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by jb2012
Fri Jul 03, 2020 5:09 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Gov of TX issues mask order!?!
Replies: 77
Views: 24642

Re: Gov of TX issues mask order!?!

There are several major problems with the masks. Number one the homemade masks that most are wearing do not prevent anything from entering or exiting the mask. Yes, it does absolutely nothing, in fact it actually traps toxins and pathogens that your body is expending through the air leaving your system. Number two, the surgical masks are for use in a sterile environment. They do very very little in the service of preventing transmission. They are mostly used to keep a doctor from sneezing, coughing, etc. on a patient in a sterile operating room. The N95 3m masks do provide one level of transmission prevention.. for 30 minutes of use after being removed from sterile packaging. They also are completely ineffective if not fitted to your face- which most are not.. at all.
Lastly, this virus will never go away. It is a virus that is here to stay and will continue to mutate, JUST LIKE OTHER VIRUSES. How long are we going to continue these unsustainable practices, and inconvenience the world, not to mention bankrupt the country, over something that is not going away? Not only is it not going away, it likely will continue to mutate. Making any kind of treatment for this strain, could be completely ineffective against next years strain. Everyone is going to come into contact with the virus at some point. It’s inevitable with a virus like this. The good thing is that, generally healthy folks without underlying conditions recover, and actually don’t really get sick at all. Yes, there are exceptions but over 99% recover.

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