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by parabelum
Wed Feb 10, 2016 7:39 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Family Violence
Replies: 22
Views: 7365

Re: Family Violence

What bothers me even more is that those with connections & $'s skate out of these things (nothing new obviously), while some poor to middle class doofus who made a bad choice is left with no opportunity for redemption.

Few posts above I outlined briefly what I would consider definitely a disqualifier, as it relates to DV charge.

"Prosecutors on Friday charged San Francisco's newly sworn-in sheriff with three misdemeanors, including domestic violence, related to a New Year's Eve incident with his wife." ... -violence/

Of course, the disgraceful SF Sheriff remained untouched.
by parabelum
Wed Feb 10, 2016 7:33 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Family Violence
Replies: 22
Views: 7365

Re: Family Violence

Javier730 wrote:
Pawpaw wrote:
Texsquatch wrote:If your daughter gets slapped around - just even a little bit - are you going to to fight for the guy's gun rights?

I only say this because whatever the law allows is fine by me, but the closer a person is to a situation, the less they care about the offender's rights, no matter how much time has passed.
The problem is that you don't have to do ANYTHING to wind up convicted of domestic violence.

In most jurisdictions, all that is required is for the wife to call the cops and claim, "he hit me." There doesn't need to be any evidence at all. You show up in court with a he said - she said situation. No bruises, no witnesses, no nothing, but the judge will find the man guilty. I've seen it, personally.
:iagree: I used to think like Texsquatch, until I saw it for myself. The woman called the cops in front of me after an argument the guy "won". She told the responding officers he hit her and that was it. What I said did not matter. He was arrested and convicted.
Agree 100%. :iagree:
by parabelum
Tue Feb 09, 2016 12:00 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Family Violence
Replies: 22
Views: 7365

Re: Family Violence

WildBill wrote:
parabelum wrote:I always thought it was an out of balance legal scale to have a lifetime disqualifier for CHL/LTC for DV, while at same time allowing multiple DUI offenders (as an example) to obtain a carry license after a certain time period has elapsed.
Both are criminal, and both should rightfully disqualify, for a given time period.

I think that 7 years of sober and responsible behavior after a DV charge ought to be enough.
Caveat is that original DV did not involve a firearm, that no substantial physical harm (hospitalization required) occurred,no subsequent DV of course, and no infractions above C misdemeanor actually, for the entire 7 year time span.
Coupled with all other conditions for LTC, provided that all of the above have been met, I see no reason to impose a lifetime ban.

Makes no sense to me.
My opinion is that people got on the "band wagon" against family violence and passed legislation that people didn't full understand the consequences.
After all who is not against family violence?
I also think that the definition of family member is overly broad and unjustified.
Agree 100%.

As of right now, there is no difference relevant to this discussion that makes a distinction between someone who held an out of control uncle by the arm that gave him a bruise, and a husband who sent his wife to the hospital with busted teeth and eye laceration that needed stitches.
One might be DV plus something else, the former will be DV only perhaps. Both will have "DV" on their record however.
by parabelum
Tue Feb 09, 2016 11:24 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Family Violence
Replies: 22
Views: 7365

Re: Family Violence

I always thought it was an out of balance legal scale to have a lifetime disqualifier for CHL/LTC for DV, while at same time allowing multiple DUI offenders (as an example) to obtain a carry license after a certain time period has elapsed.
Both are criminal, and both should rightfully disqualify, for a given time period.

I think that 7 years of sober and responsible behavior after a DV charge ought to be enough.
Caveat is that original DV did not involve a firearm, that no substantial physical harm (hospitalization required) occurred,no subsequent DV of course, and no infractions above C misdemeanor actually, for the entire 7 year time span.
Coupled with all other conditions for LTC, provided that all of the above have been met, I see no reason to impose a lifetime ban.

Makes no sense to me.

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