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by anygunanywhere
Mon Apr 23, 2007 6:56 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: How Do We Get Texas Legislators to Allow Carry at Schools?
Replies: 15
Views: 3759

My Sons in College

Both of our sons attended college in Texas. The eldest graduated from Lamar with a masters and the youngest with a bachelors from UT Austin (THE UNIVERSITY for you Aggies).

Both of our sons were raised with firearms, one carries today, one doesn't. Both were responsible enough in college to pack, as were many of their friends whom we know still today.

If you trust your children with firearms when they are young, you teach them, you stress proper firearm safety and handling, and marksmanship, why would you not trust them to pack?

There is no difference in college age individuals packing and adults packing. How many of us saw adults in our CHL class who didn't need to be there because of some reason or the other? We are judging them by our sense of values. Do not take me wrong, as I would trust my life and my loved ones lives with all of you here with few exceptions, just as I hope you would do with me. Just because someone does not meet our standards does not exclude them from their right of self defense.

We teach our children our values, we try to teach others proper firearm handling. Let's allow ourchildren to carry on as we have taught them.

IMHO, if you say that you believe that some students should notr carry because they are not ready just gives those who scream "blood in the streets" more ammo to use against us.

by anygunanywhere
Mon Apr 23, 2007 3:15 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: How Do We Get Texas Legislators to Allow Carry at Schools?
Replies: 15
Views: 3759

Re: write

Rex B wrote:sensible gun laws
:?: :?: :?:

:???: :???: :???:

Sorry, no such thing. Does not exist. The government can not enact sensible legislation on anything.

Wait. Yes they can. Sensible legislation would be to repeal all gun laws, the income tax, and all other oppressivfe legislation.


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