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by cyphertext
Thu Oct 30, 2014 12:05 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Is it safe to pocket carry?
Replies: 26
Views: 5019

Re: Is it safe to pocket carry?

patterson wrote:ive known other people that have tried pocket carry and have commented on the holsters not staying in pocket and not being able to get a good purchase on the grip because of the way the holsters were made and granted there may be holsters out there that these people weren't aware of that would be better. But still pocket carry is not for me and that's my opinion
Fine, that is your opinion, based on zero experience... However, there are many folks, such as me, who pocket carry daily and don't have an issue with the holster coming out with firearm when presented, and can get a good purchase on the grip.

Some holsters work better than others. I have a holster from Blackhawk and a Desantis Nemesis. The Desantis is better made and designed to stay in the pocket. The Blackhawk can come out of the pocket, depending upon how you draw. Just like OWB holsters, some are better than others.

Like other carry methods, you must also practice to be effective. There are techniques to draw from a pocket that minimize the chance of the holster coming out with the firearm. With the Desantis, as I am drawing, I rock the gun back at a slight angle as it comes from the pocket. This insures that the "hook" on the holster grabs and stays in the pocket. The material that the Desantis is made of also aids in the holster remaining in the pocket.

The Blackhawk holster relies on a strip of material catching the pocket lining or seam edge at the top of the pocket to keep it from coming out. This is not as effective, but I can still draw and leave the holster in the pocket.

But to get back to the OPs question, yes, it is safe to carry in the pocket. Carrying with a holster goes further to minimize the risk. Keep other items out of the pocket where the firearm is being carried. The greatest risk, as always, comes from handling the firearm. If you draw from your pocket, remove the holster from the pocket before reholstering. Reholster the firearm and then put the holstered firearm back into the pocket.
by cyphertext
Thu Oct 30, 2014 11:28 am
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Is it safe to pocket carry?
Replies: 26
Views: 5019

Re: Is it safe to pocket carry?

patterson wrote:
Jim Beaux wrote:
cyphertext wrote:
patterson wrote:yes no experience with it but my comment is it is not for me the only way I feel comfortable carrying is OWB
So with zero experience, you feel qualified to comment on a particular carry method which you have not tried. :headscratch
I have zero experience with heroin; am I not qualified to express my preference until I try it? ;-)
Exactly, most people don't have experience in politics but it doesn't prevent them from commenting on it.I was just commenting that it wasn't for me
Commenting that "it is not for me" is one thing, but making statements about the holster staying with the firearm is another...

As far as heroin, I think enough have tried it and we can see the negative effects. But on the flip side, when I told my son to eat vegetables, I didn't accept "I don't like them" from him until he tried them... and now my son is 14 yrs old and will eat cauliflower... yuck!
by cyphertext
Wed Oct 29, 2014 11:19 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Is it safe to pocket carry?
Replies: 26
Views: 5019

Re: Is it safe to pocket carry?

patterson wrote:yes no experience with it but my comment is it is not for me the only way I feel comfortable carrying is OWB
So with zero experience, you feel qualified to comment on a particular carry method which you have not tried. :headscratch
by cyphertext
Wed Oct 29, 2014 12:35 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Is it safe to pocket carry?
Replies: 26
Views: 5019

Re: Is it safe to pocket carry?

patterson wrote:
carlson1 wrote:
patterson wrote:pocket carry isn't for me cuz if you find yourself in a situation where you need your firearm in a hurry you have to pull it out of your pocket still holstered then remove the holster
Then you do not have the right holster. Real locket holsters will remain in the pocket when the firearm is drawn.
I don't have the right firearm either mine are considered full size
So you are commenting on something that you have no knowledge or experience with?

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