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by WildBill
Tue Aug 07, 2012 12:35 pm
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: ANOTHER MASS SHOOTING - Sikh Temple in WI
Replies: 94
Views: 12828


ClarkLZeuss wrote:
WildBill wrote:
philip964 wrote:The conservative radio talk show host and author, Michael Savage, does not have a way for me to email him my frustration with him and the bone headed things he says.

...Today he suggested that churches needed to hire armed security guards if they no longer felt safe.

...How could he considering where he has lived, so he can not imagine that a devout religious person could actually legally conceal carry a gun into their place of worship and protect everyone who is there.
Michael Savage has stated numerous times on his radio show that he supports the 2nd Amendment and that he has a Concealed Carry Permit, which is very difficult to get in Marin County where he lives. He also stated that he advised some church leaders to have armed security at their places of worship.
First of all, Bill is right. Savage is very pro-2A. But more importantly, I don't think supporting the 2A/CHL and encouraging a church to hire armed security are mutually exclusive. I think you can have both. A pastor or elder board that decides to hire armed guards is not infringing on people's CHLs. They're just doing what they think is best to protect their flock. In my church, I carry concealed and we have two armed police, and I don't see the conflict, especially considering we have a big church and a lot of kids - an active shooter would have a lot of options, so the more armed good guys, the better.
In places like California, a "may issue" state, their isn't much of a choice between CHL and hiring security guards. There simply are enough people who have a concealed carry license.
by WildBill
Mon Aug 06, 2012 6:11 pm
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: ANOTHER MASS SHOOTING - Sikh Temple in WI
Replies: 94
Views: 12828


philip964 wrote:The conservative radio talk show host and author, Michael Savage, does not have a way for me to email him my frustration with him and the bone headed things he says.

Yesterday it was the comment that Zimmerman was ordered not to follow Trayvon by the 911 operator. Today he suggested that churches needed to hire armed security guards if they no longer felt safe.

He lives in San Fransisco and grew up in New York, he supports the constitution, but obviously because of his background, guns are for the police and hunters. He probably has no experience with guns. How could he considering where he has lived, so he can not imagine that a devout religious person could actually legally conceal carry a gun into their place of worship and protect everyone who is there.

He does not understand places where people gather that are gun free zones are targets for these nut cases bent on fame and glory from the newsmedia.
Michael Savage has stated numerous times on his radio show that he supports the 2nd Amendment and that he has a Concealed Carry Permit, which is very difficult to get in Marin County where he lives. He also stated that he advised some church leaders to have armed security at their places of worship.

Please don't confuse the government of California with the people of that state. There are too many stereotypes that are just not true. I lived most of my life in California and have always owned guns and supported the 2nd Amendment. I also had a lot of friends who shared my beliefs and would carry a concealed weapon if allowed by law. Because of the political climate, many didn't talk about it in "mixed company".

While living in California I worked in the defense industry for many years and my co-workers were some of the most conservative and patriotic people that I have ever known. Many of them were gun owners and supported the second amendment. Many of the workers were veterans of the armed services and quite a few of the managers were retired military officers.
When I moved to Texas, I finally got my CHL. That was something that I had wanted to do for many many years. :patriot: :txflag:

Unfortunately, the three things that I miss most about California I couldn't bring with me to Texas. The mountains, the beaches and the weather. :mrgreen:

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