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by Watchful
Tue Mar 12, 2013 8:14 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: january apps
Replies: 436
Views: 85838

Re: january apps

WAITING ROOM! - I'm OUT! :patriot:

Plastic received 3-12-13. 54 days mail box to mail box.

12/23/12 - Online Application
12/28/12 - Fingerprints
1/12/13 - CHL Class
1/17/13 - Documents Mailed
2/6/13 - BG Under Review
3/3/13 - Manufacturing
3/7/13 - Mailed
3/12/13 - Plastic in Hand
by Watchful
Thu Mar 07, 2013 5:23 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: january apps
Replies: 436
Views: 85838

Re: january apps

MAILED!! 3/7/13 :thumbs2:
by Watchful
Thu Mar 07, 2013 7:05 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: january apps
Replies: 436
Views: 85838

Re: january apps

jmactenn wrote:darn, wife got her chl in todays mail. Mine is still in manufacturing. Grandson took his drivers test today and probably get hid license in the mail before me, darn, darn.
:eek6 :bigmouth :confused5 :boxing :boxing :grumble :cryin
Mine has been in "manufacturing" for 4 days now! I sure hope that the govenment Sequestration has not affected the Austin Local of the ULU (United Laminators Union)! We may never get plastric.
by Watchful
Tue Mar 05, 2013 6:08 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: january apps
Replies: 436
Views: 85838

Re: january apps

Colt1911 wrote:Moved to Manufacturing today.
Mine moved to manufacturing today also. Looks like it should be mailed in the next few days. I've read it is taking up to 5 business days once status changes to mailed until received. So, it looks like we will be getting plastic next week. :cool: Problem is, I have to go out of town next week on business. :rolll

Oh well, been waiting this long, what's another week.
by Watchful
Sun Mar 03, 2013 1:28 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: january apps
Replies: 436
Views: 85838

Re: january apps

DPS must have done their "mass update" in the system this morning. At 2:00 AM (couldn't sleep, so why not check status AGAIN) I was still BG Under Review. At 10:00 AM, I am Manufacturing Pending, like the two posters previous in this thread. :hurry:

12/23 - Online Application
12/28 - Fingerprinting
1/12 - CHL Class
1/17 - Documents snail mailed
2/6 - Status to Background Under Review
3/3 - Manufacturing pending!
by Watchful
Sun Mar 03, 2013 1:35 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: january apps
Replies: 436
Views: 85838

Re: january apps

Rotten wrote:50 days from the day I mailed my packet to the day I got plastic in hand.
You guys are really making me jealous. I have been in BG review since 2/6. Over three weeks. Only one minor offense 34 years ago. Certified copy of dismissal included plus a certified copy of NO records in the two states I have lived in.
by Watchful
Mon Feb 25, 2013 10:39 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: january apps
Replies: 436
Views: 85838

Re: january apps

maddenjc wrote:
AggieLB wrote:Status changed to MAILED this morning. Not that it will actually mail on a Sunday but I'm still excited!

Same here!!! I'm hoping it got in the mail on Saturday and the system just updated on Sunday. If that's the case, it's possible we might have plastic-in-hand by Tuesday or Wednesday!!!


However, I'm not sure what to do with myself now since checking the DPS website won't yield any new information!!! :)
How about strap on your EDC and go for a walk! I'll still be stuck here on my computer checking DPS every two hours. :???:
by Watchful
Sat Feb 23, 2013 10:02 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: january apps
Replies: 436
Views: 85838

Re: january apps

jmactenn wrote:Waiting, waiting, waiting. (to the rawhide tune.) Watching peoples turnaround, patience is not my thing. Hopefully next week we'll see some change. My wife's was submitted at the same time.
I'm waiting right along side of you...

App - 12-23
Fingerprints - 12-28
Class - 1-12
Packet mailed 1-17
Received / BG under review - 2/6
Manufacturing - ??? Image
by Watchful
Thu Feb 21, 2013 6:48 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: january apps
Replies: 436
Views: 85838

Re: january apps

dewelrtexas wrote:01/12/2013 - Class
01/16/2013 - Fingerprints
01/17/2013 - Mailed
01/18/2013 - Received
02/01/2013 - Background under Review
02/20/2013 - Background Completed :anamatedbanana
02/20/2013 - Manufacturing Pending
02/21/2013 - Manufacturing :woohoo

Hopefully it will be mailed tomorrow! My stepbrother took his class a few weeks before me and he still hasn't finished up his application nor has he gone to get finger printed.... :headscratch
Congrats! We mailed on the same day 1/17, but I did not go to BG review until 2/6, five days later than you. Hopefully my timeline will not drop further back. I hope to be in manufacturing next week. :totap:
by Watchful
Thu Feb 14, 2013 4:41 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: january apps
Replies: 436
Views: 85838

Re: january apps

Guns_n_Vettes wrote:Going crazy here playing the waiting game. :banghead: Not a patient person at all!!!

My Timeline
Online Application - Jan. 22
CHL Class - Jan 26
Fingerprints - Jan. 30
Documents Mailed - Jan. 30

There is no update to my timeline. Just application recieved.
The Texas DPS will teach you patients! :crazy: Seriously, they are doing a pretty good job considering the flood of applications they have been getting since Obama declaired war on us.
Do not expect to see a change in your online status until 3 weeks after you mailed the packet. That's been the norm lately.
by Watchful
Tue Feb 12, 2013 6:05 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: january apps
Replies: 436
Views: 85838

Re: january apps

liberty2014 wrote:Anybody know what application under review means? Has a yellow yield sign next to it
I had the same question. I was told it's normal. Just means they are reviewing your information. Don't worry.
by Watchful
Mon Feb 11, 2013 6:49 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: january apps
Replies: 436
Views: 85838

Re: january apps

Really wrote:New to the site and I appreciate all the info.

Wife and I took our class 1/5, Fingerprinted 1/7, mailed 1/9, status changed to pending on 2/5 our reviewer must have been on maturnity leave or something :roll:
Looks like we are right there together. I mailed 1-17, background under review 2-6. So the race is on...
by Watchful
Wed Feb 06, 2013 11:06 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: january apps
Replies: 436
Views: 85838

Re: january apps

Watchful wrote:I posted a different thread with my timeline before I read this one, but I'll jump in here anyway.

Online application - 12/23/12
Fingerprints - 12/28/12
CHL Class complete - 1/12/13
Packet mailed - 1/17/13
Current status shows still waiting on documents.

I know everyone says be patient and don't check the status site every day, but I do anyway. :???:
Status changed to background check pending! Finally making progress... :mrgreen:
by Watchful
Fri Feb 01, 2013 9:08 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: january apps
Replies: 436
Views: 85838

Re: january apps

I'm hopefully right there with you all. Docs mailed 1-17. Status still shows waiting though :sad:
by Watchful
Wed Jan 30, 2013 11:08 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: january apps
Replies: 436
Views: 85838

Re: january apps

I posted a different thread with my timeline before I read this one, but I'll jump in here anyway.

Online application - 12/23/12
Fingerprints - 12/28/12
CHL Class complete - 1/12/13
Packet mailed - 1/17/13
Current status shows still waiting on documents.

I know everyone says be patient and don't check the status site every day, but I do anyway. :???:

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