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by Dadtodabone
Thu Mar 31, 2016 6:10 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: It's finally been settled!
Replies: 83
Views: 10311

Re: It's finally been settled!

The idea that M1911 pistols are finicky or somehow unreliable is horse feathers.
The Pistol, Caliber .45, Model of 1911 evolved in a 7 plus year marathon of design updates and field testing that culminated in acceptance trials where a single example fired 6,000 rounds without a failure.
Pistols built to the spec of M1911 or M1911-A1 will feed(from a mil spec magazine),fire, extract and eject 230 grn .45acp fmj ammunition just as well as their predecessor did on that November day 105 years ago. Wet, muddy, covered with sand/dust, fried, frozen, lubed til it drips or as dry as the martini I'm currently enjoying. The record of the M1911 as a fighting pistol is unsurpassed.
From whence then comes this stigma of unreliability? Variance from the formula. From Bullseye shooters to full race guns and all the customs in between. From bullets with profiles and construction never imagined by JMB.
I'm a steel gun guy. All of the pistols I carry were designed by someone whose last name was Browning. They have and will continue to perform as designed. Is the design dated? Absolutely! Is it still the gold standard for a fighting pistol? Absolutely. Can one be purchased from a reputable manufacturer for glock money? Absolutely. Will they reliably cycle modern defensive ammo? Absolutely. I've had zero failures while training with Hornady xtp or the old Winchester Black Talons(which I bought a ton of when all the controversy started up and still have a half ton left). Both of these rounds have an initial profile very similar to fmj and feed like same.
End rant.

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