Ummm....where you gonna get the bong water??Liberty wrote:Bong water is also fun!!rx9790 wrote:Thats an idea, walk around the lot sprinkling powder on tires and the ground. Dogs will go nuts and be useless.KD5NRH wrote:Sprinkle some Bullseye around the superintendent's car and find out.ProudToCarry wrote:Great forum!
Noticed a couple of Garland-area teachers on-line...anyone know off top of their head if GISD runs the dogs past teachers' vehicles for firearms?
And if anything teaches us...the VA Tech shootings, it might be good to have one...except they can fire you, if its against "company" policy to have one and you signed it as a term of employment its a no win
You have to weigh your options..and unfortunately the anti's and media would have a feeding frenzy if you as a teacher got busted with a firearm in your car....oooooh boy I could just see the headlines now!