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by Mike from Texas
Thu Feb 25, 2010 9:19 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Debra Medina
Replies: 124
Views: 16955

Re: Debra Medina

seniorshooteress wrote:Just because the NRA (which I do belong to) endorses a candidate doesn't mean I have to vote that way. :rules: To copy another's sig line, ONLY DEAD FISH GO WITH THE FLOW! I voted early and don't feel like my vote was 'wasted'. I am no dead fishy.
by Mike from Texas
Fri Feb 12, 2010 1:48 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Debra Medina
Replies: 124
Views: 16955

Re: Debra Medina

Charles L. Cotton wrote: My ill-advised comment was not based upon any hard evidence and I should have kept it to myself. There is no hidden meaning or hint and Medina supporters should not be deterred for fear that she does not support the Second Amendment. I will say this much, Rick Perry has a proven track record of supporting gun owners and this is why a TSRA/NRA grade based upon an elected official's record is more reliable that a candidates questionnaire alone. Talk is cheap, performance counts.

I appreciate your honesty, but in fairness to her, she's never been given the opportunity to prove herself. How does anyone get a chance to prove themselves if not ever given an opportunity. Everyone has to start somewhere.
by Mike from Texas
Fri Feb 12, 2010 1:09 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Debra Medina
Replies: 124
Views: 16955

Re: Debra Medina

Charles L. Cotton wrote:
Rex B wrote:
Charles L. Cotton wrote:
Mike from Texas wrote:Medina is even more pro gun than Perry if that is the only thing driving your decision.
You have no idea how inaccurate this statement is.
Charles, I think we would all like to hear you elaborate on that.
I never should have posted that comment. I retract it.

C'mon Chas. This is a very important issue. If you have information, please share it with us. I certainly don't have the connections you do so I have to put faith in what I am being told by the candidate unless I can be shown otherwise OR they have a proven track record of not doing what they say.
by Mike from Texas
Fri Feb 12, 2010 12:52 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Debra Medina
Replies: 124
Views: 16955

Re: Debra Medina

Rex B wrote:
Charles L. Cotton wrote:
Mike from Texas wrote:Medina is even more pro gun than Perry if that is the only thing driving your decision.
You have no idea how inaccurate this statement is.
Charles, I think we would all like to hear you elaborate on that.
I certainly would. I have heard her on several occasions say that she is for gun owner's rights.
by Mike from Texas
Fri Feb 12, 2010 11:51 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Debra Medina
Replies: 124
Views: 16955

Re: Debra Medina

RPB wrote:I still fail to understand why anyone would want to give up LOCAL control (Local property taxes spent locally), and a LOCAL tool to attract businesses and create jobs (Property tax abatement Locally), and give that power to Austin "Big Government"

A pig with makeup and diamonds (Politician proclaiming "It should be this way, I'm against big government, I'm against big business") whose plans mostly benefit big business and big government at the expense of the little guy and LOCAL government power .... is still recognizable by most people as a pig, even with makeup and diamonds on.

I'm going with Perry ....NRA, TSRA supports him, ... Farouk already sent too much money to terrorist areas in the past for my tastes, Kay is guilty of age discrimination in attitudes, and I lived in Houston when Bill White was there, he's the best Democrat I've seen in this race, but slow getting anything done IMHO.
So you are voting for Perry strictly on his NRA, TSRA rating?

That's quite sad actually.

Medina is even more pro gun than Perry if that is the only thing driving your decision.
by Mike from Texas
Thu Feb 11, 2010 10:42 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Debra Medina
Replies: 124
Views: 16955

Re: Debra Medina

flb_78 wrote:
Charles L. Cotton wrote:The reality of the situation is this - one of the following three people will be Governor of Texas until 2014; take your pick:

Rick Perry TSRA Rated: A+ (NRA/TSRA Endorsed)
Bill White TSRA Rated: B (proven anti-gun history)
Farouk Shami TSRA Rated: ?

I didn't realize there was an election already.

I reject your reality and I will vote for Medina in the primary and I will encourage others to vote in the primary and to vote for Medina.

Perry has been great for gun laws and CHL's, but there's other issues at hand.
Yep, THIS!
by Mike from Texas
Thu Feb 11, 2010 8:30 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Debra Medina
Replies: 124
Views: 16955

Re: Debra Medina

ELB wrote:This business about Glenn Beck "setting her up" or "ganging up" on her is eyewash. He asked her straightforward questions, which had straightforward no-nonsense answers, and instead she hemmed and hawed and ran around the bush like Clinton trying to explain he really didn't have sex with that woman. He gave her TWO chances, asked very clear and direct questions, and gave her all the time she needed -- he did not cut her off, he did not interrupt, she got to ramble on as long as she wanted, and all she did was duck and weave. In other words, she is truther, or she's afraid of alienating her truther followers, and either one means she should not be dog catcher, never mind Governor.
We apparently see it differently.
by Mike from Texas
Thu Feb 11, 2010 8:00 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Debra Medina
Replies: 124
Views: 16955

Re: Debra Medina

couzin wrote:
Mando'a wrote:WOW!! Absolutely loved what she said about getting rid of property taxes. I think she just earned my vote.
Keep in mind (if Ms. Medina could even get the laws changed) that the way she intends to collect that revenue is to raise sales tax to at least 8.8 (bet it would be higher). A modest $100,000.00 house will cost the buyer an additional $9,000.00 (cash) at purchase. Then you will lose the deduction of your property taxes from your Federal income. She says she would tax a lot of items and businesses that are not currently taxed in Texas in order to raise the deficit amounts.

I (personally) like the Texas CHL licensing system and am comfortable with it. There are some that just do not need to be carrying a weapon. I really do not like the open carry idea - no matter who is proposing it.

It is like choosing lesser evils anymore - but at least Perry hasn't been caught jetting off to Argentina to hook up with a squeeze...
I see you live in Keller. I would imagine your property taxes are on the high side. I know in Arlington I pay $3700 per year. So in less than 3 years you have paid for that $9k in your scenario. And the best thing of all is you actually own your property. If you think you currently own your property, just try not paying your property taxes and see how much you actually own. The property tax deduction on your fed taxes are modest at best.

I still believe the current CHL process is too expensive and too restrictive.
by Mike from Texas
Thu Feb 11, 2010 3:25 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Debra Medina
Replies: 124
Views: 16955

Re: Debra Medina

Beck set her up. Before he brought her on, he was espousing all of the wonderful traits of Perry. Then he hardly even gave her a chance to answer legitimate questions. Then after he cut the interview short, and ridiculed her for a while he made mention of him wanting to french kiss Perry. This was a set up all the way. Granted, she didn't handle the question very well, but still I think it was pretty cowardly of Beck to do that to her.

She has since released a blog statement about the interview.

by Debra Medina on Feb 11, 2010
I was asked a question on the Glenn Beck show today regarding my thoughts on the so-called 9/11 truth movement. I have never been involved with the 9/11 truth movement, and there is no doubt in my mind that Muslim terrorists flew planes into those buildings on 9/11. I have not seen any evidence nor have I ever believed that our government was involved or directed those individuals in any way. No one can deny that the events on 9/11 were a tragedy for all Americans and especially those families who lost loved ones.

The question surprised me because it's not relevant to this race or the issues facing Texans. This campaign has always been about private property rights and state sovereignty. It is focused on the issues facing Texans. It is not a vehicle for the 9-11 truth movement or any other group.

The real underlying question here, though, is whether or not people have the right to question our government. I think the fact that people are even asking questions on this level gets to the incredible distrust career politicians have fostered by so clearly taking their direction from special interests instead of the people, whether it's Rick Perry and his HPV mandate or Kay Hutchison and voting for the bank bailout. It is absolutely the right and duty of a free people to question their government. Texas does not need another politician who tells you what you want to hear, then violates your liberties and steals your property anyway. I fully expect to be questioned and to be held accountable as Governor, and that's the underlying issue here: should people be questioning their government. And the answer is yes, they should be.
Call it spin control or whatever you want. I for one am tired of the career politicians that will stop at nothing to stay in office. For once we have a legitimate challenge to the status quo. One slip of the lip or stumble should not take her out of the race.

She has been too honest and forth coming in every interview I have seen and watched her speak at. Why would she blow all of that now?

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