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by parabelum
Mon Aug 24, 2020 12:00 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Corona Virus (COVID-19)( SARS-CoV-2) from China: Its going to be bad.
Replies: 2015
Views: 561933

Re: Corona Virus (COVID-19)( SARS-CoV-2) from China: Its going to be bad.

philip964 wrote: Mon Aug 24, 2020 11:54 am
Grayling813 wrote: Mon Aug 24, 2020 11:33 am
However, Texas is now at 11,699 deaths.

Which still is lower (so far) then the seasonal flu. The final year death rate will be higher I expect, but not by a yuge margin. Note that even seasonal flu can have death rates that could fluctuate by +\- 2k or so. Not too mention the politization of the Kung flu. Oh and, did you know that there are thousands of cases where someone tested positive in one clinic/hospital, then negative in another facility, on the same day. Just research and you’ll see that facilities get $ based on number of covid cases they report, as one of the factors for cash inflow...

Not dismissing the fact that people are dying from it, but dang, people die in car crashes too. I bet if we lowered the speed limit to 10mph fewer people would die....
by parabelum
Thu Aug 13, 2020 12:50 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Corona Virus (COVID-19)( SARS-CoV-2) from China: Its going to be bad.
Replies: 2015
Views: 561933

Re: Corona Virus (COVID-19)( SARS-CoV-2) from China: Its going to be bad.

philip964 wrote: Mon Aug 10, 2020 7:01 pm How Australia is handling the Covid-19.

Worth a read.

If you remember the earlier article I posted. Covid-19 is to prevalent everywhere to be eliminated, so it will be with us forever.

Oh and they can’t have guns either.
So basically like East Berlin / Germany pre-1989?
by parabelum
Fri Jun 26, 2020 2:45 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Corona Virus (COVID-19)( SARS-CoV-2) from China: Its going to be bad.
Replies: 2015
Views: 561933

Re: Corona Virus (COVID-19)( SARS-CoV-2) from China: Its going to be bad.

RoyGBiv wrote: Fri Jun 26, 2020 2:28 pm
parabelum wrote: Fri Jun 26, 2020 9:52 am
This is only proof that exhaled air has less oxygen. Duh.
Yes I know. Been thru 5th grade. They were all inhaling and exhaling during the test, just as he did thereafter. So what part is inaccurate, just wondering?
by parabelum
Thu Jun 25, 2020 10:53 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Corona Virus (COVID-19)( SARS-CoV-2) from China: Its going to be bad.
Replies: 2015
Views: 561933

Re: Corona Virus (COVID-19)( SARS-CoV-2) from China: Its going to be bad.

How the heck can you eat with the mask on? This is going to far.
by parabelum
Sun May 17, 2020 7:11 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Corona Virus (COVID-19)( SARS-CoV-2) from China: Its going to be bad.
Replies: 2015
Views: 561933

Re: Corona Virus (COVID-19)( SARS-CoV-2) from China: Its going to be bad.

philip964 wrote: Sun May 17, 2020 12:26 am ... c-of-1969/

Hong Kong flu, I don’t remember that killed 100,000 Americans in 1968 and 1969.

Both LBJ and Hubert Humphrey got it.
What? It wasn’t hate speech to call it Hong Kong flu, like Kung flu now? :smilelol5:
by parabelum
Thu Apr 23, 2020 11:21 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Corona Virus (COVID-19)( SARS-CoV-2) from China: Its going to be bad.
Replies: 2015
Views: 561933

Re: Corona Virus (COVID-19)( SARS-CoV-2) from China: Its going to be bad.

The Annoyed Man wrote: Fri Apr 03, 2020 6:13 pm
Rafe wrote: Fri Apr 03, 2020 3:39 pm I've been meaning to ask The Annoyed Man about something, because we're in the same boat. Masks and beards don't mix. No seal around big parts of the mask. I haven't shaved because of the Coronapocalypse, and I guarantee TAM hasn't. Maybe we need full CDC biohazard onesies in our prepper cache. ;-)

"Dr. Annoyed? Is that you?"
"Dr. Rafe! How have you been..."


Seriously though, I’ve already realized that if it gets that bad, the beard has got to go. I’d prefer to keep it, but I’d hate having COVID-19 more than I’d hate shaving off my beard.

Just caught that. So I had a full beard few years back, had to go down to a goatee when I increased my FD involvement, now I’m reduced to this. "rlol"

I draw a line there. :waiting:
by parabelum
Wed Apr 22, 2020 2:13 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Corona Virus (COVID-19)( SARS-CoV-2) from China: Its going to be bad.
Replies: 2015
Views: 561933

Re: Corona Virus (COVID-19)( SARS-CoV-2) from China: Its going to be bad.

Good. This one and other so-called judges who have emerged to elevate their power grip during this pandemic need to get booted out ASAP.
by parabelum
Wed Apr 15, 2020 10:23 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Corona Virus (COVID-19)( SARS-CoV-2) from China: Its going to be bad.
Replies: 2015
Views: 561933

Re: Corona Virus (COVID-19)( SARS-CoV-2) from China: Its going to be bad.

Liberty wrote: Wed Apr 15, 2020 9:02 pm Yes......the forever changing protocol.....

For those that are still confused, let me help spell it out for you....

The Corona Rules:
1. Basically, you can't leave the house for any reason, but if you have to, then you can.
2. Masks are useless, but maybe you have to wear one, it can save you, it is useless, but maybe it is mandatory as well.
3. Stores are closed, except those that are open.
4. You should not go to hospitals unless you have to go there. Same applies to doctors, you should only go there in case of emergency, provided you are not too sick.
5. This virus is deadly but still not too scary, except that sometimes it actually leads to a global disaster.
6. Gloves won't help, but they can still help.
7. Everyone needs to stay HOME, but it's important to GO OUT.
8. There is no shortage of groceries in the supermarket, but there are many things missing when you go there in the evening, but not in the morning. Sometimes.
9. The virus has no effect on children except those it affects.
10. Animals are not affected, but there is still a cat that tested positive in Belgium in February when no one had been tested, plus a few tigers here and there…
11. You will have many symptoms when you are sick, but you can also get sick without symptoms, have symptoms without being sick, or be contagious without having symptoms. Oh, my..
12. In order not to get sick, you have to eat well and exercise, but eat whatever you have on hand and it's better not to go out, well, but no…
13. It's better to get some fresh air, but you get looked at very wrong when you get some fresh air, and most importantly, you don't go to parks or walk. But don’t sit down, except that you can do that now if you are old, but not for too long or if you are pregnant (but not too old).
14. You can't go to retirement homes, but you have to take care of the elderly and bring food and medication.
15. If you are sick, you can't go out, but you can go to the pharmacy.
16. You can get restaurant food delivered to the house, which may have been prepared by people who didn't wear masks or gloves. But you have to have your groceries decontaminated outside for 3 hours. Pizza too?
17. Every disturbing article or disturbing interview starts with " I don't want to trigger panic, but…"
18. You can't see your older mother or grandmother, but you can take a taxi and meet an older taxi driver.
19. You can walk around with a friend but not with your family if they don't live under the same roof.
20. You are safe if you maintain the appropriate social distance, but you can’t go out with friends or strangers at the safe social distance.
21. The virus remains active on different surfaces for two hours, no, four, no, six, no, we didn't say hours, maybe days? But it takes a damp environment. Oh no, not necessarily.
22. The virus stays in the air - well no, or yes, maybe, especially in a closed room, in one hour a sick person can infect ten, so if it falls, all our children were already infected at school before it was closed. But remember, if you stay at the recommended social distance, however in certain circumstances you should maintain a greater distance, which, studies show, the virus can travel further, maybe.
23. We count the number of deaths but we don't know how many people are infected as we have only tested so far those who were "almost dead" to find out if that's what they will die of…
24. We have no treatment, except that there may be one that apparently is not dangerous unless you take too much (which is the case with all medications).
25. We should stay locked up until the virus disappears, but it will only disappear if we achieve collective immunity, so when it circulates… but we must no longer be locked up for that?
That is great.
by parabelum
Mon Apr 13, 2020 5:08 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Corona Virus (COVID-19)( SARS-CoV-2) from China: Its going to be bad.
Replies: 2015
Views: 561933

Re: Corona Virus (COVID-19)( SARS-CoV-2) from China: Its going to be bad.

03Lightningrocks wrote: Mon Apr 13, 2020 4:26 pm
parabelum wrote: Mon Apr 13, 2020 4:19 pm Unless I’m missing something, there is no Government mention in that article, and the opt in/out is voluntary.
BTW, there have been far more intrusive devices/methods in existence far far before C-19, exploding with GWB incidentally.
Yes, your missing a whole lot. IMHO. First, it is quite naive to trust these technology companies not to abuse gathered information. They have already proven they can't be trusted. Second, the information is transmitted to Government health agencies. Since when did government fail to abuse the ability to spy on the American people? FISA courts for example. The issue is what this technology opens up. The same technology can be used without permission if they so decide. It always starts out as sounding "reasonable" to sheep. That is by design.

The thought pattern of "already existing methods" is how they continue to take it the next inch. Sheep figure they already have that ability so why not allow it to go next level. On and on it goes until they come for you.
I hear you. I’m referring to the article. There is nothing in there about “they”, “Government” etc. All is speculative, relative to the article posted, at best. Now, if we were to have a philosophical discussion around this, I’d be more inclined to agree.
Back to Kung Flu as Scott calls it "rlol"
by parabelum
Mon Apr 13, 2020 4:19 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Corona Virus (COVID-19)( SARS-CoV-2) from China: Its going to be bad.
Replies: 2015
Views: 561933

Re: Corona Virus (COVID-19)( SARS-CoV-2) from China: Its going to be bad.

Unless I’m missing something, there is no Government mention in that article, and the opt in/out is voluntary.
BTW, there have been far more intrusive devices/methods in existence far far before C-19, exploding with GWB incidentally.
by parabelum
Fri Apr 10, 2020 7:12 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Corona Virus (COVID-19)( SARS-CoV-2) from China: Its going to be bad.
Replies: 2015
Views: 561933

Re: Corona Virus (COVID-19)( SARS-CoV-2) from China: Its going to be bad.

Oh, I should point out that my wife, was deployed for 6months fall2018-spring2019 and had received malaria vaccine did not get sick while being around me.
by parabelum
Fri Apr 10, 2020 7:00 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Corona Virus (COVID-19)( SARS-CoV-2) from China: Its going to be bad.
Replies: 2015
Views: 561933

Re: Corona Virus (COVID-19)( SARS-CoV-2) from China: Its going to be bad.

Very interesting points about the antibodies etc.
I know that in mid December we had ~1/3 of our office come down with “something” flu-like, where majority were out of office for at least 3 days on average.
Then I got sick with “something” around the 2nd week of January. First two days I felt like crud. I couldn’t get comfortable to sleep, when I was awake I just had that feeling of sickness, no fever or anything during the first two days.
Then by day 3 I developed a sore throat and my fever went to 102ish, never much over or under. I remember this was Friday after work.
That weekend I felt so crappy that even the water droplets were painful on the scalp especially. Monday my fever went to 99ish steady but I just felt miserable, but I didn’t go to Doc.
So by Tuesday mid-day I left work and went to the clinic to get checked out. I couldn’t get the crudy feeling to go away where everything is achy etc.
Got tested for flu and strep and guess what, I was negative for both. They gave me some antibiotics :confused5 and some lidocaine gargle for sore throat and sent me home.
I remained in that state for at least another 3-4 days, so 2weeks or so total until I got better.
I always wondered how I could have been negative for flu when all signs and symptoms were flu-like.
Interesting. I would volunteer for the testing.
by parabelum
Sun Apr 05, 2020 11:56 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Corona Virus (COVID-19)( SARS-CoV-2) from China: Its going to be bad.
Replies: 2015
Views: 561933

Re: Corona Virus (COVID-19)( SARS-CoV-2) from China: Its going to be bad.

philip964 wrote: Sun Apr 05, 2020 11:34 am ... eqh7cSRzOY

Surgical mask factory in Dallas is not making surgical masks 24/7 and here is the reason why. ... us-deaths/

Why social distancing might actually result in more coronavirus deaths.
Good point on herd immunity, however the idea with social distancing is not necessarily to beat the virus, rather it is to slow the outbreak so that our healthcare infrastructure doesn’t deprecate to a point where heart disease or stroke patients, or car accident victims may get delayed to no care.

To add, I spend 20-30hrs per week serving as a FF/EMT at a very busy volunteer dept. I can regrettably tell you that if we wait until we begin to see shortages in beds, physicians, nurses, EMTs/Medics etc due to fast influx of cases that surpasses the capacity, we will be in trouble. All, young and old.
by parabelum
Sat Apr 04, 2020 4:06 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Corona Virus (COVID-19)( SARS-CoV-2) from China: Its going to be bad.
Replies: 2015
Views: 561933

Re: Corona Virus (COVID-19)( SARS-CoV-2) from China: Its going to be bad.

Thank you Sir. The part that stood out for me was the indifference (perceived by me) towards the elderly, many of whom ironically are the ones that fought the battles to help protect our freedoms and ways of living you eluded.
I get the philosophical point though, but we really need to clamp down on this virus so that we can all move along in our lives.
This has a potential to be far more damaging, on all fronts, if we don’t honker down for just few more weeks.

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