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by couzin
Mon Jun 21, 2010 10:32 am
Forum: Rifles & Shotguns
Topic: Need a hunting rifle, need advice
Replies: 23
Views: 3942

Re: Need a hunting rifle, need advice

Dude - you are going to get a lot of different opinions on this one - here's mine. That Marlin 30-30 is perfect for most stalking and hunting across small plots on East Texas deer (and super for those hogs - although I prefer the brush busting .35 rem chambered Marlins). If the shooter is handy with the .30-30 - it will take pretty much any game animal in North America if you can get the range down to less than 100 - 150 yards (yea, yea, I know - 'shot one at 300 plus yards with my Marlin blah blah' - too risky for me and I can't chase a wounded animal). The other great caliber bolt gun for here and pretty much everywhere is the .30-06 and most of the .30 caliber variants (I really like my .300 WSM model 70 - yep, it kicks also, but flat and accurate) - these calibers are good enough for any North American big game animal, except possibly the big bears. Recoil will likely be an issue though with the magnum calibers. As others have said the .270 is a great cartridge and will take pretty much any deer or other four leg with lesser recoil. The only concern I have heard about is using lower grain bullets in the .270 and if you intend to go after mulies or elk you should probably load it with a 150 grain bullet. Of course, then you start losing muzzle velocity. I understand a lot of folks are giving two thumbs up to the 7mm Remington Magnum loaded with lower grain bullets because the recoil is manageble and trajectory is flat as heck out to 300 yards (after that you hold over but not as much??). But then, you come full circle back to the original part of your post - your area to hunt and what animal you are after. Ain't too many opportunities to take 300 yard shots in the woods of East and Southeast Texas. I'd have at that Marlin for a while if I were you and see if you actually have a need to shoot further, and at tougher game.

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