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by roadkill
Fri May 12, 2017 8:26 pm
Forum: 2017 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: HB1911 Com Substitute
Replies: 286
Views: 90636

Re: HB1911 Com Substitute

As pro 2nd Amendment as Abbot and Paxton have been I'm hoping that Abbott will call a special session for SB560 if it doesnt make it into law. I know its dead but it could be put forth as an amendment onto something, I think. I'm still new to learning all the rules, it seems even those in the lege aren't always more knowledgeable than us citizens. Such a complicated set of rules and hard to grasp when your only really exposed to them working every 2 yrs. If it doesnt make it we all need to express our support for it between the end of this session and the beginning/during the next. Keep it on their minds that we want it. Find those who support it and support them any way we can (money and volunteer on campaigns). Those who oppose it try and educate. Keep the pressure on them to support it. While they may never support it in some cases it doesnt hurt for them to know that you support it and are watching their actions. I believe that like open carry and campus carry it's going to take lots of grass root support to get it done. We can do it!!!
by roadkill
Thu May 11, 2017 8:44 am
Forum: 2017 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: HB1911 Com Substitute
Replies: 286
Views: 90636

Re: HB1911 Com Substitute

Beiruty wrote:
Ruark wrote:Looks like it's fried. Even if it got to the House floor, it would still need to go to the Senate committee, then go to the Senate floor, etc. and that's WITHOUT any amendments at all. Not going to happen.

I suspect that everybody knew 375/1911 had zero chance of passing, so pretending to support it was a "safe" way to appear pro-2A.
I will not mince words anymore.
This is how politicians screw you up! Why in the world the GOP elected representatives of us, the people, with supermajority in the 3 branches of the Texas government are "COWARDS".

I did not care about 1911, but I cared a lot about the HB 560.
TSRA/NRA has to re-form their endorsements and rating of the nominees for elections.

All we got this year, $6 yearly rebate on our LTC fees.

I agree. 560 should have been priority and pushed through. Then let the license holders carry everywhere and if CC went thru let them carry where we can today. Give incentive for folks to get licensed.

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