They'd require that you present your registration when you show up.VMI77 wrote: Depends on where you live I think --as to how many of these points apply. How would someone at the range know your gun isn't registered? But there's always private property, so I think some people could still shoot it....maybe not use it in self-defense, for now.
Or demand to see paperwork, like some ranges do when they see a firearm with a suppressor..
Why would they do that? Because law enforcement can make it difficult if they don't. In Austin, leases to gun shows were being pulled because APD cited a few bad apples (private sales)... They put liability on the property owners if they didn't go along with the program, indicating that they were facilitating.
That being said, I don't think we're see gun confiscation in my lifetime or in my kids lifetimes... Then again, I'd have zero interest in owning an AR if there wasn't a massive move to ban them at one time.