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by Gold3n
Sun Feb 09, 2014 5:35 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: No CHL! How to avoid problems?
Replies: 44
Views: 6317

Re: No CHL! How to avoid problems?

I've made a decision to just keep my firearms at home for now. At least until I take a CHL course and/or receive a license sometime this year or next year. It seems I have a lot to learn about legally carrying. I'm sure things would get more complicated if I were to get caught in a situation where I wasn't carrying legal and possibly needed to use my weapon. So until I figure all of this out.... I will chill out on carrying on my person and most of the time in my vehicle. I'll opt for carrying the biggest legal knife possible to make me feel better. lol. But if I do choose to keep a gun in my vehicle I will store it in the glove compartment which reminds me that I need to fix the key lock mechanism in my car to help with preventing my gun from being stolen when I need to leave it in the car. Which is another good reason to have a CHL. Leaving your gun in the car allows access to criminals to steal it! Not good for anyone!

Either way I will apply for my CHL later this year and see what happens. And to the people who commented saying they have a problem with me carrying. First of all you don't even know me and judge me based on my previous arrests. Which most are very old. I've paid for my mistakes and have corrected the lifestyle choices that led me to those mistakes! The last thing was because of weed but like I said, I don't even smoke anymore and at the time my only explanation is when somebody threatens you and you're stoned, your natural instinct is to run! lol. Seriously! But anyways I don't drink alcohol or do drugs! Period. If weed ever gets legalized in TX then I'll probably smoke again (without my weapon around of course). But until then most likely not. The petty theft thing happened when I was 18. I was a broke stupid kid who didn't even graduate high school yet. Things happens and people make mistakes! Since then I haven't stolen a penny from anyone and seen first hand why stealing is wrong. I'll admit at the time I just didn't know any better. Also don't assume I'm some hot tempered idiot that can't control my emotions because of the assault thing. I'm the guy that usually smiles and waves back to the guy giving me the finger in traffic! lol. The assault thing happened when I was 16 and angry for something somebody did to my friend! At least now I know to let law enforcement handle law situations! Which kind of helps with the "should I shoot this guy or not" situation if that ever occurs! I'll of course always opt for the police to handle it but if there's no time and I'm in fear for my life or a loved ones life then I will have no choice but to shoot! Of course I need to be legally carrying at the time. :nono: Which is why I will stop carrying for now until I figure this out!

This video I watched is kind of helpful. Also confusing. lol I have a lot to learn! " onclick=";return false;

Also thanks for the posts! The CHL class should help! I'll let you guys know what happens!
by Gold3n
Fri Feb 07, 2014 9:36 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: No CHL! How to avoid problems?
Replies: 44
Views: 6317

Re: No CHL! How to avoid problems?

LOL> People. It is some heavy stuff but hey I need questions answered. I own a business that I pay rent for and plan on protecting my employees and income. Not to mention that there are some pretty crappy people out here in the Houston area. I don't feel secure not having a gun on me. The company of the property sold me a lease that has no mention of firearms in the contract and as far as the leasing agent was concerned it isn't a problem. I also own a business that requires me to go house to house throughout the city. I always keep a gun in my vehicle for that as well.

The last incident I had with police involved me running away form law enforcement because of marijuana. Which considering it's process of legalization throughout the country, it shouldn't of happened anyways! lol. But yes I know better than to run from law enforcement now! Even though they didn't catch me the officer knew who I was. I turned myself in later after finishing my weedies! Talk about a major setback! I was halfway through graduating from college when this happened. And no I didn't have my gun on me while smoking weed. I at least know better than that. Either way I don't have to worry about it now since I was never a heavy drinker or hardcore weed smoker anyways. That _______ was an occasional thing. Well that's my story for now. Things are getting way to personal in here. lol. What do you guys think my chances of getting a CHL is?
by Gold3n
Fri Feb 07, 2014 9:11 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: No CHL! How to avoid problems?
Replies: 44
Views: 6317

Re: No CHL! How to avoid problems?

And also I was never convicted of a Felony.

My adult record has a class C misdemeanor theft charge and a Class B Misdemeanor Evading arrest charge. All misdemeanors no felonies! I need to learn the law better tho so I don't end up getting a felony. Especially over just trying to protect myself, my family, and my business. Your information is greatly appreciated!
by Gold3n
Fri Feb 07, 2014 8:51 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: No CHL! How to avoid problems?
Replies: 44
Views: 6317

Re: No CHL! How to avoid problems?

Wow. Thanks for all the replys!!! Seriously. All this information helps a lot. I've stopped carrying my pistol in an IWB holster for some time now. It makes me nervous because I don't have a license and sometimes I guess I have unintentionally broken the law for having it on me, e.g like filling up my gas tank. :shock: I will get into more detail about why I want to use an IWB holster shortly.

The whole thing about the rifles in my back seat story happened a long time ago. I keep have my rifles in plastic locked cases going to and from the range. The police officer that night set me straight on that! lol. It did look pretty bad. As for throwing a towel over my gun while driving. I will agree that was probably a stupid habit to develop. It's usually in the crevice of my seat with a small towel covering it. I like doing this because i can get to it fast if I need to. If it's in my glove box it takes to long to get to. I quit laying it on the passenger seat because of what someone mentioned already. Didn't want to hit my brakes hard and see if the gun stays in the seat. In between the crevice of my driver seat and middle console it's pretty secure. I even thought about mounting my holster there but that probably wouldn't be legal or look very good to law enforcement.

Also, I thought I had an ok routine for getting pulled over. I never said I was fumbling around while the police officer is approaching my vehicle. No kidding that would make him/her nervous as hell. I keep my licence and insurance in my middle console for easy access and my gun is always in the glove box before I even pull over. I believe you have 1/4 of a mile to pull over or something after you see lights which is plenty of time. It's just a little more complicated to shift gears, open the glove box, grab the gun and lay it in there, then close the glove box. Then pull over and have my license and insurance ready. Also, I roll all my windows down and always keep my hands on the steering wheel until the officer asks me to do otherwise, such as hand him my license and registration or get out of the vehicle. I'm not trying to get shot or tased. lol.

I will continue to do some more research and read your replys. There's a lot of them. When I have more time I will explain my full daily routine for carrying. This includes picking up my daughter from high school (never bring my gun in this case), going to work, going to a family business, and at home, ect. As far as my criminal history and eligibility for CHL licensing, I would be glad to explain further details if that help determine or not if I can get one. I might have some time later tonight. Thanks again everyone!
by Gold3n
Wed Feb 05, 2014 11:20 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: No CHL! How to avoid problems?
Replies: 44
Views: 6317

No CHL! How to avoid problems?

Hello everyone. I'm new to the forum and was hoping to get some information to clear a few things up. First of all I don't have a CHL. I never bothered trying to get one because it's highly unlikely that I would qualify. I've gotten myself into quite a bit of trouble in the past and there's not much I can do now to change that. The worst thing probably holding me back from getting a CHL is an Aggravated Assault with a Deadly weapon charge I received when I was 16. I was charged as a juvenile and agreed to 1 year probation with a lesser charge of assault. When I turned 18, I received a class C misdemeanor theft charge and then a misdemeanor evading arrest charge in my mid teens. I'm 34 now and haven't been in any legal trouble for about 7 years or so. I was wondering if it will ever be possible for me to qualify or most likely not due to the assault charge?

Anyways, if I can't get a CHL then I will need to know how to legally carry a firearm in Texas without a CHL. Would a CHL class help with understanding the laws to carry without a CHL since I probably won't be able to get the license? I realized most of my life I might have carried illegally in certain situations because I don't have a license to do so. I've been carrying guns on my person and in my vehicles since I was 18. This weapons law actually concerns me a lot because I can't afford to get into any more legal troubles or worse. I usually don't carry my gun into stores or onto peoples property without there consent but there has been a few times that I wasn't sure if I was breaking the law or not.

For example having a loaded gun on my person in a holster while outside of my vehicle pumping gas. I never bring it into the store and if I need to go into the store I un-holster my weapon and put it under the driver seat or glove compartment. Sometimes I get lazy and just lay a towel over it sitting on my passenger seat. Usually when I'm driving it's in my holster or stuffed between the crevice of the driver seat and center console for fast access. Of course if I get pulled over by police the gun goes into the glove compartment with the quickness before I even stop. Always concealed when it needs to be. Then again sometimes when I'm driving my truck I have rifles and sometimes a shotgun laying visible in my backseat. I'm about 99% sure that's legal though because if not I would have been arrested by now. Actually remembering the time I got pulled over and had an AK47 and a 30_06 rifle laying in my backseat. Officer said, "Jesus Christ boy! what the heck are you doing?" lol

Well anyways that is my routine for carrying inside my vehicle and clearing my weapon from sight if pulled over by police for any reason. I definitely don't want to make any law enforcement concerned for his or her well being or worse get shot because they notice I have a firearm. So it always goes into the glove box in that situation. Which is sometimes tricky because I drive a manual sports car now.

Other than that I have consent to carry my weapon to my business location inside and around. This I also researched and believe is legal?

So basically I'm not confident that I'm following the law 100% when I carry daily. Any advise that could help please let me know. I'm actually considering spending the money for the CHL class even though I won't apply to get the license.

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