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by The_Busy_Mom
Thu Mar 14, 2013 10:36 pm
Forum: 2013 Calls-To-Action
Topic: Call-To-Action: Hearings on Numerous House Bills
Replies: 73
Views: 42811

Re: Call-To-Action: Hearings on Numerous House Bills

baldeagle wrote:
The_Busy_Mom wrote:Every woman who testified, with the exception of Alice Trip and a vet-tech from A&M, were opposed to these bills.
That's not true. There was a woman who is retired but put in 38 years in teaching, some in NJ and then in Texas. She was a principal for the last 18 years of her career. (I'm doing this from memory, so my numbers are probably off.) She testified that she would have been opposed in the past but she now realizes that the best thing we can for the children is to allow teachers with CHLs to carry at school.
You're right, completely forgot about her. I tried to keep a running mental list, but she slipped through the cracks. ------->>>>>> See my avatar!

:txflag: TBM
by The_Busy_Mom
Thu Mar 14, 2013 7:56 pm
Forum: 2013 Calls-To-Action
Topic: Call-To-Action: Hearings on Numerous House Bills
Replies: 73
Views: 42811

Re: Call-To-Action: Hearings on Numerous House Bills

mojo84 wrote:I didn't see the campus carry testimony. Was it mostly college age kids and teachers against it? I read somewhere, there were college kids getting together to go to the Capitol today.
There were a couple of college kids representing college groups pro, and a few college students from UT against. But what really struck me most was the number of women against. Maybe I'm a little more sensitive being a woman and all, but I just couldn't believe the amount of women testifying that they trust that campus security and law enforcement would be there to protect them. Not one of those women recognized the need to protect themselves. There was actually one woman who said she would rather NO ONE be on the elementary campus to protect her child from a madman than have a School Marshall on campus with 80 hours of TECLEOSE training. And her husband is Federal LEO, and she comes from big family background of guns and hunting. She would rather send children to the slaughter than have someone who was less trained than a police officer, but waaayy more trained than a CHL holder, to protect her kids. OUTRAGEOUS!! Then there were the typical professor/liberal types against any guns on campus. Their stance was about 'feeling'. How classrooms would feel more volatile if the students knew the professor/other students were armed. How we should be using more taxpayer money to fight mental health issues. Typical lib smack. More about "I think" than "the Constitution says". I was just flabbergasted at how many women got up there and deferred their self-defense to others (men). Now I begin to see how FauxBama won the female voters over. Travesty.

:txflag: TBM
by The_Busy_Mom
Thu Mar 14, 2013 7:35 pm
Forum: 2013 Calls-To-Action
Topic: Call-To-Action: Hearings on Numerous House Bills
Replies: 73
Views: 42811

Re: Call-To-Action: Hearings on Numerous House Bills

I was very surprised that there were more people to speak against campus carry than there were against open carry. I just thought open carry would be a more polarizing topic. I know Mr. Cotton has said there is widespread support for campus carry from both side of the legislature, so seeing just how many people (or lack thereof) spoke against open carry makes me even more guardedly optimistic. Wishful thinking?? I hope not.

:txflag: TBM
by The_Busy_Mom
Thu Mar 14, 2013 5:47 pm
Forum: 2013 Calls-To-Action
Topic: Call-To-Action: Hearings on Numerous House Bills
Replies: 73
Views: 42811

Re: Call-To-Action: Hearings on Numerous House Bills

RPB wrote:Gun Bills HB1009
Teacher testifies she'd rather wait 20 minutes for Police to arrive while massacre occurs than have armed School Marshal on campus :banghead:
Kenneth Sheets @RepKenSheets retweeted you
#TxLege Hearings on School Gun Bills 1009 & 1896 now starting-LIVE FEED" onclick=";return false; #Gunrights #TGDN #PJNET #TGDNTexas #Tcot
Her position was absolutely ludicrous. It's like she dug in and didn't want to even open her mind for a different position. I think someone from CPS needs to visit her family if she would rather her children be put in harm's way than the potential for someone to save those children. That is potential child endangerment. :rules: :nono:

:txflag: TBM
by The_Busy_Mom
Thu Mar 14, 2013 4:07 pm
Forum: 2013 Calls-To-Action
Topic: Call-To-Action: Hearings on Numerous House Bills
Replies: 73
Views: 42811

Re: Call-To-Action: Hearings on Numerous House Bills

I have watched everything (except for the 3-4 minutes that i got bumped when RealPlayer hiccuped). Here are my concerns -

Why is it that every young person, less maybe 1 or 2, constantly use the term "I think". I know the answer to this. We have raised, now several, generations of young people who believe what they think is more important than what the written law indicates. Long gone are the times of "you are meant to be seen, not heard." I was raised to be less hear, more seen, unless what was coming out of my mouth was well thought out and important. These generations will eventually take over our government positions, and I truly hope this doesn't happen in my lifetime, lest there be a tremendous civil struggle. I know I'm preaching to the choir......

Every woman who testified, with the exception of Alice Trip and a vet-tech from A&M, were opposed to these bills. Our leaders (NRA, political party leadership, etc.) have got to figure out why women are not being reached and served. This isn't pandering to the woman vote. It is understanding where your message is falling short. I feel very called to understand this failing, and really do something about it. How I do that, I really have no idea. But what I know is that a bunch of PTA moms got together many years ago, and got a whole bunch of stuff changed at the state level and at the national level. And if these busy bodies (yes, I was one of them) can pull themselves together for school lunch, why can't we get ourselves together to support self defense? I understand that there are some great women-only shooting groups out there (Diva WOW, Girl & A Gun, ect.). But these groups are serving people who already shoot, whether newbie or seasoned. PTA moms aren't teachers or administrators, yet they changed educational policy tremendously. I am talking about those women who are not involved with guns, who think that the answer to rampant assault and rape is to find the nearest call-box after the assault has occurred. Who is reaching out to them? I am really doing some soul searching. I know a lot of our like-minded people have become apathetic when it comes to listening to the testimony of the "other side", and why listen to our side when it just reinforces the way we already believe - but it is in those times that we are renewed to a cause, and understand where our message is failing. I look at these 5 hours of testimony in a new light, seeing again that there has to be some outreach where our message is failing.

I know I am arm-chair quarterbacking. Maybe this is the call to quarterback from meaningful position, not my living room.

:txflag: TBM

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