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by badkarma56
Wed Dec 05, 2007 2:09 am
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: The Liberal Case for Gun Ownership
Replies: 18
Views: 2391

KBCraig wrote:
badkarma56 wrote:It's sad that our current political landscape has become overly politicized and muddled to the point that many politicians from both major parties have disregarded the thoughts, writings and deeds of our nation's founders.
I know one politician who still supports the Constitution as intended by the Founders. :grin:
Great point, KBCraig, I concur. Of the "major" party candidates, Ron Paul is just about the only one who appeals to me. In particular, I share his utter disdain for the IRS...that agency should never have been allowed to exist in the first place; ditto for the BATFE, Department of Homeland Security, etc. ;-)

Lest we forget, one of the principal causes of the American revolution was unjust taxation of the colonies by Great Britain.
by badkarma56
Tue Dec 04, 2007 7:59 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: The Liberal Case for Gun Ownership
Replies: 18
Views: 2391

"These were serious men who came fresh from the white-hot forge of revolution. A war had just been fought to overthrow the yoke of an oppressive and unresponsive Government that invaded homes without warrant and which exposed the populace to "dangers of invasion from without, and convulsions within."
Simply outstanding! The very concept of a "just" revolution is itself an inherently liberal idea.

Upon reading this post for the first time, I couldn't help but think of my favorite "founding father." Thomas Jefferson was, among other things, a political philosopher who embodied a classically liberal ideology. Jefferson was a complicated man with many flaws (i.e., his life-long ownership of slaves); however, he is without a doubt one of the two most important Framers of our precious nation...the other critically important Framer was James Madison. Why, you ask? Because the singular efforts of these two men produced the greatest imaginable gift to the citizens of America...the Bill of Rights.

It's sad that our current political landscape has become overly politicized and muddled to the point that many politicians from both major parties have disregarded the thoughts, writings and deeds of our nation's founders. Unfortunately, the current definitions of "conservative" and "liberal" have been badly distorted by the media and the current amalgam of political hacks that inhabit OUR nation's capital. Many of these so-called "liberals" and "conservatives" are actually neither; what they truly are is a group of overly-ambitious pretenders.

Well, let me get down from this soapbox now... ;-)

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