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by zencurry
Fri May 13, 2016 8:51 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: "Waiting Room"
Replies: 6683
Views: 1496254

Re: "Waiting Room"

Not too bad:

My all in date was 1/11/16

I waited until April 12th to get a call saying, I was approved and off to printing.
May 11th, I called in to say I had not received my CHL yet and was told I was accidentally sent back to review
I finally got my plastic in hand yesterday which was almost 120 days to the day.

Zencurry over and out!

Good luck and be safe everyone!
by zencurry
Thu May 12, 2016 11:22 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: "Waiting Room"
Replies: 6683
Views: 1496254

Re: "Waiting Room"

Either I survived an extinction event or people are actually getting their TLC/CHLs in a reasonable amount of time.
This site has really "died" down... :lol::

by zencurry
Thu May 05, 2016 9:37 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: "Waiting Room"
Replies: 6683
Views: 1496254

Re: "Waiting Room"

Interesting tidbit I thought I would share:

Three weeks ago I got call saying I was approved and off to printing, after three weeks of waiting with no status change and no CHL in the mailbox I called back and was told I was still under review--Fuming, is the only word to describe it. I was called yesterday and told that my first technician hit the wrong button in the interface and that was all that was wrong, so instead of sending it to print, the technician sent it back to review. Apparently this is an easy mistake to make.

So, if you are waiting on your plastic and your mailman is looking at you as though he is trying to decide if he will need to defend himself, you might call and make sure that you were not accidentally sent back to review rather than being sent to print.

by zencurry
Mon May 02, 2016 9:46 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: "Waiting Room"
Replies: 6683
Views: 1496254

Re: "Waiting Room"

I got a call three weeks ago saying that I was approved and off to printing. Three weeks later, after no status change and no CHL in the mail, I called in to see what was going on. I was told by the nice lady that I was still under review--that I had not cleared my background check. Apparently the person who called me and said I was approved, did not update my application because there is no notation of our conversation having occurred--nothing.

I do not even know how to respond to this. However, I will say to you all that if you get a call from the DPS:

1. Get the Technician's Name
2. Get their phone number and 5 digit extension

In this way, you might be able to get back to the person/technician who told you you were approved--otherwise, like me who dropped the ball on this--you will be out of luck.

I am thinking that this has been a huge waste of time, effort and not too mention money.

by zencurry
Tue Apr 12, 2016 3:44 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: "Waiting Room"
Replies: 6683
Views: 1496254

Re: "Waiting Room"

Got the call this afternoon...I am approved and off to printing. Folks, it's be a lot of fun, thank you all for helping not pull what is left of my hair out!

All In January 11th 2016

Approval call April 12th 2016

Almost three months to the day...

Folks, I am out.

:woohoo :anamatedbanana :thewave :thewave :anamatedbanana :woohoo
by zencurry
Wed Mar 30, 2016 10:43 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: "Waiting Room"
Replies: 6683
Views: 1496254

Re: "Waiting Room"

I am really glad to see January applicants getting their plastic, this is great news. However, has the December backlog been cleared up? Are there still December applicants waiting?

by zencurry
Fri Mar 25, 2016 1:27 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: "Waiting Room"
Replies: 6683
Views: 1496254

Re: "Waiting Room"

Tjf328 wrote:Of course RSD is closed today for another holiday. :mad5
Received confirmation email of all documents received on 1/4/2016 and still waiting. :totap:

This I know is true. The only reason to work for the state is the benefits and holidays; it damn sure isn't for the pay or environment.
by zencurry
Fri Mar 25, 2016 11:34 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: "Waiting Room"
Replies: 6683
Views: 1496254

Re: "Waiting Room" wrote:
I have call RSD 2 times and have only been told that all of my documents have been received and that everything looks good. First call representative advised that it would be 12 weeks from confirmation date. Second call representative advised it would only be 60 days. Now I'm just confused as to who is telling the truth??? :roll:
"You can't handle the truth!" :leaving
by zencurry
Tue Mar 22, 2016 11:12 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: "Waiting Room"
Replies: 6683
Views: 1496254

Re: "Waiting Room"

sweatmachine wrote:I logged on to check my status late last night, just after midnight, and saw no update. I logged on this morning, on my 92nd day of wait, about 7:45 and saw some glorious new options laid before me.

S T A T U S C H A N G E ! ! !

:anamatedbanana :hurry: :coolgleamA: :biggrinjester: :mrgreen: :txflag: :fire

Now to start stalking my mailman! Thanks for all the support friends! I'll report back once plastic hits my palms.
It is about time, right?!!?!

Congratualtions SweatMachine!

:thewave :woohoo :thewave
by zencurry
Thu Mar 17, 2016 2:01 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: "Waiting Room"
Replies: 6683
Views: 1496254

Re: "Waiting Room"

I think it is a little funny, actually, that the year I decide to get a CHL/TLC is the same year that apparently every other Texan decided to get one and at the very same time. I think about this and I think about the day when this backlog clears up and it will be near impossible to throw a stick without hitting a licensed carrier. I don't know about you folks, but that makes me feel just a bit better about things; knowing that this state is essentially an independent militia waiting to mobilize. I hope that this sudden landslide of licensees makes National and Global news. I hope that everyone in world knows that every Texan carries a gun and we take care of our own. God, Bless Texas!
by zencurry
Mon Mar 14, 2016 9:39 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: "Waiting Room"
Replies: 6683
Views: 1496254

Re: "Waiting Room"

Man, I just knew that I would login today and see nothing but mid to late December applicants jumping for joy and celebrating their approval.

Hang in there guys!

by zencurry
Fri Mar 11, 2016 1:02 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: "Waiting Room"
Replies: 6683
Views: 1496254

Re: "Waiting Room"

Yeah, looking back on it now, I wish I had sent in my documents via pony express. It seems that the more antiquated the means of delivery the faster they are able to process the application. I wonder if the designee(s) even have computers--that would explain a lot.

Although it does seem to indicate a point at which labor may be divided--physical vs digital. Being a systems engineer, I am curious about their digital set up, it seems that they may have a means of file distribution, e.g. email, file servers, but it seems that they may be lacking any back end systems that actually parse the data they receive. Which got me to thinking about the FBI and how many BGs they are probably having to process a day; which reminded me of NCIS and their supposed access to data systems; which then turned my attention to Star Wars and the apparent lack of tracking of individuals on a galactic basis and before you knew it, I was wondering if I would ever apply for a license to carry a light saber in my lifetime...

by zencurry
Fri Mar 11, 2016 10:15 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: "Waiting Room"
Replies: 6683
Views: 1496254

Re: "Waiting Room"

AustinAG2005 wrote:
zencurry wrote:Ok, clock struck 7:00 am and I hit the dial button. 15 minutes later I was speaking with Tonya and I got the same answer we have all been hearing for some time now. They are still buried under a backlog.

Tonya did say that it was taking them about 12 weeks to process an application--I know this doesn't help.

All that I can say is that I have waited 32 years to get my first Harley (still don't have it yet, I just have the go ahead from the wife (CFO/CEO) for purchase), so, as long as the plastic comes in before the 32 year mark, I should be good.

I was wearing my super lucky Dallas Cowboys pajamas when I made this call--if they can't break the spell, then this is some kind of uber-bad-juju. Really, these pajamas prevented the worldwide computer melt down in 2000.

Too bad they cant help the Cowboys....

:lol:: :lol:: :lol:: :lol:: :lol::
Well, there are miracles and then there are MIRACLES
by zencurry
Fri Mar 11, 2016 9:50 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: "Waiting Room"
Replies: 6683
Views: 1496254

Re: "Waiting Room"

Ok, clock struck 7:00 am and I hit the dial button. 15 minutes later I was speaking with Tonya and I got the same answer we have all been hearing for some time now. They are still buried under a backlog.

Tonya did say that it was taking them about 12 weeks to process an application--I know this doesn't help.

All that I can say is that I have waited 32 years to get my first Harley (still don't have it yet, I just have the go ahead from the wife (CFO/CEO) for purchase), so, as long as the plastic comes in before the 32 year mark, I should be good.

I was wearing my super lucky Dallas Cowboys pajamas when I made this call--if they can't break the spell, then this is some kind of uber-bad-juju. Really, these pajamas prevented the worldwide computer melt down in 2000.

by zencurry
Fri Mar 11, 2016 7:25 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: "Waiting Room"
Replies: 6683
Views: 1496254

Re: "Waiting Room"


Grant me the serenity or the plastic, either will do, but I need it right now, please.

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