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by mentalarson
Wed Jan 16, 2013 5:20 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: List of executive actions Obama plans to take
Replies: 91
Views: 9877

Re: List of executive actions Obama plans to take

Rex B wrote:Wait until you see how the actual EO's are worded. I bet they bear little resemblance to the benign descriptions released today.
This is all political theater, but it pushes the Overton window over to make horrible and unreasonable things seem "reasonable".

Beware of what a Marxist calls "common sense" or "reasonable".

I can't count how many people I heard echo, "We need to do something" when discussing Obamacare. They were easily conditioned into thinking that tens of millions of people were just being screwed by the best health care system currently available in the world.

I'm at a loss for how to combat this insanity, but I heard one practical baby step on TheSurvivalPodcast.
One of the best ways to fight gun control laws is to take people who have never shot to a range.
1. Teach them the 4 firearms safety rules.
2. Give them the chance to do some dry presses (empty gun).
3. Let them shoot a 22 for a bit with zero recoil.
4. Maybe let them shoot something a little bigger.
5. Have them shoot something black with a 30 round magazine. ;)
Though there is more to it than "sport" marksmanship is a sport like golf that non-gun folks might be able to wrap their minds around. However, if three bad guys invade my house, I'd rather be a pro with a gun than a 9 iron.

The people who will fall for "reasonable" gun control will do so because they are ignorant of what guns are, what they do and how they can be used to save lives.

Obviously talking to politicians about this has a limited return on investment.

Maybe we should pay it forward and take a bunch of our non-gun neighbors to the that when we're led away in cuffs for non-compliance, someone besides family will ask what the hell is going on...and maybe tell the news we're nice folks.
by mentalarson
Wed Jan 16, 2013 4:38 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: List of executive actions Obama plans to take
Replies: 91
Views: 9877

Re: List of executive actions Obama plans to take

Does your 10-year-old dislike doing her homework? Better get her to the nearest couch because she’s got "Developmental Arithmetic Disorder" (billing code 315.4). Maybe you’re a teenager who argues with his parents. Uh-oh. Better get some medication pronto because you’ve got "Oppositional Defiant Disorder" (billing code 313.8). And if your wife won’t tell you that she snuck out to the outlet mall last Saturday, then she’s definitely got "Selective Mutism" (billing code 313.2).
I prescribe spanking early and as often as one of these disorders requires it...but my wife doesn't care for it much.

How much more of this bull will reasonable people take before someone goes off the rails?
Seeking refuge among people primarily governed by common sense is why were are immigrating from WA to TX.
by mentalarson
Wed Jan 16, 2013 3:53 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: List of executive actions Obama plans to take
Replies: 91
Views: 9877

Re: List of executive actions Obama plans to take

My father-in-law had a stroke last year and is recovering well. The docs started asking him this year if he's a dozen times in one visit. If I was 56 and had a stroke, I'd be depressed... He said, "No, feeling great" every time.

Be careful what you and members of your family disclose to doctors. This is some muddy water. Innocent, reasonable and normal things like having difficulty adjusting to normal life after returning from combat may be used to prevent you from possessing a firearm in the future.

Apparently being sad or occasionally distraught or bummed out that our country is being FUBARed by a Marxist may qualify us for a "list".

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