for 2009?
Replies: 37
Views: 5244

Re: Is Open-Carry Dead for 2009?

SA-TX wrote:Thank you Charles for the kind words. Yes, in my opinion, open carry is dead for the 2009 session. :cryin As I said on, we (open carry supporters) failed to work with those who could help us. True, TSRA and SCCC may not have been in a position to help us this session, but these groups are very important allies that we need to be working with. TSRA in particular is the gatekeeper for pro-gun legislation (you don't have to agree to this characterization, but it is my own). We ( folks) either were ignorant of the political rules or naive to think that 50 some thousand signatures on a petition said we didn't have to abide by them. I hope the lesson has been learned. :smash:

For my own part, I will continue to advocate for some form of open carry but will do so as a member of TSRA. I still believe that it is a good step forward for true 2A freedom in Texas and isn't the radical step that many think it to be. I still respectfully disagree with Charles that many more 30.06 signs would be posted. I continue to believe that open carry would be a big non-event just as it is in every other state and just as concealed carry turned out to be in Texas. Because so few will practice it, the "in your face" aspect and thus the possible reactions will be very limited.

I think there are 2 compelling arguments: 1) this is the true right protected by the 2nd Amendment :rules: because the SCOTUS has said that concealed carry can be restricted and 2) open carry makes gun carry in Texas much more practical. It is darn hot here at times and I don't like having to make a carry/no carry decision based on the weather. :mad5 CHL holders wouldn't even have to carry fully open to realize the benefits as they could simply carry and if they are partially covered or covered at times, that's good enough. In other words, I expect that fully exposed "for all to see" carry would be very rare (but legal), but situational partially covered carry would be more common.

Open carry advocates need to learn the right lesson which is, IMHO, to work within the system for the change that we seek. We don't have initiative or referendum in Texas so signatures don't mean anything (unless it is a wet/dry election). Convincing MEMBERS OF THE LEGISLATURE to support our position and carry a bill is the goal. TSRA is very effective at that. To my friends at, I say "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em". That is the only realistic way to win. :thumbs2:

Charles, I look forward to gently bending your ear in the months and years to come about how there's no boogeyman here and the fear of the unknown is overblown. If I can't convince you, I'm sure we won't be able to convince the Legislature together. Here's to the challenge. :cheers2:


To reiterate what Charles has said, you are a very good spokesperson and a great voice for open carry. Your views are realistic, and I believe attainable if gone after in the proper manner. As stated, hopefully this will open the eyes of those who feel you can take a radical approach and bully folks into introducing and passing legislation. Maybe now they will see they must approach open carry with an open mind and move with the tide. Trying to paddle straight against it accomplishes nothing but making you extremely tired putting you farther out to sea. Angle into it and you can beat the waves and attain the shore you so wish to reach.

Thanks again for all of your posts. Keep us abreast of new information and things happening in that arena. :thumbs2:

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