I don't know how any amount of written language can prevent what went on at that Nevada Costco. And because of the video footage "loss" at Costco all we're left with is conjecture on many of the facts.Rrash wrote: I think the language that is in there is written in such a way as to protect Costco against another Nevada incident. If they were really truly anti-gun - in the same sense as Whole Foods and Sprouts for example - 30.06 would be posted on every one of their entrances.
I agree with you - I don't view Costco as anti-anything. They've got a legal team that can understand 30.06 and the signs at the entrances are conspicuous and well placed. If they wanted the language there, it'd be there... The fact that the founders are Democrats doesn't mean that they fall in the "them" category necessarily... Shockingly, there are Democrats that own firearms and respect the constitution.