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by drumbdummer
Thu Dec 19, 2013 9:40 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Carry at holiday parties
Replies: 116
Views: 16195

Re: Carry at holiday parties

Jihans wrote:I just don't buy all the "absolute" posts... No gray or other options. Concealed is concealed. If I can't Carry I don't go. Unless they post a sign or specifically tell me I carry whether they like it or not.

Let me throw out this hypothetical. Your mom hates guns. Always has. As a kid you weren't even allowed to have a cap gun. Now, mom's having Christmas dinner. Do you carry? No, she's not going to tell you not to.....she feels she shouldn't have to, you know how she feels and she's mom. No 30.06 sign posted. Sure, concealed is concealed...she would never know.... But you would know you disrespected your mom.

So, for all the black and white absolutes out there. If you can't carry you don't go............ to moms on Christmas? Is mom's house really like a business...... If she doesn't post her house you carry even if you know it would break her heart if she found out? If mom doesn't know because concealed is concealed.... it is OK? We can choose our friends but not our relatives...or boss. So substitute Aunt Big Butt or your boss Mr. Hardnose for mom in the situation above. We all get invited to holiday parties that we have to go to for one reason or another. Is it still so black and white? Does my right to carry trump my respect for mom?
Ok, I'll put this out there. Without going into detail, there is one person who has caused me to get a CHL. I grew up in the kind of house that you describe. My mother knows I have a CHL. She knows why I have a CHL. She doesn't LIKE that I have it or feel a need to have it. She also knows I carry when I can legally at all times. It's not a lack of respect for me to bring it to her house (150 miles away). It's that I am just as concerned at her house as I am at my own. She knows it. She doesn't like it, but she accepts that I am a grown man who is abiding by the law when carrying. If she asked me not to bring it in her house, I would agree not to do so. Until then, I will (and do) carry in her house even though she doesn't like it.

I will add this though... even though she doesn't agree.... she bought me a new holster for Christmas... so I KNOW she understands and respects my decision. :thumbs2:

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