We're back as well...
Casa Steve is ok, no damage...
In-Laws are back in place and confused as to why we left in the first place...
Our plan worked pretty well...I would have preferred a more vigorous effort on a few other folks in our party headed north, but at least I got it done...
We shagged it out of town on Wednesday morning, didn;t really get headed north till 2pm...
Went well after we got off of I-45 north and went up State Hwy 19 at Huntsville...It was a breeze after that...
Coming back...Well, thats another story to discuss at the range...
Lesson learned...Git goin' as soon as possible out of the target area...And be patient coming back...
Personal note: Even with the slugs who drive 50 mph on the highway shoulder...Especially when they give you this look like they are going to do something to you if you don't let them in ahead of you or get out of their way!
[slight sarcasm] I want to thank the Texas DPS for enforcing the exit and entrance laws of the State regarding the use of said "right-of-ways" on I-45...I don't think we would have gotten home as fast if it wasn't for that effort...[slight sarcasm off]
DPS did cite, as many as I could see, those shoulder drivers...Whom got an enthusiastic thumbs up from me as we passed by...They seems happy to get that from us who stayed in the proper driving lanes...
Its good to be back to work too...