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by dale blanker
Sat Nov 10, 2018 1:38 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Today in Trump's 1st term as President
Replies: 4848
Views: 1974605

Re: Today in Trump's new term as President

rotor wrote: Sat Nov 10, 2018 11:23 am And again, even if Trump or his people asked the Russians if they had any dirt on HRC (call it collusion or not) what Federal crime was committed?
It appears that the main question for Mueller's investigation was about obstruction of justice, the question being triggered by the President's comments to Comey, Comey's firing, and the President's comments afterward. Was there obstruction? Was hiding collusion the motivator to obstruct? Are there other factors, political or business or personal, to motivate the President to obstruct?

Stephen Schulhofer, a law professor at New York University, said the act of collusion can be either benign or criminal, depending on the circumstance.

“One of the most commonly used provisions of the U.S. Code, 18 USC §371, makes it a federal crime for two or more people to conspire ‘to commit any offense against the United States, or to defraud the United States, or any agency thereof in any manner or for any purpose,'” Schulhofer told us via email. “Agreeing (colluding) with someone for a perfectly lawful purpose, like arranging a game of golf or tennis, is not a crime. But colluding with the Russians, i.e. agreeing to cooperate, encourage or assist them in any way in pursuing anything they were doing that was illegal, is most certainly a crime.”

Do you remember?
by dale blanker
Fri Nov 09, 2018 6:19 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Today in Trump's 1st term as President
Replies: 4848
Views: 1974605

Re: Today in Trump's new term as President

Jusme wrote: Thu Nov 08, 2018 11:27 pm
dale blanker wrote: Thu Nov 08, 2018 6:31 pm
philip964 wrote: Thu Nov 08, 2018 3:07 pm ... sis-973745

Sessions firing a constitutional crisis.

Not sure why. About time is my reaction.
Don't you wonder why the president has been so concerned about Mueller?
How concerned has he been?
Apparently a LOT! Have you not noticed the number of claims of "no collusion" or of complaints about Sessions' recusal even though Mueller has made no suggestions about collusion or obstruction YET? And have you noticed the background of the new Acting AG?
No(?), well then welcome to planet Earth! :tiphat:
by dale blanker
Thu Nov 08, 2018 6:31 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Today in Trump's 1st term as President
Replies: 4848
Views: 1974605

Re: Today in Trump's new term as President

philip964 wrote: Thu Nov 08, 2018 3:07 pm ... sis-973745

Sessions firing a constitutional crisis.

Not sure why. About time is my reaction.
Don't you wonder why the president has been so concerned about Mueller?
by dale blanker
Fri Nov 02, 2018 5:45 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Today in Trump's 1st term as President
Replies: 4848
Views: 1974605

Re: Today in Trump's new term as President

Redneck_Buddha wrote: Fri Nov 02, 2018 1:21 pm
dale blanker wrote: Fri Nov 02, 2018 11:34 am
philbo wrote: Fri Nov 02, 2018 10:30 am President Trump has made 6,420 false or misleading claims over 649 days... In the seven weeks leading up the midterm elections, the president made 1,419 false or misleading claims — an average of 30 a day. ... 47a79e7f90
Ah yes, but nothing else matters if we get our tax cut and our anti-abortion SCOTUS. I recall Dan Quayle being widely ridiculed in the media and by many in the general public, both in the U.S. and overseas, as an intellectual lightweight and generally incompetent. He may be best know for his misspelling of the word "potato". Now the president can say any old thing and it's all ok. It used to be that there was the 10% of people that were ill-informed or easily fooled but now the number is much higher. So much for science, morality, ethics, intellect, civility, truthfulness, even ideology (conservatives are leaving the GOP!) and our country.

Late night variety shows, especially Colbert and Meyers, go overboard in their humor about the president but they do help end one's day to not take our decline too seriously: :lol:
Ha! You and your ilk are fine ones to lecture on civility! :thumbs2:
Ok, but not science, morality, ethics, intellect, truthfulness, or ideology? Oh well, 7 out of 8 is good. Thanks :tiphat:
by dale blanker
Fri Nov 02, 2018 11:34 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Today in Trump's 1st term as President
Replies: 4848
Views: 1974605

Re: Today in Trump's new term as President

philbo wrote: Fri Nov 02, 2018 10:30 am President Trump has made 6,420 false or misleading claims over 649 days... In the seven weeks leading up the midterm elections, the president made 1,419 false or misleading claims — an average of 30 a day. ... 47a79e7f90
Ah yes, but nothing else matters if we get our tax cut and our anti-abortion SCOTUS. I recall Dan Quayle being widely ridiculed in the media and by many in the general public, both in the U.S. and overseas, as an intellectual lightweight and generally incompetent. He may be best know for his misspelling of the word "potato". Now the president can say any old thing and it's all ok. It used to be that there was the 10% of people that were ill-informed or easily fooled but now the number is much higher. So much for science, morality, ethics, intellect, civility, truthfulness, even ideology (conservatives are leaving the GOP!) and our country.

Late night variety shows, especially Colbert and Meyers, go overboard in their humor about the president but they do help end one's day to not take our decline too seriously: :lol:
by dale blanker
Sat Oct 27, 2018 1:30 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Today in Trump's 1st term as President
Replies: 4848
Views: 1974605

Re: Today in Trump's new term as President

bbhack wrote: Fri Oct 26, 2018 8:44 pm We don't know much at this point, so I'm waiting to hear the story. Probably take at least 24-48 hours.

Edit: Excellent analysis from him as usual.
bbhack, do you really believe this guy, Thomas Wictor: ... Chris Wary

instead of FBI Director Chris Wray? ... -continues

Good luck.
by dale blanker
Fri Oct 26, 2018 7:44 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Today in Trump's 1st term as President
Replies: 4848
Views: 1974605

Re: Today in Trump's new term as President

Wolverine wrote: Fri Oct 26, 2018 6:08 pm Since you asked nicely, you can pick two.
Ok, how about...
Pick one:

A Not designed to detonate
B Designed to not detonate
C None of the above

Pick one:

A Perp is an insane leftist
B Perp is a deranged leftist
C None of the above

C? C? See???
by dale blanker
Fri Oct 26, 2018 2:13 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Today in Trump's 1st term as President
Replies: 4848
Views: 1974605

Re: Today in Trump's new term as President

bbhack wrote: Wed Oct 24, 2018 12:31 pm [On bomber:]
Pick one:

A Not designed to detonate
B Designed to not detonate

Pick one:

A Perp is an insane leftist
B Perp is a deranged leftist
Can we please have more choices??? Or was this just a rhetorical quiz???
by dale blanker
Tue Oct 23, 2018 1:18 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Today in Trump's 1st term as President
Replies: 4848
Views: 1974605

Re: Today in Trump's new term as President

03Lightningrocks wrote: Mon Oct 22, 2018 5:26 pmLOL
Litany Of Lies? :confused5
by dale blanker
Mon Oct 22, 2018 1:52 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Today in Trump's 1st term as President
Replies: 4848
Views: 1974605

Re: Today in Trump's new term as President

mojo84 wrote: Mon Oct 22, 2018 9:46 am Funny how a couple posters seem to come out of the woodwork at the same time.

Here you go.
On Dr Patrick Michaels featured in your youtube reference, follow the money...
Michaels has acknowledged that a large per cent of his funding came from the oil industry. Fossil fuel companies have helped fund Michaels' projects and his "advocacy science consulting firm". The Seattle Times reported that Michaels received fuel-industry funding, including money from the coal industry to publish his "climate journal".

Could Michaels' objectivity be at risk? Sure looks that way. Now you know the rest of the story... :tiphat:
by dale blanker
Mon Oct 22, 2018 1:10 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Today in Trump's 1st term as President
Replies: 4848
Views: 1974605

Re: Today in Trump's new term as President

philip964 wrote: Sun Oct 21, 2018 4:06 pm ... ning-earth

Those pesky half truths.
The rest of the world thinks that over the long-term, carbon dioxide increases are the primary driver of climate change. ... e-warming/

What will it take for folks to learn???
by dale blanker
Mon Oct 15, 2018 5:10 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Today in Trump's 1st term as President
Replies: 4848
Views: 1974605

Re: Today in Trump's new term as President

KLB wrote: Mon Oct 15, 2018 3:09 pm
mojo84 wrote: Mon Oct 15, 2018 2:18 pm At one time many years ago, 60 Minutes was considered reputable. That time has long passed.
Virtually all the media are nothing more than the public-relations arm of the Democratic National Committee.
And that goes for the entertainment world (except Kanye), academia, the FBI, the CIA, the NFL, NATO, EU, environmental scientists, and the judicial system, too. Not much left that's worthwhile. Think of what our poor grandkids have to deal with...
by dale blanker
Mon Oct 15, 2018 2:14 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Today in Trump's 1st term as President
Replies: 4848
Views: 1974605

Re: Today in Trump's new term as President

mojo84 wrote: Mon Oct 15, 2018 1:43 pm
dale blanker wrote: Mon Oct 15, 2018 12:36 pm There was an interesting interview with the President on 60 Minutes yesterday.

Worth a look in case you missed it.... ... 018-10-14/
Ah, ol' Dale resurfaces. I watch it when it happened. The biased obnoxious Stahl interrupted Trump every time he tried to say something because he wasn't saying what she wants to hear. That was nothing but an attempt at a biased gotcha hit piece.

All she wanted to talk about was whatever was negative and wanted to ignore any and all positive. Just like a couple posters on here.
Thanks mojo for your astute appraisal of Lesley Stahl and 60 Minutes. Doggone, I used to think 60 Minutes was pretty reputable... but now I see that it's just more journalistic conspiracy against the administration. :roll:
by dale blanker
Mon Oct 15, 2018 12:36 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Today in Trump's 1st term as President
Replies: 4848
Views: 1974605

Re: Today in Trump's new term as President

There was an interesting interview with the President on 60 Minutes yesterday.

Worth a look in case you missed it.... ... 018-10-14/
by dale blanker
Thu Oct 04, 2018 4:58 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Today in Trump's 1st term as President
Replies: 4848
Views: 1974605

Re: Today in Trump's new term as President

I am amazed that others do not see the problem with Kavanaugh.

Besides the fact that hundreds of law professors including 8 in Kavanaugh's alma mater Yale have removed support for Kavanaugh's confirmation, and that The American Bar Association has expressed concerns and requested further background investigation, there is now also former Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens, a lifelong Republican, on Thursday saying he does not believe that Kavanaugh should be confirmed to the high court because of temperament. Stevens told a small crowd in Boca Raton, Fla., he once believed Kavanaugh to be qualified, but his performance in Senate Judiciary hearings changed his mind.

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