Abraham wrote:A few of the newer posters seem to be attempting to persuade gun folk, that they need to adapt to what progressives consider a new paradigm - guns are bad, mmkay...and gun folk need to face up to this reality and quit being so obstinate about their rights.
Am I over reaching in my opinion about this?
P.S. Nope, I see no black helicopters buzzing my house, but I do need to re-shape the visor on my tinfoil hat...
You are correct from what I read.
Not backing up anymore 'cause they have me in a corner.
Honestly, when I was a young man I did not think much about this RKBA stuff like I do now. I had other things to focus on.
Recently there have been multiple posts about how we should be teaching our children more of the Constitution, BOR and our liberties. People need to know about their freedoms, what they have, what has been taken away, and what they could have.
And how to get it back - all the things they need to do. It is all right here on this forum. Available in lots of forums, some more radical than others.