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by nightmare69
Thu May 21, 2015 9:57 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Shooting at Twin Peaks in Waco
Replies: 572
Views: 97614

Re: Shooting at Twin Peaks in Waco

cb1000rider wrote:
mojo84 wrote:Would you guys be saying the same things about some of them being good guys if it was the Crips and Bloods that shot it out in a busy shopping center?
No.. and if that's really what they are, then I'd stand to be corrected... I just have trouble getting my head around that's what these 180 people happened to be - hard core criminals... The only real evidence seems to be wearing a patch, riding a motorcycle, and being present at a location where there was a gunfight... No doubt some of them are bad guys. They're basically charged due to wearing a patch. I mean if that's the way we're going to do it, lets go round up every bandana wearing hoodlum that there is - which would probably be a much more effective exercise.

We've got "biker gangs" out my way that have road signs and clean stretches of road. Leathers, patches, Harleys... Visual inspection of the stuff they wear and the bikes they ride would have me lumping them all in the same group.... To me, seems like a lot of people copying the lore of the Hells Angels, my guess is that most of them are NOT that.

I just don't think this was THE meeting of outlaw bikers across 4-groups in a very public location. A bunch of these people look like "kids" to me - probably trying to fit in. If you're going to run a well oiled criminal element, you don't do you business in the middle of town.
Productive members of society doesn't join a gang
by nightmare69
Wed May 20, 2015 9:17 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Shooting at Twin Peaks in Waco
Replies: 572
Views: 97614

Re: Shooting at Twin Peaks in Waco

PBR wrote:Well I have known and still know many Bandidos. To group them all into "they are bad" group is not right. Almost like saying NFL and NBA are thug gang members. There are some very good folks along with some very bad folks also. I don't know as I haven't talked to any of them on the matter but to me the whole ordeal just has a bad vibe and fishy smell to it, almost as if a set up deal. We all know media reports get most things wrong all the time and rush to the story lines. So it could be months before really know most true facts, if true then cause of the way things get spun. I still think there is way more to the story then is getting aired out.
The NBA and NFL does not identify themselves as a outlaw club so your comparison is moot. A good guy would not associate themselves with a criminal organization, or as they call it, a 1%er club. There are plenty of clubs to join that are not associated with criminal activity that ride together. They joined a 1%er club for a reason and it wasn't to be "a good guy".
by nightmare69
Wed May 20, 2015 5:51 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Shooting at Twin Peaks in Waco
Replies: 572
Views: 97614

Re: Shooting at Twin Peaks in Waco

Target1911 wrote:
nightmare69 wrote:
All the while the rest of the club is living up to its 1% patch.

We did receive multiple APBs warning of the death threat to LEOs. We take this very seriously.

Ya may want to check your facts. Cossacks are not a 1% Club and do not wear a 1% patch

As to all the other criminal activity you say they do.....I honestly cant say one way or the other but I do know that the handful That I have known [ranging] from 10 to 14 years are not and would not be involved in such activities. However they dont mind getting a little rowdy....but you dont have to be a biker to enjoy that.

also some have made mention over the years of getting shot by the cops while you are defending yourself against a bad buy.... IF the cops actually did fire a shot, that is exactly what happened.
My partner and I arrested a couple of Cossacks last summer and both had 1% patches. Yes they are a outlaw motorcycle gang. This was confirmed by our local Texas ranger. If you believe they are good stand up guys, good for you. I'm sure the bloods and crips are just misunderstood too.
by nightmare69
Tue May 19, 2015 9:36 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Shooting at Twin Peaks in Waco
Replies: 572
Views: 97614

Re: Shooting at Twin Peaks in Waco

DocV wrote:
C-dub wrote:...
The law doesn't have to be changed. It is already illegal for gang members to carry a firearm.

PC §46.02. UNLAWFUL CARRYING WEAPONS. (a) A person commits an
offense if the person intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly carries on or about his
or her person a handgun, illegal knife, or club if the person is not:
(1) on the person’s own premises or premises under the person’s control; or
(2) inside of or directly en route to a motor vehicle or watercraft that is owned
by the person or under the person’s control.
(a-1) A person commits an offense if the person intentionally, knowingly, or
recklessly carries on or about his or her person a handgun in a motor vehicle or
watercraft that is owned by the person or under the person’s control at any time in
(1) the handgun is in plain view; or
(2) the person is:
(A) engaged in criminal activity, other than a Class C misdemeanor that is a
violation of a law or ordinance regulating traffic or boating;
(B) prohibited by law from possessing a firearm; or
(C) a member of a criminal street gang,
Actually, I'd like to propose a bit of arm-chair legislation:
(a-3) A person commits an offense if the person intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly carries a handgun on or about his or her person or in a motor vehicle or watercraft that is owned by the person or under the person's control at any time in which the person is a member of a criminal street gang, as defined by Section 71.01. An offense under this section is a felony of the third degree.
So what are you saying? Any club that wears or claims to be a 1%er falls under a criminal street gang.
by nightmare69
Mon May 18, 2015 7:24 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Shooting at Twin Peaks in Waco
Replies: 572
Views: 97614

Re: Shooting at Twin Peaks in Waco

gemini wrote:Lots of guessing what's going on, and who knows who. Just a couple of points to make
regarding this discussion:

not all bikers wearing a vest or jacket are members of a gang
not all bikers dress like pirates
not all bikers that join a club are 1%ers, and not all clubs that have colors are 1%er clubs
not all bikers that attend a "bike night" are there to fight or shoot anyone, it's a social gathering of common interests
not all 1% club bikers are out to hurt anyone
not all club bikers are jobless, homeless, drug addicts or single guys without families
for a bike club to issue orders to go after Leo's would be ........ insanity to the max
for a bike club to retaliate against another club, yea, probably happen later
MC does not stand for Motor Cycle. It stands for Motorcycle Club
99.9% of MC business is kept in house or between clubs, does not involve the "average" person
there are plenty of good MC's and Riding Clubs; CMA (Christian Motorcycle Assoc.), Blue Knights (Leo), Dragon Slayers (Firemen),
Defenders, Guardians, Iron Horse, multiple veteran MC's etc etc etc.
the majority of riders are independents, just normal guys that enjoy motorcycles

I'm not trying to defend anything that happened in Waco. Not trying to defend clubs.
My mission here is to remind folks that most of the riders you will encounter are people
just like you. They have families, jobs, go to school, church etc. The only difference is their
preferred mode of transportation. You'll see more riders during the spring and summer. Please,
please remember not to tailgate, look twice before entering traffic, look twice before making a
left hand turn, the texting can wait and double check your mirrors before changing lanes.
Lets all have a good week. :cool:
Good decent family man would be at home or work taken care of their family not affiliate themselves with an OUTLAW club. I have delt with the Cossacks a few times as an LEO and they are into plenty of illegal activity. Dope, running guns, prostitution, and bike thefts. Funny I see people defending them because they get involved in toys for tots and other charitable events, they do this to try to convince the public they are good guys. All the while the rest of the club is living up to its 1% patch.

We did receive multiple APBs warning of the death threat to LEOs. We take this very seriously.

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