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by Lubbock1911
Fri Jan 30, 2015 9:21 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Trooper contact east of commerce on sh 11
Replies: 19
Views: 4634

Re: Trooper contact east of commerce on sh 11

Our DPS and Sate Troopers have my utmost respect. They are out there all alone miles from help. I have never met one who was not well trained and polite. I travel often and have received a few "well deserved" citations but more often warning. I am not CHL but do carry a pistol concealed in my truck on the road.

Last week it got in the 70's I suffered from cabin fever so I gathered up 7 hand guns and 4 long guns, ammo and spent 4 hours at our range one county away. One the way back I was stopped for speeding. The patrol man walked up looking in the bed of my truck. hand on his side arm and ask for my license and insurance. I complied and said I want to inform you that I have a weapon in the truck. That may be wrong or right but I always inform a patrolman. He asked where is the gun and I replied which one?

He looked at me and said what? I explained I had been to the range and had several in the back seat. He glance in the back and ask how I like the new range. We chatted a short while about the new range. He then told me to stay in the truck and went to his car to check me out. He returned and handed me a warning ticket. I thanked him for the warning and said be safe out here. His reply was you too neighbor.

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