pbandjelly wrote:just get the stuff with PhenylEphrine in it. works just as good, and can't be made into Meth.
I beg to differ... phenylephedrine is
not just as good as pseudoephedrine. The "War on cold medicine" has not reduced meth usage one bit, although it has reduced homegrown drug labs. Instead, users have to buy a purer, more potent version imported from Mexico, called "Ice".
It's the same result whenever prohibition is tried: outlawing beer by the Volstead act turned millions to rotgut whiskey (blinding hundreds and killing thousands). Cracking down on cocaine led to the creation of crack. Cracking down on over-the-counter cold medicines led to the creation of Ice.
And meanwhile, allergies are kicking my butt.
Back to the original topic: yes, it's perfectly legal to buy a handgun from someone under 21, or even from someone under 18 who may not legally possess it. Their status doesn't affect
your legal status in purchasing it.
But in the situation described, I definitely wouldn't purchase it without talking to the young man's father.