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by TexasSully
Sat Apr 02, 2016 7:16 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: "Waiting Room"
Replies: 6683
Views: 1496505

Re: "Waiting Room"

ifpo238 wrote:
ifpo238 wrote:
91kcolg wrote:Progress! RDS told me this morning that my application was selected for issue yesterday. No change to the website yet, but I was told it would take about 14 days to receive in the mail from the date of issue. That would put me at 91 days if received 14 days from yesterday.
I just got a very similar call!

Prints taken: 1/12
Docs submitted thru website: 1/12
Prints rec'd by DPS: 1/14
RSD email confirming docs rec'd: 1/22
Emailed state rep for help: 3/16
Call from DPS: 3/18 (Apparently, the email to state rep did something. They're going to see if there's anything they can do to expedite. If so, I'll hear back in a couple of days. If not, 2-4 more weeks.)
DPS called me: 3/21 (Background check looks good, need to get the photo attached from the DL system, should be sending it out Friday or early next week.)
DPS called me: 3/30 (License has been approved and sent for printing; should arrive in the mail in the next 7-10 days)
Website change: still waiting...
LTC in hand: still waiting...
Status change! Website had changed as of 6:50 this morning, 4/2. Pretty sure I had checked just before midnight last night and it had not yet changed. Hope to have plastic in hand soon...
I am not sure where your are located, but my status changed last Saturday morning and I had plastic in hand Monday. I am in the Austin area.
Congrats the waiting is nearly over
by TexasSully
Mon Mar 28, 2016 3:50 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: "Waiting Room"
Replies: 6683
Views: 1496505

Re: "Waiting Room"

I'm out of here! Plastic finally arrived. To recap my timeline
Application Nov 22
Fingerprints Nov 25
Class 1/4
Confirmation of CHL 100 1/5
Contact State Reps office 3/9
Call from DPS informing I had been approved 3/22
Plastic 3/28
Calendar Days 83 Business days 55 Weeks-12
:anamatedbanana :anamatedbanana :anamatedbanana
by TexasSully
Sun Mar 27, 2016 7:08 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: "Waiting Room"
Replies: 6683
Views: 1496505

Re: "Waiting Room"

Flightmare wrote:I finally got my plastic in. Went to the park with 2 of my nieces and 1 of my nephews earlier. I must admit, it was an unusual first time to carry in public. No issues though. To all that are still waiting, your time is coming. Just try to hold in a bit longer.

Final Timeline:
LTC Application: 12/31/15
Fingerprints: 1/5/16
LTC Class and CHL-100 upload: 1/17/16
RDS Confirmation Email: 1/21/16
Emailed RDS asking them to expedite my application: 3/14/16
Emailed/Called State Rep: 3/21/16
DPS called me to confirm I was approved: 3/22/16
Status Changed: 3/25/16
RDS email response to expedition request: 3/26/16 (The email said the license was printed and shipped on 3/24/16)
Plastic in hand: 3/26/16

I'm finally out of the waiting room. Stay safe everyone!

Congratulations Status changed for me yesterday, but no plastic. Put off a trip to HEB until after the mail came in hopes to be able to carry. Fingers crossed tomorrow is the day.
by TexasSully
Sat Mar 26, 2016 6:59 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: "Waiting Room"
Replies: 6683
Views: 1496505

Re: "Waiting Room"

Website changed for me today! Hopefully my seat will open up soon. My all in date was January 5th. I am one of those that contacted their Rep, Senator and Governor. I am not sure that the Rep put much "heat" on RDS, but I know she made two inquiries on my behalf and a day after the second inquiry I was approved and got not one but two followup calls from DPS to tell me this. All I got from Abbott's office was a form letter promising someone would contact me.
It doesn't hurt to contact your Representatives provided you have been waiting longer than the 60 days.
by TexasSully
Wed Mar 23, 2016 3:57 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: "Waiting Room"
Replies: 6683
Views: 1496505

Re: "Waiting Room"

sweatmachine wrote:My friends, the eagle has landed. I received plastic in the mail today.

:anamatedbanana :txflag: :fire :hurry:

CHL class: 12/20/15
Online App, documents sent, confirmation received: 12/21/15
Fingerprints: 12/23/15
Status Change: 3/22/16
Plastic in hand: 3/23/16

For a grand total of 93 calendar days and 61 business days since my confirmation email. If I hadn't called my state rep and Gov Abbott, who knows how long it would have taken? I think that shaved off 2-3 weeks.

It's been real, folks. Y'all be safe out there! :thumbs2: :txflag:
Congratulations Sweat--I received a SECOND call from DPS today to let me know I had been approved and sent for printing. I know this one was a result of contact Rep Dukes office, because one of her staff members forwarded me an email from DPS stating that I had been approved and contacted. If you are past the 60 days, contact your Rep and ask them to intervene. It seems to speed things up.
by TexasSully
Wed Mar 23, 2016 8:47 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: "Waiting Room"
Replies: 6683
Views: 1496505

Re: "Waiting Room"

TexasVetEOD wrote:Well, today marks day 80 for me if nothing changes today. The wait continues. :banghead:

Application - 8\15\2015
Prints - 8\20\2015
CHL Class competed - 01\02\2016
Documents Received email - 01\04\2016
My all in date is one day behind you. I was told yesterday I was approved and sent to printing, but no status change. Good luck.
by TexasSully
Tue Mar 22, 2016 7:57 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: "Waiting Room"
Replies: 6683
Views: 1496505

Re: "Waiting Room"

sweatmachine wrote:I logged on to check my status late last night, just after midnight, and saw no update. I logged on this morning, on my 92nd day of wait, about 7:45 and saw some glorious new options laid before me.

S T A T U S C H A N G E ! ! !

:anamatedbanana :hurry: :coolgleamA: :biggrinjester: :mrgreen: :txflag: :fire

Now to start stalking my mailman! Thanks for all the support friends! I'll report back once plastic hits my palms.
by TexasSully
Fri Mar 11, 2016 8:56 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: "Waiting Room"
Replies: 6683
Views: 1496505

Re: "Waiting Room"

zencurry wrote:God,

Grant me the serenity or the plastic, either will do, but I need it right now, please.
by TexasSully
Thu Mar 10, 2016 8:58 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: "Waiting Room"
Replies: 6683
Views: 1496505

Re: "Waiting Room"

merrittj214 wrote:
GlassG19 wrote:
merrittj214 wrote:12/23/15: Application submitted
01/05/16: Fingerprints provided
01/16/16: Class completed
01/21/16: Supporting documents email confirmation from DPS

Silence since then. Today is 2/22/16. I guess I am on day 32. Maybe I need to be more patient. Do you hear any updates at all, or just wait and wait and one day it turns up in your mailbox?

Unfortunately I wouldn't or couldn't answer your question but if you go by everyone here, it will just show up.
Update - it's 3/10 and still nothing. No info in the mail. No links on the website. No plastic. Do I just need to relax? What's my ballpark wait at this point? :banghead: :roll:

I am on day 65 and nothing yet. :banghead:
by TexasSully
Thu Mar 10, 2016 11:04 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: "Waiting Room"
Replies: 6683
Views: 1496505

Re: "Waiting Room"

I decided to contact my State Rep and got a call back. The assistant took all my info and promised to look into it. I'll report back when I hear something.
by TexasSully
Tue Mar 08, 2016 7:02 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: "Waiting Room"
Replies: 6683
Views: 1496505

Re: "Waiting Room"

Sparky682 wrote:Submitted Application 1/5/2016, DPS Received 1/6/2016
Finger Prints 1/13/2016
LTC Class 1/23/2016 paperwork received on 1/26/2016
Contacted DPS on 3/4/2016 @ 4:30pm > comfirmed receipt of all paperwork. I asked about the 60 Day period, she told me that that was an approximate turn around time and that the time for processing starts once they receive all paperwork. She also told me that they were still working on mid December and expect delays that it would proably be longer than 60 days from 1/26/2016.

I will update upon new information!
Although I realized it was an exercise in futility, I called to check on my status this evening. After about a 30 minute hold surprise surprise I didn't get Darryl but Daniel. He went through my application timeline told me that my application had not entered into final processing and that it could take 8 weeks after all documents are received. I didn't bother telling him that today was 9 weeks after all my info was in. Looks like my seat in the waiting room is secure for a bit longer.
by TexasSully
Tue Mar 08, 2016 4:18 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: "Waiting Room"
Replies: 6683
Views: 1496505

Re: "Waiting Room"

Mavs00 wrote: RSD would probably do themselves a favor, by simply putting a "due to a recent high volume of LTC requests, some applications may temporarily take longer as the staff works diligently to...... {yada, yada yada)." message on their website. They definitely could use a little customer service improvement with the peeps that answer the phones. Last week, I called on Monday and a nice lady told me "oh, I see all your stuff came back from BG and your file is in the final approval process and that shouldn't take more then 72 hrs, call back at the end of the week to confirm". So I did. On friday, I got a different person (a gruff, uninterested dude), who matter of factly said "Your stuff hasn't event been looked at yet. call back in 30 days... {click}." :banghead:

I dont' care what kind of business environment, or governmental agency you are dealing with. That kind of customer service really is not acceptable. Personally, I'm completely at their mercy and I'm not the type of person that stresses bout stuff not in my control (such as this process). Sure, I'd like my LTC sooner, but also an very understanding that due to a variety of variables, I may have to wait a bit longer. No worries. One thing I don't like though.... Is to be lied too. That's exactly what one of those service reps did last week, because BOTH could not possibly be right. Be honest, and up front with your consumers. Thats really not TOO much to ask.

As for the different timing of when apps get approved.... I get that. That's the nature of the beast. Just be honest and up front about it. People would grip a lot less that way.
by TexasSully
Thu Mar 03, 2016 8:53 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: "Waiting Room"
Replies: 6683
Views: 1496505

Re: "Waiting Room"

zimmerdesignz wrote:
sweatmachine wrote:Tried calling all day. Finally got through at 5pm. Waited on hold 45 minutes. Victor answered and seemed much more helpful than others I've spoken to. He went over all my submission dates, verified all of my info was correct, sort of sighed at the time frame. He apologetically said that the volume of applications has made it difficult to estimate delivery times, but most mid to late December applicants should be wrapped up "any week now, and most likely by mid-late March."
Then why are we seeing any January's coming out. If they haven't finished December no one should be working on the next month. Government Intelligence "rlol"
Government Intelligence, there's an oxymoron for you "rlol"
by TexasSully
Thu Mar 03, 2016 5:18 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: "Waiting Room"
Replies: 6683
Views: 1496505

Re: "Waiting Room"

AustinAG2005 wrote:I've called 3 times:

The first time, on Day 52 Darrell said I was calling "Wayyyyy too early"

The second time, on Day 60, a woman who's name I didn't get told me, "just wait longer"

The third time, on Day 67, the same woman(I think) said that they had everything and to "wait longer"

I mentioned people with submission dates well after mine already being approved and she couldn't have cared less. Some have mentioned being told where they were at in the process, bg check, etc... but no one I've spoken to was any help at all in any way. Aside from being told that they had all my documents I've learned nothing by calling. There is literally 0 on my record that would cause any type of delay.
Good Ol Darrell, I think those are the only 3 words he knows
by TexasSully
Thu Mar 03, 2016 3:53 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: "Waiting Room"
Replies: 6683
Views: 1496505

Re: "Waiting Room"

Mr. Bean wrote:
AustinAG2005 wrote:I give up, this is ridiculous. Multiple people who submitted in January have now been approved and received plastic. I just called to check the status of my 12/22 submission and was told to "allow more time".

I get that "it used to take a lot longer" and "they're really swamped" but for the love of God why wouldn't it be First Come First Served? I'm ok with waiting however long as long as people who came 3 weeks after me aren't bumped to the front of the line. I have no problem seeing those who submit before me be approved but I'm sick and tired of seeing people get approved who submitted in mid-january.

...rant over...
:iagree: :confused5 :bigmouth
:iagree: :banghead: :mad5

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