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by infidex
Thu Jun 20, 2013 1:23 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: April Application
Replies: 334
Views: 59816

Re: April Application

cprems wrote:The photo issue may be due to your CHL instructor not knowing that you could use either. My instructor told us to write on the photo application "Use TX drivers license photo"

There are stories on here (from this year) that CHL instructors didn't know that you could do an online application instead of sending the application via US mail. The majority of instructors keep up with the latest DPS updates (especially if they are active on this site).

When I originally had my CHL in 1996, everything was mailed in and you had to wait on a BG check (if I remember correctly) before you could take your actual CHL course.

The process has come a long way.

Now if we can get everyone in Texas, who has a CHL, to vote out those in the Texas legislature who oppose good CHL laws, we may finally see more bills that give us the protections and assurances that come from the 2nd amendment. Don't get me wrong, I really appreciate the tireless efforts to date and I do my part by calling, faxing and emailing those in "power" who are in desperate need of a "nudge" and a reminder that they work for us.

It sometimes feels like we get bread crumbs instead of the whole loaf. I know it takes time but its high time we as a collective, hold those accountable, at the ballot box.

armanius wrote:Thanks everyone!!?, :cheers2:

And yes, why the requirement to send in photos?? Wasted $12 for photos.

My instructor wasn't aware, he told everyone to get the passport photos. I saw people saying they weren't needed, but it is also on the checklist when you mail in your paperwork, seems like something is broken here. :rules: Guess they are probably erroring on the side of send them in just in case, lol. "rlol"
by infidex
Wed Jun 19, 2013 4:27 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: April Application
Replies: 334
Views: 59816

Re: April Application

4/3/13 - Electronic Application Submitted/Paid for fees
4/10/13 - Electronic Fingerprinting
4/27/13 - CHL
5/6/13 - Mailed everything regular USPS mail
6/3/13 - Just now checking status for first time since mailing - currently shows waiting BG check, all other items above are green.
6/11/13 - Manufacturing
6/13/13 - Mailed
6/17/13 - Wife Got hers (PLASTIC)
6/19/13 - I got mine (PLASTIC)

42 Days for the Wife (mailbox to mailbox)
44 Days for Mine (mailbox to mailbox)

Need to buy some drywall tonight, so may be doing a Lowes trip instead of a Wally Walk.

:thewave :thewave :thewave
by infidex
Tue Jun 18, 2013 1:07 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: April Application
Replies: 334
Views: 59816

Re: April Application

So, checked the mail at lunch, still not in there :mad5

4/3/13 - Electronic Application Submitted/Paid for fees
4/10/13 - Electronic Fingerprinting
4/27/13 - CHL
5/6/13 - Mailed everything regular USPS mail
6/3/13 - Just now checking status for first time since mailing - currently shows waiting BG check, all other items above are green.
6/11/13 - Manufacturing
6/13/13 - Mailed
6/17/13 - Wife got hers, guessing now it will be the 19th for mine.
by infidex
Mon Jun 17, 2013 8:29 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: April Application
Replies: 334
Views: 59816

Re: April Application

Wife got her CHL today, both showed mailed on 6/13/13, so figuring mine will show up tomorrow. Her's was post dated the 14th.

4/3/13 - Electronic Application Submitted/Paid for fees
4/10/13 - Electronic Fingerprinting
4/27/13 - CHL
5/6/13 - Mailed everything regular USPS mail
6/3/13 - Just now checking status for first time since mailing - currently shows waiting BG check, all other items above are green.
6/11/13 - Manufacturing
6/13/13 - Mailed
6/17/13 - Wife got hers, mine probably 18th.
by infidex
Fri Jun 14, 2013 10:19 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: April Application
Replies: 334
Views: 59816

Re: April Application

2ndAmendmentMumma wrote:Re:""WOO HOO, shows Mailed today, so should have it in the next 4-5 days based on it probably sitting in their outgoing box for 2-3 days before it actually does mail.    I ordered a holster from crossbreed but they have been taking 2-3 months to ship, so I ordered something else to hold me over last night in anticipation of getting plastic next week

I bought a CrossBreed back around the same time I started my paperwork for my chl in hopes they would arrive at the same time. :shock:
My chl has been here for two weeks and no CrossBreed. Website says 8 weeks, its been 10. :confused5
Bought a remora LOVE, LOVE, LOVE. Just bought another Remora for my SP2022 today. Bet it arrives before my CrossBreed.
I went to the crossbreed website, it said they were currently building and shipping out orders from March 26th I believe, so depending on when you ordered, you may get it soon. I may need to make a trip to Academy if my plastic shows up this weekend or early next week, ordered something from Amazon to tide me over, but it was fulfilled by someone else, and it may take 1-2 weeks it said. Hoping it's faster. May have to take the wally walk with it in my pocket. "rlol"
by infidex
Thu Jun 13, 2013 12:07 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: April Application
Replies: 334
Views: 59816

Re: April Application

WOO HOO, shows Mailed today, so should have it in the next 4-5 days based on it probably sitting in their outgoing box for 2-3 days before it actually does mail. :hurry: :hurry: :hurry: I ordered a holster from crossbreed but they have been taking 2-3 months to ship, so I ordered something else to hold me over last night in anticipation of getting plastic next week.

So guessing my whole process will look a lot like 77 Days from Applicaton to Plastic, and 44 days Mailbox to Mailbox. I personally think it helps to do the online submission early as possible, think it speeds up the rest of the process, but someone would have to do some statistics around what people post to determine.

4/3/13 - Electronic Application Submitted/Paid for fees
4/10/13 - Electronic Fingerprinting
4/27/13 - CHL
5/6/13 - Mailed everything regular USPS mail
6/3/13 - Just now checking status for first time since mailing - currently shows waiting BG check, all other items above are green.
6/11/13 - Manufacturing
6/13/13 - Mailed
by infidex
Tue Jun 11, 2013 10:05 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: April Application
Replies: 334
Views: 59816

Re: April Application

Looks like we're in the same manufacturing batch, lol. Checked my wife's info tonight and hers is there too (which is good since we submitted everything same days, at least it shows there's some order to it all).
SPDGG wrote:I thought the Texas DPS CHL check status was down. Then I saw all these updates.
Cleared my browser and all the added cookies & junk = Log in Good To Go :)

Best Part of the day . . . .

As of 06/11/2013:

Background Check : Completed
Concealed Handgun License : Manufacturing

:anamatedbanana :thewave :anamatedbanana
by infidex
Tue Jun 11, 2013 5:08 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: April Application
Replies: 334
Views: 59816

Re: April Application

sevenonethree wrote:Close but no cigar today. Hopefully tomorrow. Should only take 1-2 days max to get from Austin to me.

Crossing my fingers for tomorrow. I'm waiting for mine and my wife's both. Both updated to "mailed" on the 7th so we'll see.


From reading this thread and others, sounds like once it says mailed, it sits in an outgoing box for like 2 business days, then normal time to get to you. So if that was Friday it said mailed, I would expect it mailed today and you'll get tomorrow if 1 day shipping, Thursday worse case.
by infidex
Tue Jun 11, 2013 4:42 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: April Application
Replies: 334
Views: 59816

Re: April Application

Finally had some change on my application, no longer waiting on background check, now manufacturing pending! One step closer :clapping: Not sure how long it takes to get from manufacturing pending to actually receiving, I'm going to guess it may be end of next week before I actually see it (1.5 weeks from now).

4/3/13 - Electronic Application Submitted/Paid for fees
4/10/13 - Electronic Fingerprinting
4/27/13 - CHL
5/6/13 - Mailed everything regular USPS mail
6/3/13 - Just now checking status for first time since mailing - currently shows waiting BG check, all other items above are green.
6/11/13 - Manufacturing Pending...
by infidex
Tue Jun 04, 2013 10:27 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: April Application
Replies: 334
Views: 59816

Re: April Application

armanius wrote:Infidex, you have a lot of self control not checking the status for so long!
Not so much self control as it is not remembering that I can actually check my status, therefore now everyday I will be checking, lol...
by infidex
Mon Jun 03, 2013 9:25 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: April Application
Replies: 334
Views: 59816

Re: April Application

Just now came across this site, guess I'm in the waiting room too, figuring I'd be lucky to see mine by end of June since I mailed in the docs 5/6, but probably going to be early to mid July.

4/3/13 - Electronic Application Submitted/Paid for fees
4/10/13 - Electronic Fingerprinting
4/27/13 - CHL
5/6/13 - Mailed everything regular USPS mail
6/3/13 - Just now checking status for first time since mailing - currently shows waiting BG check, all other items above are green.

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