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by WildBill
Mon Apr 10, 2017 12:32 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Sign on NASA property
Replies: 33
Views: 10552

Re: Sign on NASA property

chasfm11 wrote:I guess that i don't understand. In Morris v U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the outcome was narrowly applied to the jurisdiction of that court instead of to all USACE land. To fix that short of Federal legislation, someone in each District court would have to file suit and reference the Morris outcome. How then can a case from the 10th District have such a far reaching impact?
Appellate Courts have the discretion to limit their decisions to the case of the particular plaintiff or make a broader ruling.
The SCOTUS does that as well as the lower courts. Unfortunately, I think that politics plays a major part in that decision.
I don't know all of the particulars of the law, but I believe that if they applied the ruling to all USACE land, then anyone from another jurisdiction could file a lawsuit to appeal that decision. :headscratch
by WildBill
Sun Apr 09, 2017 5:44 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Sign on NASA property
Replies: 33
Views: 10552

Re: Sign on NASA property

Keith B wrote:
ScottDLS wrote:
Yes I would, because the one case prosecuted under this Postal reg, against an Employee of the post office, specifically had the 18 USC 930 charges dropped because the gun was not in a facility. And the employee was convicted of the infraction and at the time was a max $50 fine. He also lost his job. Chas. mentioned a case where a NASA employee was charged under their regulations and he was charged with the infraction, but won his case because there was not a sign posted.

This stands against the off duty cops without LTC who risk their freedom by being armed in a school zone in violation of a Felony federal statute. And the MPA carriers, and out of state licensees and rifle carrying people etc. :evil2:

And I do park in Federal parking lots with my firearm in my car, unless I see a sign that purports to prohibit it, which I have not seen yet.
UMMMMM!!! I'M TELLING!!!!! (Wait, you already did!) :lol:

You may be correct. However, I am to the point I don't trust any of our liberal courts on correctly interpreting what the law says. In the end, the ones involved still went through a major ordeal, even if charges were dropped. They may beat the rap, but not the ride. if you are willing to take the chance that you are right, then that is a personal choice. Hopefully it won't come to that for you, the OP or any other member to have to fight for a clarification. :thumbs2:
:iagree: When I worked there, I wouldn't take the chance of getting arrested, which would automatically mean I would also lose my job. A double whammy!!!
by WildBill
Sun Apr 09, 2017 3:26 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Sign on NASA property
Replies: 33
Views: 10552

Re: Sign on NASA property

Lambda Force wrote:
RicoTX wrote:I don't understand how any republican is okay with government property being off limits and still honestly support 2A?
No politician who honestly supports the Second Amendment would condone a firearms ban on government property open to the public like a post office or a COE lake, any more than a politician who supports the First Amendment would condone a ban on Bibles in those places.

No Texas politician who honestly supports the our gun rights would condone a different set of off limits places for LTC and off duty LEO.
"Honestly". That's the magic word. :tiphat:
by WildBill
Sat Apr 08, 2017 7:36 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Sign on NASA property
Replies: 33
Views: 10552

Re: Sign on NASA property

Keith B wrote:Federal property is totally different than state or private. Normally, federal property is off-limits for firearms unless specifically stated they are allowed. I would suggest you leave it at home and don't go onto federal property with a firearm unless you have specific knowledge it is OK.
:iagree: This looks like the Gilruth Center at JSC. As I recall you don't have to go through the NASA security checkpoint to enter.
As Keith hinted, the laws regarding Federal Facilities are so complicated that I am not sure anyone can give a definitive answer to the question.
I used to go to the center for softball games and other activities and never even considered carrying or having a firearm in my car.
That is just my opinion, IANAL, etc. :tiphat:

BTW, SMRoot, a belated welcome to the Forum!

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