Well YMMV but I'm not going to be handling a loaded weapon in the presence of an officer. Too many chances of bad things happening. If he wants it removed from the holster and cleared, he can do it. His liability, not mine.SewTexas wrote: you've got to be able to reload, clear a problem, even occasionally empty it for a police officer.
You have a slide release for reloading when the gun is empty and the slide is open. Even if you're not going to use the release, it takes less effort to pull the slide back so that the release lets go than a full cycle. Clearing yes.
All that aside. I have for many years encouraged anyone who has weaker hands and wrists to get a couple of exercise devices to build up hand and wrist strength. The only real viable alternative is a revolver. The simple fact is that auto loaders require stronger recoil springs for more powerful cartridges.
Good luck finding her something that will work for her.