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by Target1911
Thu Mar 27, 2008 6:07 pm
Forum: Shooting Ranges
Topic: Never going to QUAIL CREEK again!
Replies: 131
Views: 40791

Re: Never going to QUAIL CREEK again!

p99guy wrote:Its getting to where the list of things you can't do there is longer than what you can.
I have been going there off and on for years, I have a FFL and up until recently (due to injuries) been a LEO. I thought I got along good with those guys..I walked into the range office to show the big guy my new toy, a SBR'ed FN PS90 ...the same guy that fell in love with my RRA Entry Tactical with EOtech512 etc. just the week before. So I was really shocked when I zipped open the case to show him- he started yelling and making a scene! Thats illegal!!!!!( I have my tax stamp papers with me) THAT DONT MATTER! ITS ILLEGAL FOR YOU TO HAVE THAT!!! THAT GUN CANT STAY ON THIS PROPERTY!!!! WE DONT HAVE THE KIND OF "RANGE LICENSE" THAT ALLOWS those!!Dont blame us, blame ATF. (being a FFL and a LEO , I informed him there was no such "Range license".
He finally "allowed" me to put it in the trunk so I could shoot my pistol at least.
I hate folks that makes up laws as they go(and blame ATF)...and cant just simply say "we dont like that". He informed me that if it has a tax stamp, it cannot be used there.
I shoot my SBR guns and suppressors at Alpine Range with no problems lol..same with On Target, south of Benbrook(allows even the PS90 in the pistol range), and even that tiny indoor range on 28th street has no problem with suppressed stuff.

The staff/owner or owners of Quail Creek are the biggest reason one would stop going there.
Last time I was there the range master wouldnt let a guy sight in his AR15 on the 50 yard range! (a common practice) geeeeeez I used to find shooting to be a relaxer, but not never know when your going to be treated like a small child without warning. Its almost like the range is run by people that hate guns...
That why I am working towards owning enough land to have my very own personal gun range.
by Target1911
Tue Mar 25, 2008 9:40 pm
Forum: Shooting Ranges
Topic: Never going to QUAIL CREEK again!
Replies: 131
Views: 40791

Re: Never going to QUAIL CREEK again!

propellerhead wrote:If you care to come far south to I-30, Elk Castle is right on I-30 at Cherry Lane. They run a tight ship but not Range Nazi style.
They run very safe and wont put up with ANY bull. Very good ppl. The only thing that keeps me from shooting there is they will NOT let you shoot your own reloads. I reload therefore I dont shoot there but I will do business with them.
by Target1911
Mon Feb 18, 2008 11:38 pm
Forum: Shooting Ranges
Topic: Never going to QUAIL CREEK again!
Replies: 131
Views: 40791

Re: Never going to QUAIL CREEK again!

wheelgun1958 wrote:Last time I was there I went in the morning on a weekday. There was me on the pistol range, one guy on the rifle range (separated by a berm) and the range nazi right behind me on the golf cart. He kept calling cease fires every 15 or so minutes even though I was the only one on the pistol range. Then, while shooting my P3AT KelTec he called a cease fire. I dropped my magazine and racked the slide to clear the chamber. Before I could react, he came screaming at me to lock the slide. As we all know, KelTec P3AT's do not have a slide lock. I told him this and before I could react he grabbed it and shoved an empty case in the chamber to hold the slide open. WITHOUT ASKING ME!!!!! There's a coworker that shoots a lot and he has been having serious problems there too. It used to be a nice range run by mannered people and self-managed on the firing line by the shooters. Never had a problem then, BIG problems now.
I hav only been there one time so I dont those ROs open carry? They sure do have a lot of guts yelling at, and grabbin guns from people with....well....GUNS.
by Target1911
Tue Feb 12, 2008 11:47 pm
Forum: Shooting Ranges
Topic: Never going to QUAIL CREEK again!
Replies: 131
Views: 40791

Re: Never going to QUAIL CREEK again!


I would like to see the responce, if any, that you get from them. Keep us posted.
by Target1911
Sun Feb 10, 2008 7:39 pm
Forum: Shooting Ranges
Topic: Never going to QUAIL CREEK again!
Replies: 131
Views: 40791

Re: Never going to QUAIL CREEK again!

I had probs there too. The old Coot would scold me for firing to fast. Said I had to wait 2 seconds between shots. I was waiting 3-4 at the time. However the old fart didnt say a word to the lil gangsta 15' from me when he was banging the butt of his mag on the bench trying to get it seated in the little UZI type gun. I have no plans on going back either.
How are they goin to contain themselves when DAPS starts shooting IDPA there?

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