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by Jusme
Fri May 12, 2017 5:15 pm
Forum: 2017 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: HB1911 Com Substitute
Replies: 286
Views: 90636

Re: HB1911 Com Substitute

Charles L. Cotton wrote:I started to respond to specific posts, but it's better to do so in a general post. I understand people's frustration about the number of gun bills that will be passed this session. I share that frustration, especially concerning HB560 that I have promoted for 10 years. I don't have a problem with people expressing their frustrations, as I plan to do after the session is over. However, if you care about passing as many bills as possible in the closing days of the session, then hold your complaints until after the session closes. There is a critical bill that still has a chance and that will help gun owners dramatically. The last thing we need is for pro-gun legislators to get the opinion that the 2A community is going to blast them regardless of what happens in the next few days. (I'm talking about SB349 that doesn't change Texas law but clarifies it so dishonest local officials can't abuse and avoid current Texas law.)

Some argue that we should get anything and everything we want when we want it, because we have a super majority. While that's true, not every Republican puts gun issues at the top of their agendas. Not all of their constituents place 2A issues at the top of their lists. The people they elect must/should address the issues their constituents want by filing and working bills on many different topics. Many conservative groups are making the same argument, "why didn't we get everything we wanted?"

Last session saw the expenditure of many years worth of political capital and good will passing campus-carry and open-carry in one session. It wasn't easy for us or for legislators since it put friend against friend, especially with campus-carry. We knew before the 2017 Texas legislative session began that this was not going to be a "gun session." We have passed a bill that will make it possible for many millions of Texans to be able to afford to get and renew an LTC. SB16 wasn't front-page news and it didn't have the sex appeal of open-carry or campus-carry, but it will impact far more people. If we can pass SB349 discussed above, then those two bills alone would make 2017 a successful session, albeit without the number of bills we've passed in prior sessions. (This is especially true in light of the number of anti-gun bills filed that we were able to kill.)

I have to admit that my responses to some posts were less than statesmanlike and for that I apologize. While I share your frustration at seeing good bills die without even a hearing, I am also frustrated at some of our Members who make it clear that they believe that the session would have been more successful, if we had taken a firebrand approach. (That has worked so well for people and organizations that have relied upon that approach this session and in past sessions.) In some ways, people get spoiled to success and expect even better things in each successive session. That's not the way it works. At the end of the day, it's still politics. Whether you feel that is a dirty word or not, that's the reality we face.

To those I offended, I again apologize. I also ask you to consider how your comments are interpreted not just by me, but others who have fought for gun owners for years. Attacking your champions, either directly or by implication, doesn't motivate us. It makes us want to say "to heck with it, let's go fishing."

Charles you have not offended me, and as a native Texan, for the last 56 years, I fully understand how difficult it is to get legislation moved through to the Governor's desk.

While the majority of members here, share the same desires, we only represent a portion of LTC holders. There are hundreds, of thousands, who are not nearly as tuned in as we are. Also a very large percentage of members, are no longer even active on the forum, so despite our efforts, a few hundred calls, emails, etc, will not have the impact we would all like to think that it does.

Charles, along with several others, have actually done more than we can do as a collective, and has a record worthy of praise for the progress we have made, not only as LTC holders, but gun owners, gun range owners, etc.

My fear is that we become, a mirror image of the echo chamber, we denigrate in leftists, and start picking apart our reps who are actually on our side, but may be getting conflicting opinions from others in their districts.
by Jusme
Fri May 12, 2017 3:42 pm
Forum: 2017 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: HB1911 Com Substitute
Replies: 286
Views: 90636

Re: HB1911 Com Substitute

I know that there are several here who are not happy with the speed, and success rate of pro gun legislation. Unfortunately, since our State Legislature only meets every two years, there are so many other issues, that may take precedence over our wishes, that have just as much constituency support, if not more, than ours. Education issues, are always a hot topic, and numerous bills are filed each year in that area. Property taxes, infrastructure, health care, all have a much broader support base than LTC holder's wishes.

Our voices have been heard, but just not acted upon as much as OC and campus carry were in the last session. I have lived here all of my life, and so I have a long memory, of failed legislation, and legislation passed by Democratic Legislature and Governor. I can remember when Texas was at the brink of bankruptcy much like California, and how far we have come in that we now have a surplus of money each year. LTC has only been around for 10 legislative sessions, and our numbers were not so massive as they are now, but we are still a minority. With the reduction in fees, and since unless a miracle occurs, 1911 will not pass, people who want to legally carry outside of their homes, and vehicles, will still have to obtain a LTC, I believe like Charles, that our numbers will grow exponentially, and with it more of a voice, in the next session.

This is an opportunity to flood our reps with our wishes for next session, and reach out to new LTC holders, or any who do not follow politics as closely as we do, and encourage them to contact their reps. Also meet everyone who is running as a potential, rep, and find out exactly where they stand on these issues, before voting.
by Jusme
Thu May 11, 2017 10:41 am
Forum: 2017 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: HB1911 Com Substitute
Replies: 286
Views: 90636

Re: HB1911 Com Substitute

I too am disappointed, I'm not sure where any of my reps, or the rest of the Republicans stand at this point. This whole session, has been so confusing.

Hopefully, Charles will be able to shed some light on this session.
by Jusme
Mon May 08, 2017 10:48 am
Forum: 2017 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: HB1911 Com Substitute
Replies: 286
Views: 90636

Re: HB1911 Com Substitute

canvasbck wrote:
TexasJohnBoy wrote:
Rvrrat14 wrote:So is there enough support/time for 1911 to pass?
I'm predicting death in the Calendars Committee, but I am no where near the know, let alone in it.
I called this a couple of weeks ago. Charles called it before the session even started.

There isn't a lot of incentive for lawmakers to pass permit-less carry at this time.

The one good thing that has come out of 1911 making it far enough to get some media attention has forced a few "closet antis" to make public statements. Many of their public statements (like the police chief above) have been showing support for our current LTC system. What they are saying (in essence) is; "we have a means for responsible citizens to carry, and it's working great. We don't want to change that system because it works so well." These statements can be used against them when they come out against the HB560 of next session. I know I'm archiving some of these statements to use later.

This is why, if they truly wanted to free up LTC holders, then they would have presented, 1911, first, and then if it got the backlash they anticipated, then had 560 as the "compromise."
What the left says during this session, is meaningless, next session. They are counting on their constituents to either have short memories, or be so uninformed that they go along with whatever is said.

My problem this session, in not with the left, or anti gun police chiefs, their statements are predictable, and are the same every session, it is with the so called "right" They had the opportunity, before the session started to sign on as co sponsors of HB560, and chose not to do so, even after a concerted effort by LTC holders across the State. I even had conversations with my reps, telling them that 1911, while a good bill, would be much tougher battle, and would still not help settle the questions regarding carry, in "arms length rented government property, carry in courthouses, and a myriad of other things to give freedoms to the most law abiding group in the State.
Not to mention, the stupidity, of waiting on an opinion from the AG, whenever a new issue came up.

I think it is time for us as a group to not only work to rid the Legislature of left wing Democrats, which should be our goal, every time we can vote, but to put a more concerted effort into cleaning out the Rhino's who have permeated the legislature. No Republican, or Libertarian, running for office will get our support, based solely on their party affiliation. JMHO
by Jusme
Wed May 03, 2017 8:33 am
Forum: 2017 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: HB1911 Com Substitute
Replies: 286
Views: 90636

Re: HB1911 Com Substitute

I guess, what amazes me so much, is that these police officials, should know, more than anyone, that criminals don't care whether or not it is legal for them to carry a gun. They will, and have been, carrying gun illegally anyway. I'll bet that there are very few arrests made, for those carrying guns illegally, where they were not prohibited from possessing one in the first place. So far, the police have had no problem determining, who is "allowed" to carry, and those who aren't. How will that change, if law abiding citizens, began to carry? They can already carry in their vehicles, in their businesses, and anywhere on their own property. The same laws of deadly force, carrying as to frighten or intimidate, carrying in prohibited places, etc. will still apply. They will just be better able to defend themselves, if they are attacked, away from the places already permitted.

These administrators have been wrong, at every turn regarding carrying guns, there have been no shootouts at high noon, no flood of MWAG calls, no attempted rape victims shooting at their attackers, and killing innocent people, no professors at colleges being gunned down, over grades etc. Hopefully, the Legislators will take a look at all of the doom and gloom predictions, made by these, so called "public servants" and ignore them.JMHO
by Jusme
Tue May 02, 2017 3:27 pm
Forum: 2017 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: HB1911 Com Substitute
Replies: 286
Views: 90636

Re: HB1911 Com Substitute

This is the same crowd, who claimed, that OC would cause them to have to add extra 9-1-1 operators to handle the "flood" of MWAG calls. And that the police would not be able to tell the good guys from the bad guys. If they would ever take the time to ask the officers on the street, how they feel about law abiding citizens carrying guns, they may get a different response. But then, they are all administrators who know more about the streets than the average LEO.

by Jusme
Mon Apr 24, 2017 10:15 am
Forum: 2017 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: HB1911 Com Substitute
Replies: 286
Views: 90636

Re: HB1911 Com Substitute

Liberty wrote:It's a war on 3 fronts. Mad Mom's, TSRA and the OCT. I think the CC issues have the support of 2 fronts, HB 560 only has support from one front. TSRA doesn't control the gun agenda anymore because it's a 3 way tug of war.


There seems to be a disconnect between the Legislature and those of us who have jumped through hoops to become LTC holders, endured an increase of prohibited places, proved ourselves to be, by far the most law abiding group in history, paid expensive licensing fees, and voted for those, who we fully believed have our best interest at heart.
I guess that's why it's so hard to understand the reasons that so much capital has been expended on unlicensed carry, which will free up some people, even though at the same time, licensing fees are proposed to be reduced, which will allow even more people to be able to afford an LTC.

This legislation, at least for me, is like kissing your sister. It may keep harmony in the family, but it doesn't work out the inheritance issues. JMHO
by Jusme
Mon Apr 24, 2017 8:35 am
Forum: 2017 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: HB1911 Com Substitute
Replies: 286
Views: 90636

Re: HB1911 Com Substitute

Scott Farkus wrote:
ralewis wrote:My (likely unpopular) opinion is I wish the emphasis on unlicensed carry would just go away. The distraction caused by 'constitutional carry' this cycle and Open Carry last cycle haven't help much with the notion of lawful carry in increasingly more places. With the reduction in LTC fees (assuming it passes), and the requirement that to carry unlicensed is same as getting a license, it makes no sense to me to even pursue unlicensed carry. Just get a license....And to those who say you don't need a license for a constitutional right, 2 things. First, no consitutional rights are absolute and permits are required for 'free speech' activities at times and courts can take actions to constrain other rights. The 2nd Amendment says what the courts say it means -- that's an inevitable reality that absent some sort of revolution we're not going to escape.

We've had 20+ years of successful CHL/LTC (including Open Carry last cycle) without incident, and all we're succeeding in doing is create awareness which will result in more and more posted locations.

I've written my state Rep and Senator on behalf of the 3 license holders in my household requesting they not support.
I agree for the most part but respectfully request you reconsider that last sentence. For whatever reason, it seems that the "powers that be" (for lack of a better term) have decided to put most of the eggs in the constitutional carry basket this sesson. While I think CC is important, I and I suspect many others here don't think it should be our top priority right now - HB 560 should. But at this point, it seems to me that the train has left the station and if we don't get CC, not only are we going to have a very disappointing session, but we'll be dealing with CC again next session, and the session after that, etc. until it passes. And it will continue to suck all the air out of the room, just like OC did until it finally passed.

At this point, I say let's just get it done and maybe finally hopefully we can clear the deck for a HB560 next time.



Just because this was not the legislation I was hoping to get passed this session. I have contacted my reps to get behind it. To me, its a case of better some, than none. I know that HB560 would have been a battle, and would have probably had to have some concessions in it, but it is clear where the representatives stood, when no one co-sponsored it. Unlicensed carry, will be an even bigger battle, but if some of the more jelly-spined Republicans, get behind it, we can get it passed. Perhaps after a couple of years of no problems with it, we can then get prohibited places removed. JMHO
by Jusme
Mon Apr 24, 2017 8:22 am
Forum: 2017 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: HB1911 Com Substitute
Replies: 286
Views: 90636

Re: HB1911 Com Substitute and HB560

Scott Farkus wrote:
Ruark wrote:Sheesh. So if a business had a 30.07 sign, but no gunbuster sign, and I wanted to go in carrying openly, I could toss my LTC into the glove box before I went into the store. Then I'd be a legal unlicensed carrier.......????

This is all going to be idiotically complicated. You won't find 1 business owner in 100,000 that will have a correct understanding of everything.
It's already borderline idiotically complicated, but yeah, this would push it over the top. I'd like to see some grand bargain where we eliminate 30.06/30.07 in exchange for a gunbuster sign not having the force of law on those with an LTC.

Having said that, I'm at the point where I desperately hope constitutional carry passes this session because it seems we've again sacrificed some mighty good legislation (i.e. HB560) to get it done, just like we did in 2015 to get open carry. If constitutional carry fails... oh man, I don't want to think about it.


This is a case of putting all of your eggs in one basket, and then just hoping the fox doesn't come steal them. If unlicensed carry would also eliminate, or greatly reduce, prohibited places, I would be more excited about it. Or if 1911, was presented, and 560 was the "compromise" package, then I could understand the thought process, but I believe that this, while a good bill on it's face, will cost more compromises, and be weakened to to the point of being ineffective, if it gets close to passage at all. JMHO

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