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by dcarter
Tue Mar 11, 2014 9:38 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: January 2014
Replies: 275
Views: 49522

Re: January 2014

To all members of this noble waiting room - Here's what I've learned: , submitting a question for "status" via the web site "" is a complete waste of time. You don't get a response. Calling prior to day 60 is also a waste of your time because all they will tell you is WAIT (although if you ask they CAN tell you what documents have been keyed ... but that does NOT mean they've keyed all your documents (Yes, that's crazy but it's a fact of their process!)).

ADVICE When you reach the 60 day mark after submission, you need to call and politely tell them this fact. I did that on day 60, and was transferred to a "specialist" who told me they were still processing January applications (which leads me to believe they are all in one big basket somewhere). However he did ask me to email all my forms to him and he would process that day ... I did ... and he did!

Online Registration: 12/30/13
Fingerprinted: 01/02/14
Class: 01/04/14
Packet Submit On-Line: 01/06/14
Email confirmation of submission: 01/06/14
Status update - Background under review 03/07/14 (day 61 from submission of docs, day 68 from application)
Background complete - 03/08/14
Mailed - 03/11/14 (day 65 from electronic submission of docs to mailed)

If you've been longer than 60 days - call and do whatever you can to speak to a specialist and get some action! Good Luck! :txflag:
by dcarter
Fri Mar 07, 2014 10:03 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: January 2014
Replies: 275
Views: 49522

Re: January 2014

Online Registration: 12/30/13
Fingerprinted: 01/02/14
Class: 01/04/14
Packet Submit On-Line: 01/06/14
Email confirmation of submission: 01/06/14
System updated to date: NONE ... continue to get the "waiting on the receipt of required materials" message

Called today (02/19/14 - now 45 days from packet submission) and on-hold 22 min before getting "assistance" whereby was told I need to wait because it takes 60 days to process :mad5 and she was unable to tell me if they had all the materials :mad5 :mad5

2/12 sent email request asking for status - never received a response

2/24 sent another email request asking for status - NEVER received a response

3/1 send another email request asking for status - you guessed it ... NEVER received a response

3/6 update - Here's what I've learned: , submitting a question for "status" via the web site "" is a complete waste of time. You don't get a response. Calling prior to day 60 is also a waste of your time because all they will tell you is WAIT (although if you ask they CAN tell you what documents have been keyed ... but that does NOT mean they've keyed all your documents (Yes, that's crazy but it's a fact of their process!)). You have to call ... and wait on hold. Even that is hit and miss. ADVICE You need to call and politely tell them when you reach the 60 day mark for your submission. I did that yesterday, and was transferred to a "specialist" who told me they were still processing January applications (which leads me to believe they are all in one big basket somewhere). However he did ask me to email all my forms to him and he would process that day ... I did ... and he did! :hurry:

3/7 update - my status finally changed
Online Registration: 12/30/13
Fingerprinted: 01/02/14
Class: 01/04/14
Packet Submit On-Line: 01/06/14
Email confirmation of submission: 01/06/14
Status update - Background under review 03/07/14 (day 61 from submission of docs, day 68 from application)
by dcarter
Thu Mar 06, 2014 10:42 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: January 2014
Replies: 275
Views: 49522

Re: January 2014

ready&waiting wrote:Good luck with that phone call. I've called twice. I'm on day 96 and still no updates other than an email six weeks ago that said they had all my paperwork .....
fyi ... I called this morning. I spoke to a nice woman and told her I had, as of today, been waiting 60 days since my upload. She said she was going to transfer me to a CHL Specialist and after another 5 minute hold, I spoke to a gentleman that said they were still processing the "January applications". That led me to believe that we're all in one giant stack somewhere. But he said if I would email him my docs, he would process it today. I'll hold my applause :clapping: until I see a status change ... but it certainly appears that I'm moving now.

I would stongly suggest you call back and politely inform whoever answers that you've been nearly 100 days and you'd like to speak to someone that can assist you in moving your application forward.
by dcarter
Wed Mar 05, 2014 5:09 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: January 2014
Replies: 275
Views: 49522

Re: January 2014

N2rock wrote:There is no rhyme or reason.

I submitted on 1/2/14... last week after seeing so many people that submitted after me, were receiving already, I called. The woman I spoke to basically told me there was nothing she could do about it, and I just needed to wait and to call back if it hit 90 days :shock: .

Then Monday this week, I called again hoping I might get someone helpful. This time I got a very helpful person that told me my online submission was just in a big stack and there was no way to know when it would be gotten to. But since I was at 60 days in, she told me to email the forms to her directly and she would expedite it. And she did- today it has been moved to "Manufacturing Pending" status.
That's awesome! Friday will be 60 days for me, I hope I can call and get that same helpful person at that time!
by dcarter
Mon Mar 03, 2014 10:15 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: January 2014
Replies: 275
Views: 49522

Re: January 2014

dcarter wrote:New poster here ...

Online Registration: 12/30/13
Fingerprinted: 01/02/14
Class: 01/04/14
Packet Submit On-Line: 01/06/14
Email confirmation of submission: 01/06/14
System updated to date: NONE ... continue to get the "waiting on the receipt of required materials" message

Called today (02/19/14 - now 45 days from packet submission) and on-hold 22 min before getting "assistance" whereby was told I need to wait because it takes 60 days to process :mad5 and she was unable to tell me if they had all the materials :mad5 :mad5

I know this is the government (but it would be so much more efficient to update the stinking web site instead of hiring a hoard of people that can't give you information! :banghead:

And if we are to assume State Government is closer to the taxpayer ... I can't wait for Federal healthcare!

2/24 update - I'm seeing a lot of progress from my fellow January "wait group" ... no such luck for me (today marks day 49 since on-line submission of materials). I've requested a status update via the on-line "status Question" option on 2/12 (without ever getting a response!) and again this morning 2/24. My on-line status says they are still "waiting on the receipt of required materials" - so I'm begging them to tell me what the heck they are waiting on!
3/2 update - today is day 56 since upload of all materials ... still showing as "waiting on required materials". I've not sent THREE status questions to them via their ridiculous status web site with NO RESPONSE TO ANY! I decided to call them this morning and was on hold for 63 minutes. The lady (very nice!) confirmed they had everything needed but told me that my CHL100 was not received until 2/26 ... and then told me it could be 90 days from that date before it's processed. Oh baby ... there are process opportunities abounding in this whole endeavor!!!! :banghead: Of course it was uploaded all together with other materials on 1/6 ... guess I picked the long checkout line again!
by dcarter
Wed Feb 26, 2014 1:49 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: January 2014
Replies: 275
Views: 49522

Re: January 2014

N2rock wrote:
dcarter wrote:
N2rock wrote:y'all are really discouraging me. I submitted online on 1/2. My status has not changed at all :???:
you and me both ... I submitted electronically on 1/6/14 and NOTHING. I called them today and they said they were missing my CHL 100 but uploaded that with the other docs they show to already have!!! SO FRUSTRATING!!! :mad5
ugghh... Sounds like I need to make a phone call today :???:
Calling is such a crap shoot! I called again this morning and actually talked to someone that seemed to KNOW what he was talking about. He told me they did indeed have all the forms (so yesterday's comments about my missing CHL-100 was bogus) and he also said they were currently "keying" applications received during the Jan 1 - Jan 15 period. Which, if they don't do them in order but rather out of a common bucket, would kind of make sense why some are updating and others are not. Don't get me wrong, nothing about this process would survive in the commercial world ... but I did feel better when he told me they had everthing needed (small victory ... very small).
by dcarter
Tue Feb 25, 2014 9:53 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: January 2014
Replies: 275
Views: 49522

Re: January 2014

N2rock wrote:y'all are really discouraging me. I submitted online on 1/2. My status has not changed at all :???:
you and me both ... I submitted electronically on 1/6/14 and NOTHING. I called them today and they said they were missing my CHL 100 but uploaded that with the other docs they show to already have!!! SO FRUSTRATING!!! :mad5
by dcarter
Mon Feb 24, 2014 5:15 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: January 2014
Replies: 275
Views: 49522

Re: January 2014

jroddy187 wrote:First time poster, just adding my two cents:

Submitted docs via snail mail 1/13/2014, received per tracking information on 1/15/2014. No update online, nor response from DPS on requests for confirmation of receipt on 2/17/2014.

I am curious to see if the rapid turn around for some of you who submitted online carries over to those of us in the stone age. (In my defense I thought that I had read somewhere that online submission was for renewals only.)

Good luck and happy waiting, all.


:edit for readability:
I uploaded my material via their website on 1/6/14 and have had no update to date other than "waiting on materials" via their status web site. I've made TWO requests for updates to status and have received no responses as yet. You're certainly not alone here.
by dcarter
Thu Feb 20, 2014 5:00 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: January 2014
Replies: 275
Views: 49522

Re: January 2014

JohnH59 wrote:
JohnH59 wrote:
JohnH59 wrote:Took class - 1/4/2014
Fingerprints - 1/6/2014
Uploaded all documents - 1/6/2014

Very surprised to see this yesterday 1/12/2014

Application : Received
Fingerprints : Complete
Affidavits : Received
DL or ID : Valid
Citizenship : No documentation required
Passport photo holder : Received
Photo : Received
Proof of Classroom training : Received
Proof of Proficiency training : Received
Fee : Received
Background Check : Under review
Concealed Handgun License : Print pending completion of application review

I wasn't expecting any kind of update for another month. Now we'll see how long the background check takes.

My status just changed to:

Background Check : Completed
Concealed Handgun License : Manufacturing Pending

7 days from background under review to completed. Hopefully printed and mailed in the next day or so. :cheers2:
I just checked the site and it now shows to be mailed. :woohoo

That's 45 days from submission to mailed. From what I keep reading, that's got to be near a record since the new laws took affect last September.

Go get a lotto ticket because you seem to be really lucky!
by dcarter
Thu Feb 20, 2014 2:50 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: January 2014
Replies: 275
Views: 49522

Re: January 2014

New poster here ...

Online Registration: 12/30/13
Fingerprinted: 01/02/14
Class: 01/04/14
Packet Submit On-Line: 01/06/14
Email confirmation of submission: 01/06/14
System updated to date: NONE ... continue to get the "waiting on the receipt of required materials" message

Called today (02/19/14 - now 45 days from packet submission) and on-hold 22 min before getting "assistance" whereby was told I need to wait because it takes 60 days to process :mad5 and she was unable to tell me if they had all the materials :mad5 :mad5

I know this is the government (but it would be so much more efficient to update the stinking web site instead of hiring a hoard of people that can't give you information! :banghead:

And if we are to assume State Government is closer to the taxpayer ... I can't wait for Federal healthcare!

2/24 update - I'm seeing a lot of progress from my fellow January "wait group" ... no such luck for me (today marks day 49 since on-line submission of materials). I've requested a status update via the on-line "status Question" option on 2/12 (without ever getting a response!) and again this morning 2/24. My on-line status says they are still "waiting on the receipt of required materials" - so I'm begging them to tell me what the heck they are waiting on!

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