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by nobius
Thu Jun 04, 2015 1:59 pm
Forum: 2015 Legislative Session
Topic: SB11 & HB910 This week....
Replies: 1872
Views: 391755

Re: SB11 & HB910 This week....

Got the below from the Chancellor of one of the junior colleges I teach at:
Senate Bill 11 on campus concealed carry passed with many changes from the original bill. The final bill allows the CEO of a community college (after consulting with students, faculty, and staff) to create reasonable rules and/or regulations regarding the carrying of concealed weapons on a college campus. These rules cannot generally prohibit or have the effect of generally prohibiting the carrying of concealed weapons on a college campus. The rules and regulations developed must be approved by the Board of Trustees by a 2/3 vote, published on the college’s website, communicated to the College community, and submitted to the Legislature. The implementation of the bill does not take effect until August 1, 2017 for community colleges (August 1, 2016 for universities).

i. I anticipate that [college name] will begin our consultation period with students, faculty, staff, and other constituents during the fall 2015 and spring 2016 semesters. More details will follow later in this calendar year.
by nobius
Tue Jun 02, 2015 4:41 pm
Forum: 2015 Legislative Session
Topic: SB11 & HB910 This week....
Replies: 1872
Views: 391755

Re: SB11 & HB910 This week....

HB 910 Last Action: 06/01/2015 E Sent to the Governor
SB 11 Last Action: 06/01/2015 E Sent to the Governor

I wanted to know if the Governor has ten days or twenty days to sign these bills? Reading How a Bill Becomes A Law that someone linked me earlier in this thread (emphasis below is mine)...
Upon receiving a bill, the governor has 10 days in which to sign the bill, veto it, or allow it to become law without a signature. If the governor vetoes the bill and the legislature is still in session, the bill is returned to the house in which it originated with an explanation of the governor's objections. A two-thirds majority in each house is required to override the veto. If the governor neither vetoes nor signs the bill within 10 days, the bill becomes a law. If a bill is sent to the governor within 10 days of final adjournment, the governor has until 20 days after final adjournment to sign the bill, veto it, or allow it to become law without a signature.
by nobius
Mon Jun 01, 2015 12:51 pm
Forum: 2015 Legislative Session
Topic: SB11 & HB910 This week....
Replies: 1872
Views: 391755

Re: SB11 & HB910 This week....

casp625 wrote:
nobius wrote:Once the bills are received by the governor, how long does he have to sign/veto the bills?
Technically, if he doesn't sign the bill, it still will become law.
Upon receiving a bill, the governor has 10 days in which to sign the bill, veto it, or allow it to become law without a signature... If the governor neither vetoes nor signs the bill within 10 days, the bill becomes a law." onclick=";return false;
10 Calendar days or business days?
by nobius
Mon Jun 01, 2015 11:20 am
Forum: 2015 Legislative Session
Topic: SB11 & HB910 This week....
Replies: 1872
Views: 391755

Re: SB11 & HB910 This week....

Once the bills are received by the governor, how long does he have to sign/veto the bills?
by nobius
Sun May 31, 2015 5:26 pm
Forum: 2015 Legislative Session
Topic: SB11 & HB910 This week....
Replies: 1872
Views: 391755

Re: SB11 & HB910 This week....

Will there be a post-mortem on all the bills passed and an analysis of what they mean? Particularly interested in knife rights and SB 11's last minute changes.
by nobius
Sun May 31, 2015 4:51 pm
Forum: 2015 Legislative Session
Topic: SB11 & HB910 This week....
Replies: 1872
Views: 391755

Re: SB11 & HB910 This week....

CrimsonSoul wrote:So when does this apply for Jr colleges?
August 1, 2017.
by nobius
Sun May 31, 2015 4:25 pm
Forum: 2015 Legislative Session
Topic: SB11 & HB910 This week....
Replies: 1872
Views: 391755

Re: SB11 & HB910 This week....

It's a shame junior colleges have to wait an extra two years. Not sure what the point of that provision was.
by nobius
Sun May 31, 2015 3:57 pm
Forum: 2015 Legislative Session
Topic: SB11 & HB910 This week....
Replies: 1872
Views: 391755

Re: SB11 & HB910 This week....

Poo raised. Crap.
by nobius
Sun May 31, 2015 3:48 pm
Forum: 2015 Legislative Session
Topic: SB11 & HB910 This week....
Replies: 1872
Views: 391755

Re: SB11 & HB910 This week....

I know memes aren't allowed, but Turner is begging for that scene from Billy Madison.

Lord help Houston.
by nobius
Sun May 31, 2015 2:48 pm
Forum: 2015 Legislative Session
Topic: SB11 & HB910 This week....
Replies: 1872
Views: 391755

Re: SB11 & HB910 This week....

HB 3123 now up.
by nobius
Sun May 31, 2015 2:40 pm
Forum: 2015 Legislative Session
Topic: SB11 & HB910 This week....
Replies: 1872
Views: 391755

Re: SB11 & HB910 This week....

SB 20 is up. Next is HB 3123. Then SB 11.
by nobius
Sun May 31, 2015 2:36 pm
Forum: 2015 Legislative Session
Topic: SB11 & HB910 This week....
Replies: 1872
Views: 391755

Re: SB11 & HB910 This week....

Time to move on to items eligible. SB 11 is third on the list.

Stream:" onclick=";return false;
by nobius
Sat May 30, 2015 6:01 pm
Forum: 2015 Legislative Session
Topic: SB11 & HB910 This week....
Replies: 1872
Views: 391755

Re: SB11 & HB910 This week....

Charles L. Cotton wrote:
jmra wrote:
Charles L. Cotton wrote:
cprems wrote:So what's next?

Back to the house or the Governor?
To the House tomorrow. Session begins at 2:00pm.

Any reason to believe it will not make it out of the house?
This is a personal opinion only. A filibuster would only be 10 hours long, if our bill is the first one up.

I thought only the Senate could filibuster?

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