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by jbarn
Fri May 02, 2014 8:10 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: OCT: Proposed OC ACT for 2015
Replies: 96
Views: 14386

Re: OCT: Proposed OC ACT for 2015

Beiruty wrote:It was just posted on OCT fb.
By CJ Grisham:
This is the legislation that Open Carry Texas is sponsoring to get open carry passed in Texas. It accomplishes several goals: legalizing the open carry of ALL firearms; removing exemptions of where off-duty officers, legislators, judges, prosecutors, etc can carry (If a citizen can't carry to a particular place, neither can anyone else); clarifies the disorderly conduct statute to ensure that open carry in and of itself isn't an arrestable offense; removes TABC laws that bar people from carrying into establishments that sell alcohol (for example, I do NOT drink at all and should be able to defend myself while eating at the Olive Garden in spite of the fact they sell alcohol); removes restrictions on types of knives that can legally be carried; and enjoins state agencies with municipalities under state pre-emption of firearms regulation (in other words, DPS can't just decide to ban the bearing of firearms on capitol grounds). Please contact your state senator and representative and ask them to support this legislation.
Doc of proposed act is attached:
Good grief. Even his little statement is full of "misstatements".

The attitude that he wants to limit current exceptions if he cannot have it.

The assertion that one can only defend oneself with a firearm

Just wow....

His belief that he cannot carry in Olive Garden

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