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by smokejensen
Mon Feb 24, 2014 7:03 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: December Waiting
Replies: 203
Views: 40147

Re: December Waiting

I received my permission slip to carry today. I've posted the entire timeline for continuity

12/12/13 - CHL application online (9:49 am) $142.00
12/12/13 - Certified copy of Dallas criminal misdemeanor search (Afternoon) $5.00
12/17/13 - FAST finger printing (9:00 am) $10.43
12/21/13 - CHL- 100 class completed/Documents uploaded to DPS (1:30 pm class) $60.00
12/27/13 - DPS email confirming receipt/forwarding of uploaded documents. (Day 1)
1/27/14 - Follow up email to RSD with application materials to verify receipt. (Day 32)
2/10/14 - First update. Day 45 from DPS email confirmation:
Finger Prints and Background under review.
2/19/14 - Second update 54 days after email confirmation: Manufacture Pending
2/20/14 - Third update to "Mailed".
2/24/14- permission to carry in hand. 59 days from confirmation email. 66 days from email submittal to mailbox.
Good luck to the rest of you!
by smokejensen
Thu Feb 20, 2014 8:34 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: December Waiting
Replies: 203
Views: 40147

Re: December Waiting

I sent my wife and kids a picture of the all green screen showing it to be mailed.
My daughter God love her, called me this afternoon in San Fran to tell me it got to the house.
After doing the whoop, she said.....wait for it, just kidding Dad!
Haha, funny. :-)
by smokejensen
Thu Feb 20, 2014 9:27 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: December Waiting
Replies: 203
Views: 40147

Re: December Waiting

This is the update Ive been looking for. Timeline reposted for continuity

CHL Application process:
12/12/13 - CHL application online (9:49 am) $142.00
12/12/13 - Certified copy of Dallas criminal misdemeanor search (Afternoon) $5.00
12/17/13 - FAST finger printing (9:00 am) $10.43
12/21/13 - CHL- 100 class completed/Documents uploaded to DPS (1:30 pm class) $60.00
12/27/13 - DPS email confirming receipt/forwarding of uploaded documents. (Day 1)
1/27/14 - Follow up email to RSD with application materials to verify receipt. (Day 32)
2/10/14 - First update. Day 45 from DPS email confirmation:
Finger Prints and Background under review.
2/19/14 - Second update 54 days after email confirmation
2/20/14 - Third update 55 days after email confirmation
Concealed Handgun License : Mailed

Of course I'm San Francisco for another 8 days........
by smokejensen
Wed Feb 19, 2014 9:55 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: December Waiting
Replies: 203
Views: 40147

Re: December Waiting

This is the update Ive been looking for. Timeline reposted for continuity

CHL Application process:
12/12/13 - CHL application online (9:49 am) $142.00
12/12/13 - Certified copy of Dallas criminal misdemeanor search (Afternoon) $5.00
12/17/13 - FAST finger printing (9:00 am) $10.43
12/21/13 - CHL- 100 class completed/Documents uploaded to DPS (1:30 pm class) $60.00
12/27/13 - DPS email confirming receipt/forwarding of uploaded documents. (Day 1)
1/27/14 - Follow up email to RSD with application materials to verify receipt. (Day 32)
2/10/14 - First update. Day 45 from DPS email confirmation:
Finger Prints and Background under review.
2/19/14 - Second update 54 days after email confirmation:
Application : Received
Fingerprints : Complete
Affidavits : Received
DL or ID : Valid
Citizenship : No documentation required
Passport photo holder : Received
Photo : Received
Proof of Classroom training : Received
Proof of Proficiency training : Received
Fee : Received
Background Check : Complete
Concealed Handgun License : Manufacture Pending

It's all downhill from this point.
by smokejensen
Mon Feb 17, 2014 2:55 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: December Waiting
Replies: 203
Views: 40147

Re: December Waiting

As you have so aptly pointed out others have gotten their plastic after us. I can tell you that there seems to be no logical order to their processing of applications. My best suggestion after combing through other posts is to call DPS, whisper sweetly into their ear and if you are lucky and get ahold of a cooperative person they will bump you up.
I received an update after 45 days and thought, WOOHOO! any day now! Well not so fast..... I've been hung up on: Fingerprints and Background under review for 7 days now. I've seen others go from BG under review to mailed in 48 hrs. and less.
So, don't beat yourself silly wondering whats going on in the hive we call DPS. You'll only go loopy trying to figure it out.
Best of luck tjcrosson!
by smokejensen
Thu Feb 13, 2014 9:15 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: December Waiting
Replies: 203
Views: 40147

Re: December Waiting

TexasFire71 wrote:I have a question. I actually submitted my application late December and completed my fingerprints first week of January. Got an update when I logged in my status reads : License Status: Application packet has been received from the applicant, the application is in progress. Show receipt

Application : Received
Fingerprints : Under review
Affidavits : Received
DL or ID : Valid
Citizenship : No documentation required
Passport photo holder : Received
Photo : Received
Proof of Classroom training : Received
Proof of Proficiency training : Received
Fee : Received
Background Check : Under review
Concealed Handgun License : Print pending completion of application review

But my application, fingerprints, background check are highlighted in yellow with exclamation points. What does that mean?
I'm in the exact same boat as you. Mine has been in this same state for the 3 days now.
by smokejensen
Mon Feb 10, 2014 1:17 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: December Waiting
Replies: 203
Views: 40147

Re: December Waiting

CHL Application process

12/12/13 - CHL application online (9:49 am) $142.00
12/12/13 - Certified copy of Dallas criminal misdemeanor search (Afternoon) $5.00
12/17/13 - FAST finger printing (9:00 am) $10.43
12/21/13 - CHL- 100 class completed/Documents uploaded to DPS (1:30 pm class) $60.00
12/27/13 - DPS email confirming receipt/forwarding of uploaded documents. (Day 1)
1/27/14 - Follow up email to RSD with application materials to verify receipt. (Day 32)
2/10/14 - First update. Day 45 from DPS email confirmation:
Application : Received
Fingerprints : Under review
Affidavits : Received
DL or ID : Valid
Citizenship : No documentation required
Passport photo holder : Received
Photo : Received
Proof of Classroom training : Received
Proof of Proficiency training : Received
Fee : Received
Background Check : Under review
Concealed Handgun License : Print pending completion of application review

I knew by checking 6 times a day would speed things up. Watching water boil indeed. ;-)
by smokejensen
Fri Feb 07, 2014 5:54 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: December Waiting
Replies: 203
Views: 40147

Re: December Waiting

I submitted electronically on 12/21/13 and received the confirmation email on 12/27/13.
Things are starting to heat up for us.
by smokejensen
Fri Feb 07, 2014 5:47 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: December Waiting
Replies: 203
Views: 40147

Re: December Waiting

AdamJ1555 wrote:First update today! "Manufacture Pending"!

Submitted electronically 12/17/13 (53 days ago)
Adam, When (or if) did you receive a confirmation of your submitted app?
by smokejensen
Fri Feb 07, 2014 2:36 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: December Waiting
Replies: 203
Views: 40147

Re: December Waiting

gatorz wrote:Dang it.. see all these updates that folks have gotten an updated status. Sent my in on 12/30.... still no cant wait.. Yes i am impatient ahhahaah.. Cant wait to try out carrying the Kel-tec
At least you're not alone. I keep checking my status :read: as thought it will make things go faster. I'm just a glutton for punishment.
by smokejensen
Thu Jan 30, 2014 11:35 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: December Waiting
Replies: 203
Views: 40147

Re: December Waiting

cherbstlcfd wrote:
What I dont understand is, my wife and I took the class, fingerprints, submitted applications, etc all on the same day. Her status still has the default ......
Your wife may suffer from the same affliction I do. That is the ability to find the slowest checkout clerk no matter where I go. Just replace checkout clerk with CHL Specialist and you may have your answer.
by smokejensen
Mon Jan 20, 2014 10:34 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: December Waiting
Replies: 203
Views: 40147

Re: December Waiting

Hi all,
I'm posting this for your edification. ;)

CHL Application process:
12/12/13 - CHL application online (9:49 am) $142.00
12/12/13 - Certified copy of Dallas criminal misdemeanor search (Afternoon) $5.00
12/17/13 - FAST finger printing (9:00 am) $10.43
12/21/13 - CHL- 100 class completed/Documents uploaded to DPS (1:30 pm class) $60.00
12/27/13 - DPS email confirming receipt of uploaded Documents/forwarding to CHL specialist
No updates as of yet. I know, you're shocked too.

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