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by Abraham
Thu Mar 14, 2013 3:39 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Lesson Learned - Gym nonCarry
Replies: 73
Views: 16809

Re: Lesson Learned - Gym nonCarry

So, some of the other reasons to go to a gym are for more and technical equipment.

Fair enough.

Me, I prefer simplicity, convenience, and very low cost.

No one's mentioned if any of the gyms are co-ed.

My guess: If the gym is inexpensive, it's not co-ed...if it's pricey, there are women all over the place.

But, as always, I could be wrong...
by Abraham
Thu Mar 14, 2013 12:42 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Lesson Learned - Gym nonCarry
Replies: 73
Views: 16809

Re: Lesson Learned - Gym nonCarry


"Before all of this, the appeal for me was going to the gym put me in the workout mindset."

O.K. motivation again.

If going to a gym promotes motivation - that's a good thing.

So far going to gym: 2 for motivation / 1 for a spotter

My motivation as noted earlier has been the stamina benefits of always being in shape.

Also, outworking younger guys at whatever the work or play is one of my motivations, so I guess you might say one of my motivations for working out is ego boosting.

Plus, it's cool to be fit and have a ripped body. More ego building motivation...

But, I do the free weights at home and the biking costs no gas. (ah, yeah, the bike wasn't free, but it was a gift...)
by Abraham
Thu Mar 14, 2013 12:31 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Lesson Learned - Gym nonCarry
Replies: 73
Views: 16809

Re: Lesson Learned - Gym nonCarry


"Why would you want to limit your workout to free weights and dumbbells?"

Because that's all you need for muscle fitness.

I'm sure working out with other equipment helps keep things from getting boring, (though that's never happened with me using free weights, I can see for some it might...) but for pure muscle building fitness, free weights will get the job done.

"If you don't need a spotter with free weights then you're doing it wrong IMO; pushing your limits without a spotter is dangerous."

Low reps / Heavy weight - If you're working on building bulk, sure you need heavy weights and a spotter. We agree.

Me, I use a 60 Lb. barbell for all but one exercise, however I do 120 reps per set (without rest) for 1/2 of my workout and half amount that or so for the rest.

That means I'm not bulked up, (though after all these years of working out, I'm pretty ripped even for a jr. geezer) but I gain lots of stamina that permits me to do other endurance efforts, like paddle a kayak for 15 miles or more per outing. I can still swing a sledge hammer or an axe all day long. Or wade fish all day long, non-stop chunking lures.

Without the stamina building high rep approach with free weights, I doubt I'd last as well.

Also, I don't work out with weights every day like I once did. I work out every other day. On the off days, I ride a mountain bike for twenty-five miles. Am I obsessive about exercise - heck yes!

For 22 years, before I started cycling, I ran ten miles a day and fifteen on the week-ends. After finally blowing up my knee and getting it scoped, all I'm allowed to do for aerobic fitness now is either swim or bike.

I tried swimming for six months and found I hated it as an exercise, but still love it for recreation.

Cycling isn't hard on the knees - so that's what I do and it isn't boring either. It's an adventure every time I go...
by Abraham
Thu Mar 14, 2013 11:06 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Lesson Learned - Gym nonCarry
Replies: 73
Views: 16809

Re: Lesson Learned - Gym nonCarry

So, it IS motivation (or lack thereof...) for some - O.K. Going to a gym helps with it.

C'mon, the rest of you.

What's your reason for doing something elsewhere you could do at home at no inconvenience, zero cost and theft less likely.

Well, zero cost after you buy a set of free weights and a bench for presses, which is of course a one time, quite low cost. I'm using the same bench and weights since plus 45 years ago...

Are most you single and the gyms you attend co-ed?

Is that it...?

Personally, I wouldn't care for female distraction even if I was single. When I work out the noises I make would make a whale blush...
by Abraham
Thu Mar 14, 2013 9:53 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Lesson Learned - Gym nonCarry
Replies: 73
Views: 16809

Re: Lesson Learned - Gym nonCarry

O.K. - It seems most who work out go to gyms.

I don't get it.

Why not work out at home?

What am I missing?

The over all cost of membership, gas to and fro, inconvenience, risk of losing valuables, etc. just doesn't make sense to me..

Or it a social thing?

The only other thing I can guess at is some aren't really internally motivated to work out and need the presence of others to keep up their motivation.

Or, do I have completely wrong?
by Abraham
Tue Feb 12, 2013 11:07 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Lesson Learned - Gym nonCarry
Replies: 73
Views: 16809

Re: Lesson Learned - Gym nonCarry

Stop going to gyms and work out at home.

A decent set of free weights cost about a month or two gym membership. Then get a bench for presses and you're done with equipment needs. You don't need a whole host of mostly unavailable 'exercise machines', honestly, you don't.

Treadmill needs?

Please, rediscover actual walking.

Plus, you'll save money on gasoline, wear and tear on your vehicle, exposure to accident, and man, working out at home is the epitome of convenient.

Also, no waiting for someone else to finish their set on some machine they left sweaty, yuk...
by Abraham
Tue Jan 29, 2013 4:12 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Lesson Learned - Gym nonCarry
Replies: 73
Views: 16809

Re: Lesson Learned - Gym nonCarry

Plus, there are those like me who decided on forgoing the magazine choice and pay $10.00 for membership.

Hey, my membership card has my number - works for me!
by Abraham
Tue Jan 29, 2013 2:32 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Lesson Learned - Gym nonCarry
Replies: 73
Views: 16809

Re: Lesson Learned - Gym nonCarry

One of the benefits of being an NRA member is insurance coverage (paid for by being a member, but you have to sign up for it) for situations like your gun theft.

Up to a max of $2500.00
by Abraham
Mon Jan 28, 2013 10:04 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Lesson Learned - Gym nonCarry
Replies: 73
Views: 16809

Re: Lesson Learned - Gym nonCarry

Consider working out at home.

It'll save you time, money and inconvenience.

A set of free weights, a bench and you're set to go.

Prefer all the high tech gadgets over free weights?

For the cost of a few years membership you can probably buy those for use at home too.

I wouldn't accept FREE membership at any gym.

Way too much bother...

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